byte « biginteger « Java Data Type Q&A

1. BigInteger to byte[]

I need to convert a java BigInteger instance to its value in bytes. From the API, I get this method toByteArray(), that returns a byte[] containing the two's-complement representation ...

2. Java BigInteger(byte[] val)

I am trying to understand how does the java.math.BigInteger.BigInteger(byte[] val) constructor work. For example when I create a BigInteger instance from the byte array [1, 0], the corresponding string it creates ...

3. How can I convert a byte[] to a POSITIVE BigInteger in Java?

I am working with another team who is working in C. The protocol which we communicate with sends an IP address in byte[] format, as well as 2 "mask" values which ...

4. Conversion from BigInteger to byte

5. BigInteger to Byte conversion