random « biginteger « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How to generate a random BigInteger value in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I need to generate arbitrarily large random integers in the range 0 (inclusive) to n (exclusive). My initial thought was to call nextDouble and multiply by n, but ...

2. Randomizing a BigInteger    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking to randomize a BigInteger. The intent is to pick a number from 1 to 8180385048. Though, from what I noticed, the BigInteger(BitLen, Random) does it from n to X2-1, ...

3. How can I create a random BigDecimal in Java?    stackoverflow.com

This question: How to generate a random BigInteger describes a way to achieve the same semantics as Random.nextInt(int n) for BigIntegers. I would like to do the same for BigDecimal and ...

4. Generating very large random numbers java    stackoverflow.com

How can we generate very large random number in java? I am talking something like 10000 digits? I know we have to use BigInteger but how can we do this? What ...

5. Random BigInteger    forums.oracle.com