precision « bigdecimal « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Java BigDecimal trigonometric methods

I am developing a mathematical parser which is able to evaluate String like '5+b*sqrt(c^2)'. I am using ANTLR for the parsing and make good progress. Now I fell over the Java ...

2. losing precision converting from java BigDecimal to double

I am working with an application that is based entirely on doubles, and am having trouble in one utility method that parses a string into a double. I've found a ...

3. Order of Magnitude of BigDecimal

I am trying to measure the accuracy of a computed result (as a double), compared to a BigDecimal with the known correct result to arbitrary precision. I want to make sure ...

4. How can I restrict the Precision of a BigDecimal Object?

Hi Dr. Thank you.... for the reply. I have read it, and perhaps it is that I'm too much of a newbie here or just plain dumb, But I still don't know which method or constructor could help me in this regard... Could someone please help on pointing me to the direction that will solve this particular problem I have... please... ...

5. How to set Decimal Precision of BigDecimal ()

Er, what do you mean by the decimal precision? Do you mean the number of significant digits following the decimal point? If so then I believe that you do not set this explicitly - the BigDecimal class does it's best to store the number as accurately as possible - and you would use a NumberFormat object to determine how many digits ...