32 Bit « bit « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Bitwise operations on a png and bmp give different results? (Same 32 bit ARGB representation)    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to replicate some image filtering software on the Android platform. The desktop version works with bmps but crashes out on png files. When I come to xOr two pictures (The ...

2. java ant: specify which java installation should be used to run    stackoverflow.com

is it possible to specify which installation of java on the system should be used to run a java task? if yes, how? in my case i want to specify if i ...

3. XX:MaxPermSize max value in 32bit    stackoverflow.com

Can someone confirm that for a 32bit system: Is there any disadvantage in using the below settings:

-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=768m -XX:MaxPermSize=768m
(We need higher perm size because of excess non heap usage which is ...

4. How to get 32 bits unique number in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I need to generate an unique number of 32 bits in Java. I need to return the number as Java int, which is required by the interface. Can you please share ...

5. Play real time 24 / 32 bit buffered sound with javax.sound.sampled    stackoverflow.com

I am using javax.sound.sampled to play buffered sound data (received packets presented as Byte arrays). When I try to play a stream with an 16 bit PCM AudioFormat, it works fine, ...

6. How to compile Java into 32 bit?    stackoverflow.com

No 64 bit odbc driver for ms access. Wondering how to compile java source file to 32bit... Any idea. I have searched a lot on google but couldnot able to find ...

7. wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32    stackoverflow.com

I'm getting this error pointing to some .so file when running my application on a Solaris machine. However, the application runs just fine in my Windows machine. If I'm not mistaken, ...

8. JNA Library Reload Under Win32 Hangs    stackoverflow.com

I'm having an interesting JNA issue here. Under JRE 1.6 and 1.7 x64, I can load and unload a library, like such:

this.Lib = (LibHandler)Native.loadLibrary(this.Name, LibHandler.class);
this.Lib = null;
this.Lib = (LibHandler)Native.loadLibrary(this.Name, LibHandler.class);
This will load ...

9. Is it possible to translate x86 32 bit assembly code into equivalent JVM byte-code and execute it?    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to translate x86 32 bit assembly code into equivalent JVM byte-code and execute it? I have a Fortran library in .so form. I want to perform an assembly dump ...

10. Decode Audio (32 bits per sample) using Xuggler    stackoverflow.com

I need to decode Audio packet having 32 bits per sample. I am using xuggler library in Java. Problem is: Xuggler does not support audio having 32 bits per sample (as mentioned ...

11. Not a valid 32 bit application    coderanch.com

12. I'm Mac-ignorant... 1.6 on 32 bit?    java-forums.org

From what I'm Googling, it seems the only "official" way to get Java 1.6 on a 32-bit Mac is by upgrading to OS X 10.6. With 10.5, you're stuck with 1.5. The Mac port of OpenJDK also seems to demand a 64-bit CPU. Are there any other open 1.6 JREs that might run on an ancient Mac?

13. 32 bit JVM on Itanium    forums.oracle.com

14. 32-bit plugin    forums.oracle.com

I have been trying to install Java SE 6 SDK but get an error message stating that it isn't a valid 32-bit program. I don't know if this is because a have an AMD 64-bit processor. I have also tried to install jdk-6u2-windows-amd64.exe without success. In the installations notes for Java SE 6 SDK they refer to a 32-bit plugin, an ...

15. Uninstall JDK/JRE 6u7 on Vista 32 bit (x86)    forums.oracle.com

Now run the installed "Windows Install Clean Up" utility. Nuke the JDK/JRE packages (plus any HP bloatware if you happen to have an HP box). The Java Runtime package "jre-6u7-windows-i586-p-s.exe" now installs clean and deletes any residuals from the previous install. If you really want to clean things up, run Piriform Software's CCleaner -or- Wise Registry Cleaner and Wise Disk Cleaner. ...

16. JVM limit on a 32 bit machine    forums.oracle.com

How do you decide the maximum JVM heap size. On a 1 CPU/ 4 GB RAM 32 bit Unix machine what is the maximum possible heap size that can be allocated. Would it be different had it been a Windows server machine. I have been told that the sum total of all virtual memory allocations on a 32 bit OS cannot ...

17. Forcing java 32 bit execution    forums.oracle.com

Back in the old Sun forums there was a thread regarding invoking 32-bit java on 64-bit Windows when both are installed: http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5428252&start=0&tstart=0 You can do this on the Mac with the -d32 option, but I'm not sure how to do it on Windows. Without getting into the specifics of why I need to do this (this was covered by the author ...

18. Forcing java 32 bit execution    forums.oracle.com

Is there a definitive way to determine all the JVMs (both 64 bit and 32 bit) installed on a system (windows) programatically? I know i can do it from java control panel but I am more looking how to find it from a script. I have a 32 bit application for which I am trying to write an installer for. I ...

19. Possible bug in Java 32-bit Client    forums.oracle.com

First, let me clarify something. By saying "java 32-bit Client" I meant the JDK distribution where the client VM is used by default. However, since the bug occurs only when the server VM of this distribution is used, it caused some confusion. Anyway, I have submitted a bug report three days ago. Does anyone know how long it usually takes before ...

20. Two questions, limiting up to 32 bits on console, dividing in 4 8-bits    forums.oracle.com

Hey all, Big question here, I've been searching online for hours and I can't figure this out at all. I want to print out a series of 1's and 0's in binary onto a console, that will only go up to 32 bits. If I type any more than 33 bits, then it will simply return the output into an int ...

21. 32bit modified MD5    forums.oracle.com