JVM « byte « Java Data Type Q&A

1. JVM instruction set CPU cycles & byte size    stackoverflow.com

The Java Virtual Machine Instruction Set page provides information about mnemonics such as aaload, aastore... etc.
However neither the cpu cycles that these mnemonics would take up is mentioned ...

2. Java: How to load Class stored as byte[] into the JVM?    stackoverflow.com

If one has serialized the entire .class file into byte[], and assuming the name of the class is known (passed along with the byte[]), how do you convert byte[] -> Class ...

3. Class loading behaviour when using Byte.class    stackoverflow.com

When I have a lot of type checks in Java like this:

if (clazz.equals(Byte.class) <dosomething>
if (clazz.equals(Integer.class) <dosomething>
Does the JVM load all these class (Byte, Integer?) And if it does, is there another ...