bufferedimage « bit « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Java error on bilinear interpolation of 16 bit data    stackoverflow.com

I'm having an issue using bilinear interpolation for 16 bit data. I have two images, origImage and displayImage. I want to use AffineTransformOp to filter origImage through an AffineTransform ...

2. Write to 16 bit BufferedImage TYPE_USHORT_GRAY    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to write 16 bit grayscale imagedata to a png using BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_GRAY. Normally I write to an image like so:

BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
to set the pixels, and ...

3. how to hide 2^12 binary bit in RGB layer    stackoverflow.com

i want to hide 2^12 binary bit into a RGB layer. Example 000011010000 this value i want to hide in RGB layer. the 2^12 bit must devide into 3 layer like ...

4. 16 bit (565) image read    stackoverflow.com

I'm reading an image byte array now the image is 16 bit (r: 5, g: 6, b: 5) and I would like to read it to BufferedImage. I have tried something like:

int[] ...

5. Assigning 16-bit samples to a WriteableRaster    stackoverflow.com

How do I create a 16-bit-per-channel image in Clojure? I am working with the ImageIO class for reading and writing image files, and it seems to read image files just fine. ...

6. How do I specify 16bit R5G6B5 pixels when creating a BufferedImage?    forums.oracle.com

Hello All, I'm trying to load raster data from an image file and it may contain different bit depths. I'm loading this data into a BufferedImage using the constructor BufferedImage(ColorModel cm, WritableRaster raster, boolean isRasterPremultiplied, Hashtable properties) I'm trying to figure out how to specify the exact way the pixels are stored, but I'm having a really hard time. It seems ...