game « Number « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Number guessing game - how to?

how do i make this so once the user inputs a number and presses enter(or something) it runs the if else statements! please help!

public static void main(String[] args) {

 System.out.println("please guess ...

2. Can't Make a Random Number Game Work in JAVA With Validations

I hope it's permissible here to post large chucks of code, but I'm having no luck with an assignment. We have to create a game were the computer generates a ...

3. The "number guessing game"

new to java. Have come across plenty links to this program however i'd like to see my version workin. Error "int cannot be dereferenced" My attempt so far: import*; public class assignment1A { public static void main(String[] args) { // declare variables to hold values for the secret number and the users guess. int intSecretNumber; int Guess; // set a ...

4. Need help ending number guessing game and asking if user wants to play again

This is a number guessing game that allows 2-5 players. There is a random number generated for each player. I want the game to end as soon as the 1st player guesses the number correctly and ask for user input if they want to play again. Previously I was able to get the game to end after the 1st player to ...

5. Number Guessing Game based on Matching Positions? o_O

Hey all, I've been posed a pretty difficult variation on the typical Number Guessing Game, where you have to think up a secret number, then have the computer guess your number. If the computer's number is greater than yours, then you tell it so, and if it is less than yours, you tell it so, usually via user input. Typically, to ...

6. Help with number guessing game

I am having trouble closing my outer do while loop for the numbers guessing game. Basically, i've generated a random number between 1 and 10. The user guesses what it is. While guessing, they are told if the number is too high or too low. When the get the number right, they are told how many tries it took them to ...

8. Reverse Number guessing game

I call this a reverse number guessing game because usually the computer would generate a number for you to guess, but I want the computer to guess my number by guessing randomly in decreasing ranges depending on if I say too high or too low. The biggest problem I'm having is making the range of the random number be correct. It ...

9. Simple number guessing game but something's wrong???

Hello, I have made a simple number guessing game, but I am getting an error and I'm not sure what is causing it. Here is the code and the output: Java Code: import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; Random rand = new Random(); int number; int guesses; int difficulty; public Main(){ startGame(); } public ...

10. java number game help!

The following simple game is played between a player and the computer. At the start the player enters either the number one or two on the keyboard (the computer will also choose either one or two at random). Then the computer draws two numbers between one and one hundred at random. The human player wins if the number in position corresponding ...

11. random number (guessing game)

Scanner object is used to parse the strings and primitive types from given input. Input may be a string, from a file. The default delimeter is space. the nextInt() method gets the token upto delimeter and coverts it into the integer. It throws InputMismatchException if it can't parse the token into integer.

12. number guess game

paul.g wrote: 1: Game consists of 8 rounds, each round you have 3 guess's to get the number. This bit i think is fine i'm just thinking about adding another loop to what i already have around the 3 guess's, so this will happen 8 times. If thats wrong please point me in the right direction. That's right, but you will ...

13. Guessing a number generated by the PC game

Well, it's supposed to keep checking if the guess number is higher or lower than the PC generated number. If lower then prompt the user to try another number and if higher then do the same thing. When the number is guessed correctly it tells the user that they guessed the number in certain number of tries.

14. help with a number guessing game

" This is a number guessing game.\n The computer will randomly pick a number between 0 and 10 and you have to guess it\n you will choose an amount of money to start off with and bet it each round.\n if you guess the number your bet is tripled and you recive that money if you are wronge you lose that ...

15. guess the number game

The program chooses the number to be guessed by selecting an integer at random in the range 1 to 10. The program then displays the following: -I have a number between 1 and 10. -Can you guess my number? -Please type your first guess. The player then types a first guess. The program responds with one of following: -1. Excellent! You ...

16. Sliding Number Game

With regard to overall structure it is not a good idea to have such a large main() method. Consider making an object which is the panel within which the buttons slide. It would have a 3x3 grid layout and you would add 8 buttons to this panel. The thing is that instead of adding an action listener to the buttons, the ...

17. Number Guessing Game - variable nightmares

18. Java Newbie: Some Help with a Number Game

19. Guess the Number Game

{ int num; int guess; int counter; boolean done; counter = 0; Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new FileReader("e: GuessTheNumber.txt")); Random randomGenerator = new Random(); int random = inFile.nextInt(); num = random; System.out.println("I have a number between 1 and 1000.\n" + "Can you guess my number?\n"); while (counter<5) { System.out.print ("Please type your guess: "); guess=console.nextInt(); System.out.println();

20. java number game confused help any1!

The following simple game is played between a player and the computer. At the start the player enters either the number one or two on the keyboard (the computer will also choose either one or two at random). Then the computer draws two numbers between one and one hundred at random. The human player wins if the number in position corresponding ...

21. Number Guess Game

i am trying to Create a guessing game that allows you to enter the number of numbers in the guessing game. The game will randomly pick a number in the range provided and then allow you to guess the number. The game will keep track of the number of guesses and tell you what percentage of the time you guessed incorrectly. ...

23. Sudoku game "template" not adding my new numbers - why not?

If you want help, post code here, rather than asking people to follow links. But don't post the world. Provide and SSCCE that's just enough to show the problem at hand with nothing extraneous, even if it means you have to craft a new, smaller program from scratch. Make sure you put [ code ] and [ /code ] (without the ...

24. "HiLo" number guessing game not working - Help please!

1. It's [ code ] and [ /code ], or else { code } before and after (without the spaces inside the brackets), not < code > and < /code >. 2. "Doesn't work" contains no useful information. Describe clearly and precisely exactly what problems you're having. If there are errors, copy/paste the exact, complete error messages, and indicate clearly which ...