power « biginteger « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How do you raise a Java BigInteger to the power of a BigInteger without doing modular arithmetic?    stackoverflow.com

I'm doing some large integer computing, and I need to raise a BigInteger to the power of another BigInteger. The .pow() method does what I want, but takes an int value ...

2. what is my error in the sum of power functions?    stackoverflow.com

I was solving this problem6, I dont even know the answer but, when I finished I think that I will get Ok, but my answers fails, 7910956276398901303 this is ...

3. BigInteger Raised to the power of BigInteger    coderanch.com

hello everyone, I'm working on a crypto application using RSA so my whole application is based on the use of BigIntegers. I reached a point where I need to calculate a bigInteger raised to the power of a bigInteger. unfortunately, this is not supported in the java bigInteger class. I checked for codes to accomplish this and found one here in ...

4. Power for BigInteger and BigDecimal    forums.oracle.com

What about using this trick, if the BigDecimal is not so big: BigDecimal x; BigDecimal y; x^y = x^(integer part of y).multiply(new BigDecimal(Math.pow(x.doubleVal, fractional part of y))) (so we just use the formula x^(a+b) = x^a * x^b and we use Math.pow on the fractional part...) Well, pseudocode, but I hope you got the idea...