text « Number « Java Data Type Q&A

1. convert excel cell text into number poi    stackoverflow.com

HAI i want ot convert a cell text value into a number in Excel using POI API. cell text value like '2,345' to conver as a number. How can i do that. if any has ...

2. Store a number as ASCII text in Java?    stackoverflow.com

It's probably a stupid question but here's the thing. I was reading this question: storing 1 million phone numbers and the accepted question was what I was thinking: using a trie. In ...

3. How do I count the number of words (text) in an HTML source    stackoverflow.com

I have some html documents for which I need to return the number of words in the document. This count should only include actual text (so no html tags e.g. html, ...

4. Java - Is it possible to keep printing text on the same line you enter a number on?    stackoverflow.com

I want to be able to enter a number using nextInt() and then print text on the same line as the number I entered. For example...

Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter your ...

5. what number is this in text form?    bytes.com

14,111,661,872,307,390,000 Don't get what it has to do with Java either, but here: traditional British English: 14 Trillion, 111 Thousand 661 Billion, 872 Thousand 307 Million, 390 Thousand American & modern ...

6. If i enter a number in input text it has to go for edit page, how to write it for mu    bytes.com

HI, I have one concern with me. My requirement is like this, If I enter a search code in in input text it has to navigate to Edit page, for single ...

7. Mixed Arabic and Latin text (with a number) in a String causes issues    coderanch.com

Hi all, I hope someone knows the answer to this issue! I've got an application in Java which calls another app via a callable statement, passing various parameters across. One of these parameters is a buffer containing transaction information. Now we're working on an Arabic proof of concept, and when I create this buffer containing both Arabic, Latin and numeric data, ...

8. nextInt() for numbers, nextLine() for text. What if i want both?    java-forums.org

Hey! I guess the title says it all. I want to receive license plate number for cars and string it. for example "ST54064"(2numbers+5letters). I have tried this: import java.util.Scanner; class Car{ public static void main(String args[]){ Scanner tastatur = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("write license plate number: "); String licenseplate = tastatur.nextLine(); ... But if i try to run this, i get error ...

9. convert string of numbers to text    forums.oracle.com

10. numbers to text    forums.oracle.com

For an assignment i have to convert a number given to me by the user. I have this set as a double. I need to write it out for example. if i got 1500. i need to display " one thousand five hundred" I was wondering if anyone could help. if you need me to post code let me know. I ...

11. Inserting text at a specific line number.    forums.oracle.com

Hello, My need is to insert specific text at a line number to be determined at run time. I know how to write to new files and append to existing ones, but I have not been able to find any documentation displaying how to traverse to a specific line in a text file. More specifically, of course I know how to ...

12. set substring text to a number    forums.oracle.com

I'm not really sure how to go about that :-/ This might help... it's the exercise question i'm answering: Your job is to transform numbers 1,2,3,...,12 into the corresponding month names January, February, March..., December. Implement a class Month whose constructor parameter is the month number and whose getName method returns the method name. HINT: Make a very long string "January ...

13. Problem java.text.NumberFormatter with specified numbers    forums.oracle.com

I'll give it a read in the articles ... but I find it strange because it establishes that only happens in the formatting of numbers, and some specific, so I think it would be a problem NumerFormatter. And the numbers of the sample are small, they fit perfectly into float. If you notice, the numbers that have point 60 (xxxxx 60) ...

14. How to output money number by text in java?    forums.oracle.com

15. number to text convertion please help...    forums.oracle.com

16. Can't input for text, only for numbers    forums.oracle.com

Is console a Scanner? If so, nextDouble "Scans the next token of the input as a double. This method will throw InputMismatchException if the next token cannot be translated into a valid double value. If the translation is successful, the scanner advances past the input that matched." The tricky bit is that nextDouble() will read the number you enter, convert it ...