line number « Number « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How can I permanently have line numbers in IntelliJ?

How can I permanently have line numbers in IntelliJ?

2. How can we print line numbers to the log in java

How to print line numbers to the log. Say when outputting some information to the log, I also want to print the line number where that output is in the source ...

3. Overriding line number in generated Java source

Is there any way to override the line numbers in Java (e.g., by using some kind of preprocessor directive)? I am "compiling" a high-level language, down to Java byte code using Janino. ...

4. How to get line number using scanner

I'm using scanner to read a text file line by line but then how to get line number since scanner iterates through each input?My program is something like this:

s = new ...

5. invalid argument IE7 javascript line number changes

This is the test page: OBOEKindBag (spaces between the page name and domain because I don't want the URL indexed as such) If you click on ...

6. How can I get two numbers that are written in a single line - is there a Split() method?

I want to ask the user for input in console. He'll be writing down two numbers separated by a single space. In Java is there something like the C# Split() method ...

7. Java debuging decompiled classes without line number attributes

is there any way to debug a 3rd party Java code (library) which, as I believe, was compiled without line number attributes? I attach a debugger to this class (decompiled in ...

8. Modular Math in Java (Number Line which Wraps Around)

I am trying to create a simple function that utilizes modular arithmetic. This is essentially a number line that wraps around. Specifically I want to use a Mod 8 ...

9. how to get the line number in an ANTLR3 TreeParser

i'm trying to get line number in an ANTLR3 tree grammar (the code generated by ANTLR3 is of the TreeParser class).
google only found solutions for ANTLR2 which sadly don't work in ...

10. What bytecode library when controlling line numbers?

I need to generate new classes (via generation of java byte code) from existing classes. I will analyse the body (expressions) of the methods of a class. The expressions will determine ...

11. How can I include line numbers in Java source code?

I'm reaching the climax of my final year programming project, which is written in Java (using the Wicket web framework). I have to provide the examiners with the source code (on ...

12. JSR223 + ScriptException + line number

Just a subtle question about JSR223 (scripting in Java). Where does it define that ScriptException.getLineNumber() returns a line number starting from 1, but a column number starting from 0? ...

13. Detected a new line within a series of numbers in Java

Let's say I have a series of numbers like...

 1 2 3 4
 5 6 7 8
 9 0
How could I step through each int, but stop when I reach a ...

14. java decompiler with save line numbers in actual physical position

Many IDE's debugger match the physical line number. I'm looking for java decompiler with saving actual line number in decompiling code. is not one.

15. How can i get the source line number in error stack of a jar created by ant build

I am using ant to build a jar of my project in eclipse. I deploy that jar on tomcat. But when ever an exception happen in my code(which is inside jar), ...

16. Get number of lines in a phrase or in a PdfPCell iText

I'm writing a phrase in a cell and I want to retrieve the number of lines written in the cell. I'm asking if ther is a method doing this. thanks.

17. javap -l option cannot display line number info

The "javap" command has several options, one of them is "-l", which can print line number and local variable tables. Suppose a java program has been compiled successfully and there is ...

18. NO Line Numbers in Exception!!!

Hi All, We are using Weblogic 7.0 as app server. When we get some exception, we are seeing that weblogic is not giving the line numbers for the applicatin code but giving for Java and Weblogic code. Sample exception is below. Please let me know how we can make weblogic display the line numbers. at weblogic.jdbc.rmi.internal.PreparedStatementImpl.executeUpdate( at weblogic.jdbc.rmi.SerialPreparedStatement.executeUpdate( at com.lbx.dao.BaseDb.executeUpdate( at ...

19. When does java stack trace show the offending line number?

Hi, all. I notice that sometimes the stack trace shows a line number and sometimes it doesn't. (Sometimes it only shows the method name which generated the exception. For example, while running, my code generated a NullPointerException, and the stack trace showed no line number where the exception occurred: ------------------------------------------------------- java.lang.NullPointerException at java.lang.Throwable.( at java.lang.Throwable.( at java.lang.NullPointerException.( at java.math.BigDecimal.matchScale( at java.math.BigDecimal.add( ...

