Random Number 1 « Number « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Java: generating random number in a range    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to generate a random number with Java, but random in a specific range. For example, my range is 5-10, meaning that 5 is the smallest possible value the ...

2. Seeding java.util.Random with consecutive numbers    stackoverflow.com

I've simplified a bug I'm experiencing down to the following lines of code:

    int[] vals = new int[8];
    for (int i = 0; i < ...

3. Random Number Generator    stackoverflow.com

I need to write a program in Java to generate random numbers within the range [0,1] using the formula:

Xi = (aXi-1 + b) mod m
assuming any fixed int ...

4. Java Generate Random number {-1,0,1}    stackoverflow.com

I need a function that will return a random integer that can be only -1, 0, or 1. Thanks?

5. Java: Can (new Random()).nextInt(5) always return the same number?    stackoverflow.com

Sometimes this piece of code always returns the same number (and sometimes it works fine):

(new Random()).nextInt(5)
I have suspicions where the problem is - it probably always creates a new Random with ...

6. programatically using Hardware Random number generator    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on a desktop application and would love to use any hardware random number generators that happen to be available, though I dont want the user to have to do ...

7. Generating correlated numbers    stackoverflow.com

Here is a fun one: I need to generate random x/y pairs that are correlated at a given value of Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, or Pearson r. ...

8. Java permutations with least random numbers possible    stackoverflow.com

i looking to generate a permutation of the array a and I dont want to use util function such as shuffle on collections...
The permutations(#) should be randomised and every single permutation ...

9. Generate random number histogram using java    stackoverflow.com


  1 ****(4)
  2 ******(6)
  3 ***********(11)
  4 *****************(17)
  5 **************************(26)
  6 *************************(25)
  7 *******(7)
  8 ***(3)
  9 (0)
 10 *(1)
basically above ...

10. Random generated number    stackoverflow.com

How would you set up a program using Java to generate a 5 digit number using the following statement:

int n = (int)Math.floor(Math.random()*100000+1)
It also has to print the number generated. I ...

11. How to generate random numbers at set time intervals?    stackoverflow.com

I have developed code in Java for generating ten random numbers from a range 0 to 99. The problem is I need to generate a random number for every 2 ...

12. Getting a random number between 0 and 0.06 in Java?    stackoverflow.com

How do you get random Double values between 0.0 and 0.06 in Java?

13. Need a fast Java beta distribution random number generator    stackoverflow.com

I need to generate random numbers that have a beta distribution in some speed critical code. Currently I'm using the BetaRandomVariable() class from the numerics4j library - but currently represents ...

14. Generating random numbers with identical pairs between 1 to 8?    stackoverflow.com

Like my question, i need to generate random numbers that have identical pairs between a range. i have tried to generate random numbers and stored in an array but the numbers ...

15. List in java using Random Numbers    stackoverflow.com

I have the following code

public class ShufflingListAndArray
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException

    List services = new ArrayList (

    Arrays.asList("COMPUTER", "DATA", "PRINTER"));


16. List in java using Random numbers    stackoverflow.com

I am getting the following error.

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;

public class ShufflingListAndArray
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException

    List services = 

    //Arrays.asList("COMPUTER", "DATA", "PRINTER");


17. generation of random numbers in java    stackoverflow.com

I want to create 30 tables which consists of the following fields. For example,

Service_ID   Service_Type     consumer_feedback 
  75       ...

18. Generate random letters and numbers together    stackoverflow.com

Generate 6 characters: the first character is randomly generated from the alphabets with odd ordering in the alphabet list (A, C, E, …, Y) the second character is randomly generated from ...

19. Randomize numbers within a subset    stackoverflow.com

I have a array of integer numbers (say 1,2,3,4,5 or 1,2,3, ... 10 or 1,2,3, ... 50) from which I would like to get a random set of numbers ordered differently ...

20. Choosing random numbers efficiently    stackoverflow.com

I have a method, which uses random samples to approximate a calculation. This method is called millions of times, so its very important that the process of choosing the random numbers ...

21. No Secure Random Number Generators Available in JDK    stackoverflow.com

I am currently running JDK 6 on Windows 7 and have installed the Unlimited Strength Policy Files. I wrote a Java app some time ago which used to work but now ...

22. random number with seed    stackoverflow.com

Reference: link text i cannot understand the following line , can anybody provide me some example for the below statement? If two instances of Random are created with the same seed, ...

