Time « TimeZone « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How to get the current date and time of your timezone in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I have my app hosted in a London Server. I am in Madrid, Spain. So the timezone is -2 hours. How can I obtain the current date / time with my ...

2. custom and dynamic time zones in java    stackoverflow.com

I have a JSE 6 application that runs on an OS with a custom timezone. TimeZone.getDefaultTimeZone() returns 'GMT' as the timezone altough this is not correct. Does java supports custom time zones? Another problem ...

3. Finding EDT time in java    stackoverflow.com

How to get the EDT time in java. I always get the GMT time when i use new Date() method. Can anyone guide me with this.

4. Java: How can I create a TimeZone object for Mountain time?    stackoverflow.com

It is necessary that Daylight Savings is not disabled.

5. Time difference ignoring timezone differences    stackoverflow.com

I've got 2 time values 1unit == 1sec (derived from timestamps) e.g 1308598131 that client thinks the time is and 1308594548 that the server thinks the time is - these have ...

6. Display time in other timezones    coderanch.com

I'm trying to output a list of the current time in a few different cities but I'm having a hard time doing this. So far I've managed to create a Calendar object for a different timezone. I can extract the hours, minutes, etc from this successfully and manage to parse them all together with large mangle of code. When I try ...

7. Problem computing time based on TimeZones    coderanch.com

I have a piece of code that generates timestamps based on US TimeZones such as Pacific, Central and Eastern. I get correct results when I run this code locally (EST) but get results an hour off when I run the same code on a server running in US central time. See the results below and the code that I run. Results ...

9. Get date and time using TimeZone.    coderanch.com

Hi Ranchers, Can I get the perfect date and time at a perticular location with the help of TimeZone? The code I am using is: import java.util.*; import java.util.*; class GetDateByTimeZone { public static void main( String args[] ){ // Create object of TimeZone class. TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST"); System.out.println(tz.getDisplayName()); System.out.println(tz.getRawOffset()); System.out.println(tz.getID()); //get the date at this timezone. Calendar cal = ...

11. Timezone getAvailableIDs and Daylight Saving time    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I notice that the TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(int offset) does not compensate for DST. In the summer TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(-6*60*60*1000) should show Denver in it's output list. However it still shows up when using -7 hours, which is where it should be in winter. I am wondering if there is anyway to get the same list of TimeZones with a corresponding offset from GMT with ...

13. specific time in different timezones    forums.oracle.com

fun1asma wrote: Today Nov 5th, my code is working fine. My problem is obviously related to the daylight saving time. Since I seem to be using a recent Java Platform (1.5.0_11), does this mean that DST are not fully supported by SimpleDateFormat? As far as I know, Java 1.5.0_11 supports the TZ rules in the U.S. as they exist now. It's ...

14. How to display time in another timezone    forums.oracle.com

15. How to show Date and Time with TimeZone    forums.oracle.com

Dayananda wrote: ok, than i have to use zzzz format, as z won't help in my case, so i have to use zzzz which display descriptive value like, Indian Standard Time i.e. IST Per the javadocs there is a very specific reason why that is a problem especially if you intend to support many timezones in one application. "For compatibility with ...

16. time without timezone    forums.oracle.com