20. getting line numbers into stack traces

Hi Mike, Mr. Ostermiller apparently did not compile his code with the "-g" flag, that's why the part of the stack trace that deals with his classes, does not contain line numbers. I presume that the source code for Mr. Ostermiller's utilities is available. If so, I suggest you recompile his utilities -- from his source code -- using the "-g" ...

22. taking a particular data from a number of lines

Hi, Thank you for your reply.I have tried a simple example using regex to find out the word.But i am unable to find the dynamically changing word .(ie) my out put is: [org.asteriskjava.manager.event.StatusEvent[dateReceived=Sat Jan 10 10:35:48 IST 2009,privilege='Call',callerid='703',link='SIP/701-0a1bad40',state='Up',timestamp='null',calleridname='',extension='null',uniqueid='1231563940.3',actionid='null',internalactionid='11180085_4',seconds='null',priority='null',context='null',account='null',calleridnum='703',channel='SIP/703-0a1c13c8',systemHashcode=26988606], org.asteriskjava.manager.event.StatusEvent[dateReceived=Sat Jan 10 10:35:48 IST 2009,privilege='Call',callerid='701',link='SIP/703-0a1c13c8',state='Up',timestamp='null',calleridname='701',extension='s',uniqueid='1231563939.2',actionid='null',internalactionid='11180085_4',seconds='11',priority='7',context='macro-dial',account='null',calleridnum='701',channel='SIP/701-0a1bad40',systemHashcode=8694729], org.asteriskjava.manager.event.StatusCompleteEvent[dateReceived=Sat Jan 10 10:35:48 IST 2009,timestamp='null',actionid='null',internalactionid='11180085_4',systemHashcode=2765838]] From the output i can able to take the state and ...

23. Line number in a source code

I am writing a snippet program picking out a snippet from a source and i use regex to find the term(location of snippet) Probelm is : i also want to add line numbers ,where that snippet is lying in source code.So while displaying snippet i want to attach linenums. Is there any way using regex,where i can get lines number too ...

24. Draw [Inequality Number Line] with Java

Hi Jesper De Jong, May I know what do you mean by "do the drawing yourself"? Actually, I intend to write the mathematical logic for the topic Inequalities, and the inequality should be shown on the number line as the final answer. Hence, the 'chart' should change according to the inequality. All these will be included in servlets, which will output ...

25. Effecient way to append line numbers to a String

Hi I currently have a piece of code to append line numbers to a String, shown below, however I feel it is a bit over complex and messy and wondered if anyone knew of a more efficient way that this could be done. Specifically the formatWithNumbers method, the way that the strings are composed cannot be altered. AtomicInteger is used as ...

26. Want to know line number from printstacktrace

10-18-2010 10:37 AM #1 grashmi13 Member Join Date Sep 2010 Posts 16 Rep Power 0 Want to know line number from printstacktrace Hi, Sep 15 11:55:52 MYRIO: Error running mclient/MyrioClient, java/lang/NullPointerException. Sep 15 11:55:52 MYRIO: java.lang.NullPointerException Sep 15 11:55:52 MYRIO: at mclient/dtv/favorite/FavoriteManager$LockChannelHelper.initFavRec(Lmcli ent/dtv/favorite/Favorite$FavoriteRecord;)V (:0:159) Sep 15 11:55:52 MYRIO: at mclient/dtv/favorite/FavoriteManager$LockChannelHelper.initFavRecs([Lmclient/dtv/favorite/Favorite$FavoriteRecord;)V (:0:45) Sep 15 11:55:52 ...

27. Finding line number

Create an int variable, call it something like "line_count", initialize it to zero. Start a loop that will read lines from the text file. Read a line, check if the line is blank, if not blank then increment your variable, "line_count++;". Check the characters in the line. If you find the character you are looking for then output the line number ...

28. Number of lines in a txt

29. Program to Evaluate line totals and number of valid values

/* Description .... Open input file and read first value Display headings Initialise line number and number of valid WHILE not at the end of the file Initialise line total WHILE not at the end of a line Add value to line total IF value is valid Add 1 to number of valid Read next value Display line details Read first ...

30. 10 numbers per line, how to?

32. Multiple numbers on a line along with odd commas

There is so much wrong with that code I don't know where to start trying to help you fix it. I suggest you get a tutorial or book, start at the very beginning, and work your way through carefully and thoroughly. Sun's [basic Java tutorial|] Sun's [New To Java Center|].Includes an overview of what Java is, instructions for setting up Java, ...