23. Java: Generating a random numbers with a logarithmic distribution    stackoverflow.com

I am attempting to generate a random numbers with a logarithmic distribution. Where n=1 occurs half of the time, n=2 occurs a aurter of the time, n=3 occurs an eight of the ...

24. The set seed value won't provide the right output of numbers    stackoverflow.com

When I enter 42 for the seed value, it provides a certain sequence of numbers and reproduces the same ones every time the program is used. But the sequence of numbers ...

25. How do I generate a random value between two numbers    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
Java: generating random number in a range
How do I generate a random value between two numbers. Random.nextInt() gives you between 0 ...

26. Java question: trying to create and draw a random number of objects    stackoverflow.com

I'm a Java novice taking a beginning programming class and I'm trying to finish my homework assignment (due tomorrow!) and I've been banging my head against the wall trying to figure ...

27. How do I generate a random number in java between 450 and 150 that is a multiple of 10?    stackoverflow.com

So far I have this code

int w = (int)((450-150)*random()+150);  
This generates a number between 450 and 150... But I have no idea how to make that number a multiple of ...

28. Creating random numbers with no duplicates    stackoverflow.com

In this case, the MAX is only 5, so I could check the duplicates one by one, but how could I do this in a simpler way? For example, what if ...

29. My Random Number Generator isn't doing what I intended it to be    stackoverflow.com

This is a school project: Objective: Ask the user to input 2 number A random number will be print to the user. Must catch if input isn't Integer. I have check online source, which i copied ...

30. Why are my random numbers not so random?    stackoverflow.com

int totalRecs = getTotalRecs(); // returns '13'
Random rand = new Random();
int start = (totalRecs > Utl.MAX_RECS_PER_LOOKUP) ? rand.nextInt(totalRecs-Utl.MAX_RECS_PER_LOOKUP) : 0;
results = this.getNewRecs(filter, start, start+1);
I'm using this random number ...

31. Random Number Generator in Java    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing a program that will work like a magic 8 ball. It asks for a question and then prints a random response out of 20 that I've put in it. ...

32. Non repeating random numbers    stackoverflow.com

As a part of my project i need to create non repeating 2 or 3 digitrandom numbers by giving a set of numbers.I dont want to implement a list or array ...

33. Random numbers Mathematica vs Java    stackoverflow.com

Which set is more "random"? Math.random() for Java or random for Mathematica? Java is in blue, Mathematica in red. numbers are from 0 to 50 (51?) Mathematica random vs Java EDIT: It's ...

34. how to generate n random numbers from a list of m numbers in java    stackoverflow.com

For example I have a list of 20 numbers and i try to random generate six of the without repeating them. Any ideas?

35. Java Generate Random Number Between Two Given Values    stackoverflow.com

I would like to know how to generate a random number between two given values. I am able to generate a random number with the following:

Random r = new Random();

for(int i = ...

36. Generate a random number with max, min and mean(average) in Java    stackoverflow.com

I need to generate random numbers with following properties. Min should be 200 Max should be 20000 Average(mean) is 500. Optional: 75th percentile to be 5000 Definitely it is not uniform distribution, nor gaussian. I need ...

37. Java random number with given length    stackoverflow.com

I need to genarate a random number with exactly 6 digits in Java. I know i could loop 6 times over a randomicer but is there a nother way to do ...

38. Java random always returns the same number when I set the seed?    stackoverflow.com

I require help with a random number generator I am creating. My code is as follows (inside a class called numbers):

public int random(int i){
    Random randnum = new ...

39. random number generation and exclusion of the generated numbers    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to do this in Java ? I want to generate a random number such that given a range say for example: between 1 and 70 - everytime the ...

40. Random Lottery Number help?    stackoverflow.com

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

class Lottery {

    private int lotteryNumbers[];

    public int [] lotteryPicks() {

        lotteryNumbers = new int[499];

41. Generating millions of non-repeating random numbers in Java    stackoverflow.com

I have a question, what algorithm can I use to generate a set of 2^21 random unique numbers in Java? is there another library in java that generates random numbers aside ...

42. Skewing java random number generation toward a certain number    stackoverflow.com

How, in Java, would you generate a random number but make that random number skewed toward a specific number. For example, I want to generate a number between 1 and ...

