Random « Number « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How to generate a random alpha-numeric string in Java    stackoverflow.com

I've been looking for a simple java algorithm to generate a pseudo-random alpha-numeric string. In my situation it would be used as a unique session/key identifier that would "likely" be ...

2. Help for creating a random String    stackoverflow.com

I need to create a random string which should be between the length of 6 to 10 but it sometimes generates only about the length of 3 to 5. Here's my code. ...

3. Help parsing string with random delimiters    stackoverflow.com

I am new to programming in general. I'm writing a program that takes a command line argument and a input string once started. It can convert to pig latin, undo the ...

4. how to generate random string of given language / locale    stackoverflow.com

I need to generate random String as output, Input can be language name / locale name which are already installed in System. All suggestions are appreciated. Thanks. Taken from comment method signature can be like: ...

5. Randomize capital letters    stackoverflow.com

Is there a simple way to, given a word String, randomise capital letters? Example: For word super I would get SuPEr or SUpER. I am looking for a Java solution for this.

6. How to generate a random unique string with more than 2^30 combination. I also wanted to reverse the process. Is this possible?    stackoverflow.com

I have a string which contains 3 elements:

  • a 3 digit code (example: SIN, ABD, SMS, etc)
  • a 1 digit code type (example: 1, 2, 3, etc)
  • a 3 digit number (example: 500, 123, ...

7. Select random string from given list    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to make Java select 1 random string from a given list. Example of the list of strings:

1153    3494    9509    2 ...

8. Get a button to repeat an action    stackoverflow.com

I am making a simple application for my first java project. It combines various strings to produce output. E.g - Names. However I have run into a snag, I have my GUI ...

9. Generate two same random alpha-numeric strings in different java programs    stackoverflow.com

I am looking to see if there is a possibility to generate two same alpha-numeric strings in two different java codes. This is for the purpose of secured communication between client ...

10. How can I generate random strings in java?    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
How to generate a random alpha-numeric string in Java
I want to write a code that build random string by Specified length . how ...

11. How to randomly access nth element in StringTokenizer    stackoverflow.com

Is there anyway we can directly access a certain(lets say 20th) element in a stringTokenizer. Every now and then I need only a certain element from it and do not need ...

12. Random string generation    coderanch.com

Everybody has their own idea; here's one I've used on a couple of projects. package com.darwinsys.security; /** * Cheap, lightweight, low-security password generator. See also: * java.security.*; */ public class PassPhrase { /** * Minimum length for a decent password */ public static final int MIN_LENGTH = 10; /** * The random number generator. */ protected static java.util.Random r = new ...

13. how to generate random string...?    coderanch.com

You might want to omit vowels to avoid naughty words in however many langauges your users might know. You can make an array of acceptable letters, digits, punctuation, etc and pick them out randomly, or even use Arrays.shuffle() to mix them up and take the first four (which has the non-random property of no duplicates.)

14. How do i create random strings?    coderanch.com

15. How to print out string at random interval    coderanch.com

A call to Thread.sleep(long milliseconds) is the easiest way to create "pauses." To me, the question is about these random intervals. I understand they should average 60 seconds (60000 milliseconds), but what should their range and distribution be? If you're okay with a uniform distribution, then you can use Math.random(). For example, if you wanted the values to range between 50 ...

16. random strings    coderanch.com

I like to use an alphabet with no vowels for this stuff. It helps to avoid generating offensive words. Sometimes I mix in digits and also leave out 1 & 0 because they're too easy to confuse with I and O in some fonts. Another good trick is to take a random number and use Integer to convert it to base ...

17. genrating Random String    coderanch.com

18. Create string in random order.    coderanch.com

19. Random String    coderanch.com

Are you using an old version of Java? In Java1.4 and earlier the Random objects took the time of day as their "seed," so creating two Random objects ran the risk of both returning the same "random" values. Even in later versions that might happen, but the risk is less. Suggest you try using only one Random object.

20. Generating random Strings.    coderanch.com

3**26 -- the number of 3 letter combinations -- is bigger than 1.8 million. Is being "random" what's important? Or do they just need to be unique? If you need 1.8 million unique strings then you could simply use the values "1" through "1800000". Obviously, those won't be random. If you want characters rather than numbers, look into BigInteger using a ...

