phone number « Number « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Java program to auto dial a calling card phone number, problem with entering card number

I wrote a Java program to mimic the sounds to dial phone numbers, it works fine except when it comes to phone cards, it needs to dial a local number first ...

2. making numbers to letters (like a cell phone texting) on java?

well this isnt my homework so you can help me out in this, im tryin to solve this for my firm but im really lost in between do i sue sequence ...

3. Split phone number (mobile or land line) into country code, area code and number

I need to split a phone number (can be mobile or land line) into:

  • country dialing code
  • area code
  • phone number
+923211234567 will be 92 32x 1234567 (mobile)
+92992123456 will be 92 ...

4. Adding "-" after into phone number

I'm currently working with getting a phone number from a JtextField, the problem i'm having is that after three digits are entered I want to add a "-" after the third ...

5. Java String.replaceAll method to sanitize phone numbers

I have databasefield called TelephoneName. In this field, I got different formats of telephone number. What I need now is to seperate them into countrycode and subscribernumber. For example, I saw a ...

6. Check if a phone number is valid

I need some sort of code to check if an entered phone number into a text box is valid, i.e: User inputs "078...." I need some sort of if statement that ...

7. How to parse a phone number

Since the format is different for each country, you'd need to have rules somewhere for every country you wish to support. Also, the examples you mention show a further complication: The "+" sign is generally used to mean that a country code follows - but that's only the case with the first number, not the second. You also need to account ...

8. recognize phone calls number

what do you mean with "recognize"? Do you mean find who a number belongs to? You'll need a database that maps phone numbers to people for that. Don't count on anything three, and forget about something worldwide. Do you mean checking the format? That also determines on the country. Either way, I think the intermediate forum is a better location. Moving. ...

9. Parsing US Phone Numbers

I need to write a program that will parse a phone number in one of the following formats. It should then display the area code, trunk code, number and extension if available. In the below example, the program should print the following. Area code 800 Trunk Code 555 Phone no 1212 Extn 1234 The possible input formats are listed below. The ...

10. Random phone number generator

I have had help with my code from another forum, the app is almost done, but no one is answering there now. I am trying to make a phone number generator. I get the following error though when trying to compile. I posted this on another forum but no answer anymore,. my post C:\JAVA_PROGRAMMING_CODE\code1\RandomPhoneNum>javac cannot find symbol symbol : ...

11. Pattern for phone number which are only digits or having a whitespace/dash after 3 numbers

\\d\\d\\d - 3 digits [,\\s] - a comma or whitespace character (it should be a dash not a comma) () - thse don't buy anything ? - optional (so 7 consecutive digits are ok) \\d\\d\\d\\d - four digits Also it would be better to write \\d{3} rather than list them all out.

12. I am new to java and need help with a Java program that disects a phone number.

I need help with a java program that disects a phone number and looks like this when it prints out. Code: PHONE NUMBER DISSECTOR Enter a phone number in the form cc-area-local, where cc = country code digits, area = area code digits, and local = local phone digits. Or enter q to quit: 1-816-7412000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-816-7412000 end_of_the_skype_highlighting country code = ...

13. Phone number Program ..

Hello All .. Write an application that creates and prints a random phone number of the form xxx-xxx-xxxx. Include the dashes in the output. Do not let the first three digits contain an 8 or 9 (but don't be more restrictive than than), and make sure that the second set of three digits is not greater than 742. Hint: Think through ...

14. Phone number stringtokenizer problem

I'm not sure the reasoning, probably since we are just starting with the stringtokenizer. This is the exact question I was given: 1. Write a class that uses the StringTokenizer class to identify the parts of a phone number. Assume that the format of the phone number is (nnn) nnn-nnnn. Example (860) 222-3344. The class should have at least three public ...

15. Random Phone number generator

Hi again guys, I've been working on a personal project again in Unit 3 of my text book and this time they want me to make a random phone number generator. Here's the actual directions: "Write an application that creates and prints a random phone number of the form XXX-XXX-XXXX. Include the dashes in the output. Do not let the first ...

16. Need your opinions on my "Random phone number generator"

Hi, this is actually the second time in my life I have had to think like a programmer. It was great fun. I was wondering if anyone can judge my work and tell me what you think please? The program runs fine, but I don't know if this was an efficient or elegant solution. Thank you! Derek:D Here is the code, ...

17. comparing phone numbers

When I do the sscce my code works: Java Code: //search will find the contact in the file that matches the parameters and return the line number //that it is located on public int search(String firstName, String lastName, String phone) throws FileNotFoundException { Scanner input = new Scanner( new File("addresses.txt")); input.useDelimiter(","); //changes default delimiter from whitespace to commas int lineNum = ...

18. StringTokenizer phone number program

Hello, I'm in a beginning java class & was assigned the following problem: Write a class using StringTokenizer class to identify parts of a phone number. Input format of phone number will be (nnn) nnn-nnnn. Example (123) 456-7890. The class should have at least three public methods: one each to return area code, exchange, and extension. I'll post in my code ...

19. Stringtokenizer phone number problem

Hi. I have problem with my homework. The assignment is: "Write a class that uses the StringTokenizer class to identify the parts of a phone number. Assume that the format of the phone number is (nnn) nnn-nnnn. Example (860) 222-3344. The class should have at least three public methods: one returning the area code, one returning the exchange and one returning ...

20. Checking phone numbers

21. Entering in a strictly 10 digit phone number.

0. When you encounter difficulties, you need to provide details as to what exactly is going wrong. Paste in the exact, complete error message, and indicate clearly which line is causing is, or describe precisely what behavior you expected and what you observed instead. 1. Do not use number (such as int, long, or double) to store zip codes or phone ...

22. phone number to word

import java.util.Scanner; import; import; import; public class phone_words { public static void main( String[] args ) throws FileNotFoundException { Scanner input = new Scanner( ); Scanner console = new Scanner(; String key = " "; int size = 0; final int max=60000; String[] data= new String[max]; String filename=" "; System.out.println("Enter a filename"); filename =; dictionary(filename); load_data(filename, ...

23. Accessing phone numbers from a landline

Hello, I am pretty sure I would need some dedicated hardware for this. I basically want a PC / or some other hardware to be connected into the phone line. When the phone rings I want to be able to access the phone number in a application. Can this be done in Java? Any help would be great! Cheers BOB

24. Help with phone numbers + alphabet combination

In my java clas I need to make a project that can make combinations of phone numbers that include both numbers and letters. My question is: how would I filter out the "bad" combinations that don't work? (like 1 and 0 don't have letters with them, so I can't have them in a combination).

25. Getting phone number from a modem