43. Java returns impossible random numbers    stackoverflow.com

Here is the code:

import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;

class string
    public static void main(String[] args)

44. Getting random numbers In java    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
Java: generating random number in a range
Hello guys, I would like to get a random value between 1 to 50. How may I do that ...

45. How does the seed value passed to Java's random number generator effect its output?    stackoverflow.com

How does the seed value passed to Java's random number generator effect its output? How would i go about figuring out which numbers it will output if i know the seed ...

46. How do I create a name generator?    stackoverflow.com

I am creating a program that prompts a first and last name then prints a string composed of the first letter of the user’s first name, followed by the first five ...

47. How can I generate a random number within a range but exclude some?    stackoverflow.com

How can I generate a random number within a range but exclude some, without keep generating and checking if the generated number is one of those that I want to exclude? ...

48. Generate a random number and store it    stackoverflow.com

In Java, how would I generate a random number and then store that number? I've been trying to use this:

public void obstacleAvoidance() {

    Random rnd = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());

49. Java Random class, generate a duplicate number using the same seed and nextBytes()?    stackoverflow.com

Assuming that I am using the same seed by instantiating a static final Random object with new Random(), is it possible to get the same number twice by calling nextBytes in ...

50. Java generating "random" numbers that don't repeat for 2^48 period    stackoverflow.com

Basically I want to generate random numbers that won't ever repeat for a very long period (I don't want to use a sequence) like for example the LCG that java uses:


51. Returning a random even number    stackoverflow.com

I have the following methods. The method rnd, returns a single random integer between two bounds:

  /* Create next batch of 55 random numbers */
  void advance_random (){
int j1;
double ...

52. How to generate random numbers with restrictions on like numbers and powers of ten    stackoverflow.com

We need to generate random numbers within a certain digit range with few restrictions 
e.g. For double digit range 11 - 99, the resultant output should not include all like numbers ...

53. Random Number Generator: mainly how to stop repetition of numbers. Java    stackoverflow.com

So I'm working on an OOP program that is meant to create 50 unique numbers, by using a random number generator that ensures no repeating numbers. I have the random part ...

54. Generate random numbers in increments    stackoverflow.com

I need to generate n random numbers between a and b, but any two numbers cannot have a difference of less than c. All variables except n are floats (n is ...

55. Java code for x random numbers that add up to n?    stackoverflow.com

I'm making a music generation program and need a set of x random numbers selected from 0.125, 0.25 and 0.5 which add up to 1. I can't think of a neat ...

56. Java 7: ThreadLocalRandom generating the same random numbers    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying out Java 7's ThreadLocalRandom and see that it is generating exactly the same random numbers across multiple threads. Here is my code, in which I create 5 ...

57. Creating RSA key using an external source of random number (Java)    stackoverflow.com

I had generate a 256 bits random keys into a file. The plan is to using the 256 bits random key as a source to generate a RSA (public and private) key. Anyone ...

58. Java random number with high probability    stackoverflow.com

I have an array char[] Select = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J'} and each element in this array has different probability to be selected. For example,

int[] Weight =  {10,30,25,60,20,70,10,80,20,30};
My requirement is to ...

59. how to stop getting the same number when generating 2 numbers from a different class    stackoverflow.com

When I run this code i get 2 numbers (which is good) but the numbers generated are the same (which is bad) and I dont want the numbers to be the ...

60. Does Java's Random Object create random numbers through equal opportunity?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to write a short program that plays a dice game (normal 6 sided dice) for me. The first roll's number is added to the score. After the first roll, ...

61. Weighted random numbers: boundary case    stackoverflow.com

In reference to the top answer given in this post, I've noticed that it fails for a boundary case when rnd=sum_of_weight. The fix is to generate random numbers in [0,sum_of_weight), ...

62. How to generate a random five digit number Java    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
Java: generating random number in a range
I need a little help. What code would I use to create a random number that is 5 ...

63. Random numbers with Math.random() in Java    stackoverflow.com

For generating random numbers, I've used the formula: (int)(Math.random() * max) + min The formula I find on Google always seem to be: (int)(Math.random() * (max - min) + min) Which one's right? As far ...

64. Math.random in Java- Generating a random number then generating more random numbers based on the first random    stackoverflow.com

i'm running a loop 3 times. at first i create a random number from 1 to 10. let's say the first loop produces the number 5. then i need ...