21. I need suggestions on the following logic i developed to generate a random string.    coderanch.com

Hi everybody, I am Chaitanya, I am now on a web application, I have a situation where the user will be uploading multiple images in single request. If the user gives same names for each and every image all the images will be over ridden. I can use java scripting, but what if java script is disabled? I can go for ...

22. Replace Random Positions in a String    coderanch.com

Hello guys, I'm working to a system called Quiz ... The last thing that remains are the 'clues'. In present i have and I want to remove from xml the clues because is hard to do them manually ... so I made something but i failed ...

23. random string not matching reg ex    go4expert.com

24. Random Strings help!    java-forums.org

So I have this problem and it is completely stumping me.. Here is what I have to do so you can get an idea : I need to make a program that will read a string and long from the keyboard. Then I have to use the long as a seed for creating a Random object. Now, using the Random object, ...

25. generate random letters inbetween a string    java-forums.org

i am trying to create a program with will encode a word into special characters by using the space_size variable for example:i enter the word bill and the space_size is 2, therefore the program will output (@b*^i^@l(!l however i am having problems outputting this at the moment the code is adding an integer at the end of the word like bill245 ...

26. Random Strings    java-forums.org

Hi, I'm writing a program using BlueJ Java. I Need to select random numbers and strings. The random numbers are easy, but I can't figure out how to randomize strings. I'm can't use integers and then an if-statement. Can anyone help me for this? I tried to figure this out for while but nothing comes to mind. I'm using: import java.util.*; ...

27. display random words from a string    java-forums.org

I'm still a newbie at Java so I haven't come to arrays or splits yet. I'm still learning the very basics, so I'd like some suggestions to correct my code simply.. I tried to generate a random number from the string and then put it in the scan.hasNext to give me a word in place of that random number I got. ...

28. How to make a comparison between between random string and user input    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, Basically, my program will generate a random string using the method below, Random rand = new Random(); int num1 = rand.nextInt(10); int num2 = rand.nextInt(10); int num3 = rand.nextInt(10); char myChar1 = (char) ('A' + num1); char myChar2 = (char) ('A' + num2); char myChar3 = (char) ('A' + num3); System.out.println("The random string is: " +myChar1 + myChar2 + ...

29. How to Insert Random Letters In String Buffer    forums.oracle.com

First you are going to need an array or some other data structure that will map a number to a letter (i.e. 0=a, 1=b etc.) then you will set the rand to give you back a number in that range (0-25). Once you have your number just use it to look up your value. Then append it to your StringBuffer. -Cludge ...

30. Generating random String    forums.oracle.com

31. randomly generated string    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, i was playing with the idea of using something like random generated string for my primary key in one of my tables in db. Is this concept is full proof means whats the possibility that the same string generated twice? or to make it full proof, can i supply some input and then generate? If there's some solution, please ...

32. Random string generation    forums.oracle.com

Here s the one i am using: The method seems optimized. You get 16 random bytes (2 calls to Random). I suggest you instead create a char array of the wanted length. Then you fill it with length number of random chars of the kind you want. At the end you create a String from the char array. It will be ...

33. Get Random String with Button push    forums.oracle.com

34. how to print random strings    forums.oracle.com

35. Random String Generation    forums.oracle.com

36. Need help with random String    forums.oracle.com

Hello. I'm pretty new to Java programming and to this forum. Anyway, I have trouble with a method that should generate a response (either 'yes', 'no' or 'maybe') randomly. At this moment I have no code to give you. Oh, and the responses shouldn't be stored in an arraylist. I'll explain later...

37. Generating random strings    forums.oracle.com

39. Create new String to contain each charector once in Random order    forums.oracle.com

Can some body please help me ??? I am stuck......... I am trying to create a new string that whould have the same length and will contain each character of the original string once (str in the code below) in a random order. The following code is generating a string with random characters from the original string with the same length ...

40. How to generate random strings    forums.oracle.com

Gday all, So I have to create a simple guessing game where the user guesses a 3 letter string that is randomly generated: "For each new game your program will generate three unique random numbers between 0 and 9 inclusive, and convert them into a String of three characters in the range A to J. This String will be an input ...

42. creating a random k-letter from a string    forums.oracle.com

43. String.random() unsufficiently random    forums.oracle.com