1. What is a good way to handle a version number in a Java application? stackoverflow.comI am developing a desktop app using Java and Swing Application Framework. I have an application about box and I'd like to have that box contain some indication of what ... |
2. Build numbers: major.minor.revision stackoverflow.comHow would you write a
3. Display the version number in Java Cache Viewer stackoverflow.comI'm developing an applet and I've recently added a
4. How to insert version numbers in our java jars, that a user can access? stackoverflow.comWe have a library that gets released with a different version number every couple of weeks. The problem is that in order to store the version number in our jars ... |
5. Bad Major Version Number coderanch.comHi everybody, I just started to play with applets. I normally write code with j2sdk1.4.*. on winXP. Even if I stick to older (=no swing) stuff, I get a BAD MAJOR VERSION NUMBER when I check the applets with MAC OS9 + MR.J. Sometimes, just recompiling the same code on the mac produces a workable applet. Does anybody knows a "trick" ... |
6. Getting Version Numbers coderanch.com |
7. How to find Web Start version number? coderanch.comHow do you find a javaws version number? - have tried javaws -version to no avail, and had a trawl around but can't seem to find this - apologies if it's blindingly obvious Reason for asking - trying to help out some guys here who support some legacy java apps and get some strange combinations of errors. Some of these may ... |
8. getting version number from user-agent coderanch.comThis is not about regex or any thing else, just it is a logic you have to think about it, you can get your output in many ways here it is one way you can achieve it public class Test { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { String string = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 5_0 like ... |
9. Get Version Number forums.oracle.comWhen you compile a program all the comments are stripped from the code. So if does not exist how is your code supposed to refer to it? My suggested kludge number 1 was to search the .java file, not the .class file. And, theoretically, you could search the .Java file when compiling because you are compiling from the .Java file. But ... |
10. Simplified version of convering numbers to words forums.oracle.comHi Folks, May I ask for your help, on how to further simplify this version? If possible to lessen the number of lines and only using rudimentary conditions (eg. not using BufferedReader). Thanks a ton! The code is as follows... import java.io.*; //imports java.io class class EnglishDecimalFormat01 { public static String[] majorNames = { "", " thousand", " million", " billion", ... |
11. Auto increment version number forums.oracle.com |
12. java version numbers and compatability forums.oracle.comchadmichael wrote: If an application is running on 1.5.0_6, and I upgrade Java to 1.5.0_13, is there any chance the app will have problems? There is a tiny, tiny chance for problems everywhere, but in update releases Sun works very, very hard not to change anything that could negatively affect your programs (and they do a pretty good job at it ... |
13. Getting java version build number forums.oracle.comDear Java programmers I am trying to extract java version build number, I know you can get java version number by using System.getProperties("java.version"). But if the String version = "1.6.0_10-ea" I just want to retrieve the build number 10. This is how I am doing it at the moment private static int getJavaVersionBuildNumber(String version) { try { int index = version.indexOf("_"); ... |
14. how to specify manifest jar version number for cache_version OBJECT PARAM forums.oracle.comI have an applet in a jar I am trying to create a version for to use with the OBJECT PARAM cache_version but an not sure what I need minimally in my manifest. basically, the cache PARAMs for my object tag are like: How do I specify that "" in my manifest so ... |
15. bad version number forums.oracle.comSolution I was running javac 1.6 and java 1.5 I had to uninstall ALL jre 1.5:s before installing a new version of the jre from Sun. Then java 1.6 was running. Then Tomcat wouldn't start because it has it's own property pointing to the jvm in the jre 1.5 that I was running when I installed it. I changed that through ... |