pixel « bit « Java Data Type Q&A

1. GrayScale (8bit per pixel) Image Pixel Manipulation in Java    stackoverflow.com

I've heard that the data in gray-scale images with 8-bits color depth is stored in the first 7 bits of a byte of each pixel and the last bit keep intact! ...

2. Create Image in Java using 16 bit pixel data    stackoverflow.com

How can I create a grayscale image in Java using 16 bit pixel data stored in a short array?

3. Grabbing pixels from 8bit greyscale image    stackoverflow.com

I have 8 bit greyscale image. I need to grab pixels from it, to byte array. So one pixel=1byte in array, but grabber always grabs pixel as integer(4bytes). Do you kknow ...

4. Pixel value for a 1 bit depth image?    forums.oracle.com

I am trying to find any class or methods that gives the pixel values for a 1 bit depth black and white image. I tried getting RGB but that returns the same RGB value for a black pixel and white pixel. Is there any method that differentiates the pixel value of a black and white pixel? How can I detect if ...