1. Find DST transition timestamp with java.util.TimeZone stackoverflow.comIs it possible to get the previous and next DST transition timestamp with the Java Calendar/Date/TimeZone API?
2. Reg: Retriveing timezone from timestamp coderanch.comHi, I have a requirement to parse the timestamp and get the timezone from it: timestamp is in the format of 'Thu Mar 11 18:25:14 GMT-08:00 2010'. From this string, I need to get the timezone (as PST in above example). I am using the SimpleDateFormat as 'EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy' for parsing but the timezone is showing as ... |
3. Setting timezone on s timeStamp ? forums.oracle.comTimestamp's unaware of the time zone. Why should it be? It's normalized to GMT and just a representation of a specific point in time. This point in time exists for all time zones, and the only one who'd need to know the value for the specific time zone would be the presentation layer. But this is the persistency layer we're talking ... |
4. change a timestamp in one timezone to another with the DayLight Saving forums.oracle.comHi Guys! I need to change a timestamp in one timezone to another timezone with the Daylight saving time(DST). I can easily convert a given timestamp to a different location timezone by the use of TimeZone class in java, but found myself unable to modify it relative to the Daylight saving time(DST). I Just want to know that the companies, that ... |
5. Regarding timestamp with timezone forums.oracle.comHi, I have the following timestamp with timezone issue. From java program I am passing the datetime with timezone value to database (INTERVALTIME (column name)). PrepareStatemenet statement; .. ... java.util.Date dt = ISODateUtil.parse("2006-06-21T18:00:00+00:00"); SimpleTimeZone zone = new SimpleTimeZone(0,"IST"); Calendar cal = converting the dt to calendar; cal.setTimeZone(zone); statement.setTimestamp(col, new Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis()),cal); In database INTERVALTIME (column name) coulmn type is TiMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE.Database ... |