factorial number « Number « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Counting trailing zeros of numbers resulted from factorial    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to count trailing zeros of numbers that are resulted from factorials (meaning that the numbers get quite large). Following code takes a number, compute the factorial of the number, ...

2. How to check how many Divisors there's in a whole number and How to express a factorial equation to Odd numbers?    stackoverflow.com

So my homework tells me to write the equation for a ODD number, the equation must be a factorial if and only if the number is odd. In my head I the ...

3. Factorial of numbers    coderanch.com

Hi Ranchers, I am trying to write a function for factorial calculation. When i pass number more than 160 as input and trying to get the factorial, the return is Infinity I am using a double literal to store the data and input is passed as integer n . I have taken the recursive approach could someone suggest what data type ...

4. Factorial of a number    forums.oracle.com

freak020 wrote: I've had a bad history using BigInteger, let's hope we get along this time. All you have to remember is that myBigInt.method(argument) does not change myBigInt, it returns a new one. BTW if you look at the prime factors of the first even numbers: 2 = 2 4 = 2*2 6 = 2*3 8 = 2*2*2 10 = 2*5 ...

5. find factorial of a number    forums.oracle.com

Hey... What are u doing??? Its the silly one.. Anyway I ll give u hint It has many errors. 1. First of all what's use of i in that number.. Have u made a copy paste to this program from a Recursion program? 2. number*(number-1) is it doing n*(n-1)*(n-2)... (c the decrements) 3.where u have assigned the returned value from number*(number-1) ...

6. Factorial of a number(yes I searched)    forums.oracle.com

Hey guys, I need to do a factorial(im guessing that word os the same as factor? just a plural or something like that), anyways, the book says the factorial of an integer (lets say n) n is n *(n-1) * (n-2)* . . . * 3 * 2 * 1, the example is the factorial of 4 is 4 * 3 ...