1. How to handle multiplication of numbers close to 1 stackoverflow.comI have a bunch of floating point numbers (Java doubles), most of which are very close to 1, and I need to multiply them together as part of a larger calculation. ... |
2. Java Math Functions for BigDecimal stackoverflow.comAre there complementary mathematical functions used in java.lang.Math that fully utilize the capabilities of BigDecimal? In other words, is there a log function that takes and returns a BigDecimal similar to ... |
3. A more functionrich number (than Bigdecimal) holding java library stackoverflow.com
4. Get the Mantissa of a Java BigDecimal stackoverflow.comI want to do some simple math with some very small and very large numbers. I figured I'd start with BigDecimal:
How do I then get ... |
5. How to get biggest BigDecimal value stackoverflow.comHow can I get the largest possible value of a BigDecimal variable can hold? (Preferably programmatically, but hardcoding would be ok too)
6. Why do we need to convert the double into a string, before we can convert it into a BigDecimal? stackoverflow.comThe source for round in apache commons looks like this:
7. Java Number/Maths Abstraction stackoverflow.comI'm currently in the process of writing an application that has quite a number of mathematically calculations in it. In some situations, these calculations need to be done quickly and we ... |
8. java.math.BigDecimal + java.math.BigDecimal ? coderanch.com |
9. How can I convert a java.math.BigDecimal to String? forums.oracle.com |
10. Math.exp with BigDecimal forums.oracle.com |
11. java.math.BigDecimal; forums.oracle.com |
12. Cast to a literal (ex. "java.math.BigDecimal") forums.oracle.comYou could do this by reflection for classes which have a contructor which takes an single string parameter - which I believe all these classes do. Lot's of messy expections to field. The sequence would be something like: [code] private static Object create(String[] columns) throws Exception { Class clazz = Class.forName(columns[0]); // get the class Contstructor cons = clazz.getConstructor(new Class[]{String.class}); // ... |