locale « TimeZone « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Is there a way to get a timeZone with (only) a country code (valid ISO-3166 code)?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to get a TimeZone for a user. For this I have a country code which is a valid ISO Country Code. These codes are the upper-case, two-letter codes as defined ...

2. Is it possible to list available TimeZones by Locale in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I need to generate a list of timezones to display for a user. We'd like to narrow the list down depending on the user's Locale. If the user has ...

3. How to get TimeZone.getDisplayName(locale) value to return non-English text?    stackoverflow.com

The code below outputs "Japan Standard Time". TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Tokyo");
Locale locale = new Locale("ja_JP");
I am expecting it to output something with Kanji along the lines of "?????". It ...

4. Does timezone count differ by locale?    stackoverflow.com

Will TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(); get the same number of timezones regardless of what locale I'm running in?

5. How to get current date based on time zone or locale, or user preference?    stackoverflow.com

If my web application is deployed in the US I will get US time regardless of the client's country. But if the client is in India, he should get Indian time, ...

6. Problem in TimeZone display in java while using Russian locale    stackoverflow.com

I am facing a problem while using Russian locale, Time Zone part of the date is not converting to Russian. i.e. if "Aug 10, 2010 4:02:09 PM Yakutsk Time" is the time, it ...

7. lon,lat to timezone    stackoverflow.com

Does anyone know if there is any existing solution for determining a timezone from a point (lon, lat)? i could hard code the few i need for this project but it'd be ...

8. how to set timezone and locale for a date?    stackoverflow.com

i am using the following code to set the convert the time and locale of a specific date

GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"),Locale.GERMANY);

9. How to get Date pattern from Timezone of Locale in Java    stackoverflow.com

I have a timezone, and Locale of the user. Now I want to get the date pattern. For example: User's timezone PST and Locale US and the pattern I expect is ...

10. How to get current date based on time zone or locale, or user preference?    forums.oracle.com

It would be better if you chose a string which actually identified one of Java's known time zones. Look in the TimeZone class, you will find a static method which returns them all. Write a little program which loops through them and prints their names. Then choose one of those names instead of choosing some random string which seems like it ...