33. Stderr line numbers

java.lang.NullPointerException at java.lang.Throwable.( at java.lang.Exception.( at java.lang.RuntimeException.( at java.lang.NullPointerException.( at mypackage.myclass2.yMethod( at mypackage.myclass1.xMethod( I read this as follows - from the bottom up: 1. myclass1.xMethod calls myclass2.yMethod on line 70 of myclass1 2. myclass2.yMethod calls some unspecified method on line 182 of myclass2 (that will be inside yMethod) 3. the unspecified method throws the NullPointerException Is that correct? I'd like to ...

34. Finding Line Number of EOF Marker

@ jverd : Yeah, I know, just didn't care about the exceptions in the test code. It is also a bad idea to wrap as much in a try/catch statement. Thanks for the advice though. We are writing a tokenizer or "lexical analyzer" for a project in school. One of the tokens is an end of file token. I am not ...

35. No line number in NullPointerException

Hello everybody, I have a problem with an application i'm coding using java swing. The application works well but once in a while i've got this exception with no indication of where does it come from (but the software still works). Does anyone have an idea about how to get a hint to settle this ? I point out that i ...

36. java-soot issue - jimple line numbers??

37. some missing line numbers in Stack trace

39. What is the ideal size of a method (any standard for number of lines) ?

Not exactly,but it was a sort of a Ship Travel Ticket Reservation,with methods to check the validity of the user,his previous account history,WEBSERVICES for checking the ticket availability status,Pulling the PNR,updating backend records, etc.All in all,lots of accounting work. It was really a bad design,they ought to have broken the code into much more readable and organized form in methods.

40. how do I divide a paragraph to lines a certain number of words?

Thanks, I tried your solution. The thing is, with this solution we don't want any unusual line breaks between the lines like I see right now. That is, a few words followed by followed by the rest of the line blank. This can only be seen in the last line of a paragraph, where the sentence ends with a dot. So, ...

41. How to get starting line number of any method?

Infact I need method say getMethodLineNumber(String ) it shud return line number from where method starts For example in class A there may be a method void aa(int c, int d) // line number , say 512 { // some code } I need to get this 512 during execution of this aa. Wheras stack trace will give only currently executing ...

42. Listing numbers on separate lines...

You can't put a space between ! and =, it's a single operator "!=" (read not equals). This statement is wrong anyway, because it will cause your loop to stop at 104, whereas you only want to skip 104. The loop, and the test for the excluded value have to be separate statements. A for() loop would serve you better, by ...

43. Printing numbers one line

44. reduce line numbers

45. line number of method

46. parsing and extraction of numbers from select lines in a string

hi i'm sorry i just had one last question for you...this is more of an arrays deal... the numbers output are great, but i want to break the numbers up into different groups, so that i can make new age groups different from the ones in the xml document. if i have age group 1-5, i'd like to be able to ...

47. How to get line number in JAVA code?

If you run Java in Dos prompt, a new line of result is displayed at bottom and the screen scroll. There is no line number in that way. Other language like C have something like that. If you use Java Swing, you can display with x, y coordinate option but it is graphic mode.

49. Find the line number of a method call?

50. Strange Error- Invalid pc in line number table

JBO-30003: The application pool (ap639sdbpqecu220009oracle.apps.fem.mappingwizard.server.MappingWizardAM) failed to checkout an application module due to the following exception: oracle.jbo.JboException: JBO-29000: Unexpected exception caught: java.lang.ClassFormatError, msg=oracle/apps/fem/mappingwizard/validation/server/ValidationEngineAMImpl (Invalid pc in line number table) at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.doCheckout( at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.useApplicationModule( at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl.useApplicationModule( at oracle.jbo.http.HttpSessionCookieImpl.useApplicationModule( at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAHttpSessionCookieImpl.useApplicationModule( at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl.useApplicationModule( at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAJSPApplicationRegistry.registerApplicationModule( at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAJSPApplicationRegistry.registerApplicationModule( at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage( at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage( at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage( at _oa__html._OA._jspService( at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service( at at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.doDispatch( at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.internalService( ...

51. Go to Line number