1. java - BigDecimal stackoverflow.comI was trying to make my own class for currencies using longs, but Apparently I should use BigDecimal (and then whenever I print it just add the $ sign before it). ... |
2. How to convert number value representing eg percents, currency to string and back to BigDecimal by using DecimalFormat stackoverflow.comHi I'd like know how to format BigDecimal representing numbers,percents,moneys,integers to String in Locales and from String back to BigDecimal. I'm using DecimalFormat which is powerful, but I'm not sure how ... |
3. Big Decimal Currency Formatting coderanch.comStringBuffer strBuffer = new StringBuffer(); NumberFormat currency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); strBuffer.append(currency.format(transaction.getBigDecimalTypeAmount())); response.getOutputStream().write(strBuffer.toString().getBytes()); ________________________________________________________________________ Here am expecting an output like $15.00, it is working fine in local environment, but after the code is pushed to development its showing ?15.00 In the NumberFormat API I dont see any format function with arguments of type BigDecimal. Is this the issue, but again it works fine ... |