variable « Number « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Java math expression parser that can take complex numbers as a variable?

I am writing a program in Processing that transforms complex numbers. However, I want to have a method of taking an input string and calculating the transformation using a ...

2. Delegating method calls using variable number of arguments

This question came up in the course of my work programming; it's become irrelevant to the current task, but I'm still curious if anyone has an answer. In Java 1.5 and up ...

3. Java variable number or arguments for a method

Can you tell me if I am correct in this question? It's a homework question, I don't want the answer. I just want to make sure that I am correct. It is ...

4. Efficiently finding the intersection of a variable number of sets of strings

I have a variable number of ArrayList's that I need to find the intersection of. A realistic cap on the number of sets of strings is probably around 35 but could ...

5. How to conditionally pass parameters in Java to a method that takes a variable number of arguments?

I'm using the JDO Query class and I need to conditionally pass certain parameters to the execute method, as demonstrated in the code below. I don't know how to do this in ...

6. How can we swap two numbers without third variable and without arithmetic operator?

How can we swap two numbers without third variable and without arithmetic operator?

7. Library for finding any solution of any number of linear equations with any number of variables

I have to finding any solution (there may exist many or none) of any number of given liner equations with any number of variables. In Java. What libraries and method use? ...

8. Assign smaller number to variable in 1 line

Is there a one-liner for this function?

int side = width < height ? width : height;
width = side;
height = side;

9. How shall I post a variable number of user-defined data to Paypal?

Friends, I have some shopping cart code that I took over when I started with a company, but unfortunately I'm weak on Java and integrating with Paypal. Here is the form ...

10. How to pass a variable number of arguments to ant exec

I have a ant target that takes a variable number of arguments that are to be passed to an exec task. Using the old mechanism it is trivial:

<exec command="cmd /c ${_full-path-to-exec}" ...

11. How to assign very large numbers to variable in java?

I'm getting "integer number too large: 1000000000001" for the following code line. How do I make it so that maxValue can hold 1 quadrillion or 1 trillion?

long maxValue = 1000000000001; ...

12. Java class variable number

I'm learning java and now I have this question. I created a class named "Driver" and it will hold a driver's information (name and birthday). To create a new driver I just need ...

13. Talend -- one row to many, variable number of output rows

Background: It's common in Talend to use something like tSplitRow to map one row with many fields into multiple rows. A row with fields: Date | Name | MorningPhone | Day Phone ...

14. Java reflection API and invoking a method with variable number of arguments

I have a problem trying to solve a situation, when I use Java Reflection API to invoke a method that accepts a variable number of parameters. Every time I try to ...

15. Accessing to a variable named variablename+number

I have always wondered:

  • If I a have for example 8 JLabels named label1, label2, label3...
  • I receive a message to show in one of them and an integer number from 1 ...

16. Override method with variable number of parameters

I have a method defined in an interface:

public Object g(String inter,String src,Object...params);
I am getting an error with the @Override annotation on the definition of the method in the implementing class:
public Object ...

17. Variable number of fields

Gangreen I need to create a class which offers a variable amount of fields. These fields might be String or int. Example: myObject1 might have as fields: description - String idNumber ...

18. determining if a variable is a number

Hello everyone. I hope you can help me with this. I have my index.jsp which is basically a login page. It passes the values to login.jsp which authenticates. Now I need to trap the inputted values in the username since it has to be 4 digits. what i do is to get the username and convert it to a integer since ...

19. setting a variable with a random number

I am trying to set variable "addr" to some random int, but I cannot seem to pass the random int in. Can anybody help me? import java.util.Random; class Ttest1 { public static void main(String argv[]) { System.out.println("Howdy"); String cpu[] = new String[8]; for (int i = 0; i < cpu.length; i++){ cpu[i] = "cpu" + i; //this just creates the variable ...

20. Creating an arbitrary number of variables

Hi, I have the following problem. I've written a program which reads a txt file which contains an arbitrary number of lines with names. What I want is to store these names in variables. To make this more clear lets say that I have a file like that: George Nick Helen I want my program to read through this file and ...

21. Java Question Need Help Restarting the Values of Variables from Random Numbers So Out

You're doing all the work (i.e. play all the games) in your constructor but you're not printing any results in that constructor. The while loop in your main method simply prints out the same results over and over again. kind regards, Jos ps. better post your code (or a relevant fragment thereof) in this forum. Not everybody is willing to download ...

22. Reducing number of global variables

Java does not have global variables. It has local variables, instance variable and static variables. Get that straight. You should aim to declare variables in the smallest possible scope. That means if you use a variable in only one method then declare it in that method and not as an instance variable. If you only use a variable inside a loop ...

23. How to define the number of spaces in a string variable

Thanks for the speed replies.. LOL, I didn't think I made sense I was just rushing,sorry! Anyway, I want to display a simple table as follows.. name1 1221 name2 23552 each name will be a different length. I want to pad the table as shown so that the numbers line up under each other. I am thinking of spacing each line ...

24. Make a variable return a random number?

I need to know how to quickly make a variable return a random number, in PHP if i wanted a variable to return a random number it'd look like this using a built in function, (int)$my_variable = rand(0,10); // returns 0 through 10 randomly How can i do this with Java if say my variable looks like this. public Integer madeThisUp ...

25. Swapping two numbers in java w/o temporary variables

Dear All, I wrote the following code, expecting it to swap the two integers x and y. The output is not as expected. Why? class A { public static void main ( String args[] ) { int x = 55; int y = 77; x ^= y ^= x ^= y; System.out.println(x+" "+y); } } // end of file The C++ ...

26. Keep adding numbers to variable

I need to write a simple DOS-window program that will display a number based off what the user enters. I have the basic code where the user inputs some numbers and the program reads out the value after it comes out of my equation; however, now I need it to allow the user to input one number for a variable, then ...

27. combination of a unknown number of variables

Hi I met one problem: Suppose I have 3 variables A, B, and C and each variable has two values: 0 and 1. How can I generate all possible combinations of values for these variables? For eample, I should get 8 combination: A B C 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 ...

28. Assigning a combination of numbers to variables

Hi, here is what i want to do. say i have four variables A,B,C and D and four numbers 1,2 ,3,4. i want to assign a number to a variable in different combinations for all possible combinations. for example first iteration A=1,B=2,C=3,D=4 then A=1,B=2,C=4,D=3 or A=2,B=4,C=1,D=3 and so on for all possible combinations. thanks in advance