65. Is there a way to generate a random UUID, which consists only of numbers?    stackoverflow.com

Java's UUID class generates a random UUID. But this consists of alphabets and numbers. For some applications we need only numbers. Is there a way to generate random UUID that consists ...

66. Getting two dividing random numbers using java    stackoverflow.com

Is there any way to get 2 random numbers that can be divided ?.For example number1 and number2 are two random number between 1 to 10 and i want to generate number1 ...

67. Random Number Generation within range with different distribution in Java    stackoverflow.com

I want to generate Random number in different range. For example range 10^14 in Java with different distribution like log, normal, binomial etc. Is there any particular library for the same. ...

68. generation of random numbers    stackoverflow.com

I would like to randomly generate 10 numbers (0 or 1), it means that the result will look like (for example) 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0; ...

69. atmospheric noise and generating random numbers java    stackoverflow.com

I was interested in finding out how one can use atmospheric noise to generate true random numbers. I know RANDOM.ORG does it but they (of course) don't explain what the process ...

70. Generating Random Numbers    bytes.com

Hey, I had school exercise in which i needed to generate some numbers within the range of 70 to 90. I'd like to know whether there exists an exact formula which ...

71. Generating a random number based on the values I want (Sorry if vague)    bytes.com

Alright I'm not sure if I worded the title correctly but I'm looking to generate a random number based on the numbers in an arraylist. So if I have the values ...

72. Sudoku, just need help on generating random numbers... and then checking    bytes.com

Since you have the two for loops printing the value of the cell, just before that, set that cell to a random value, eg board[i][j] = rand()*9 + 1 c.print (" ...

73. random number generation    coderanch.com

I don't think you can stop the JVM from randomly generating the next value different from the previous ones........because JVM doesn't store which values it has already generated in a range....... Though you can control it, & put the random values in a Set..this way you can ensure that values are not duplicated........

74. Generate 6-Digit Random Number    coderanch.com

Hi Friends, I need to generate a Exactly 6 digit random number.I have a method which generates 6 Digit Random#.But its generating repetative numbers which we don't want.Can some one suggest me a better technique which generates ramdom numbers which are unique(Its Ok if there are duplicates once in 1000 times) public static int generatePin() throws Exception { Random generator = ...

75. Generation of Random Number    coderanch.com

Hello, Can any one help me in generating random number sequence for real time application. with following constraint, the routine should not access the current time stamp or db time stamp. I have tried with util.Random and math.random() they are not generated unique random numbers, after a period of time , say after every 100 or 150 numbers , they are ...

76. Regarding random number generation.    coderanch.com

77. random number gene betwn 2 no's    coderanch.com

I think , java.util.Random class is easy to use more than java.lang.Math.random() method... So, if you want to random number between 2 number. Example random 1 - 50 import java.util.Random; /** * @author somkiat.p * * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments ...

78. Random numbers    coderanch.com

Hi all, Ive this easy question: how do i get random numbers? Ive seen the Random class, but it says that "If two instances of Random are created with the same seed, and the same sequence of method calls is made for each, they will generate and return identical sequences of numbers". My problem is that i have a thread pool, ...

79. random numbers    coderanch.com

Math.random() returns a value between 0 and 1.0 Java also has the Random class. You can say double mypercent = r.nextDouble() * 100.0; which would give you a random number from 0 - 100 or (int)(Math.random() * 6) to return integers in the range 0-5 or (int)(Math.random() * 6) + 1 to return values from 1-6 [ February 05, 2005: Message ...

80. Duplicated random numbers    coderanch.com

We have a situation where we are running the same code in separate JVMs. Part of what the code does is generate a file with a name based on the datetime to the second and just to make sure, a random number. Unfortunately, we've just had a situation where two processes generated exactly the same datetime and, I assume because the ...

81. Random Numbers    coderanch.com

I would guess that there isn't a single c-random-implementation, but different ones from borland, intel, gnu, ... Some of them aren't open-source, but chances aren't bad, that the algorithm is documented, since a lot of users are interested. So I guess you have to find out, which library is/ was used with your freecell, and reimplement it with java on your ...

82. Random Numbers    coderanch.com

Say i want 9 random numbers to be generated using : x0 = generator.nextInt(9); x1 = generator.nextInt(9); x2 = generator.nextInt(9); x3 = generator.nextInt(9); x4 = generator.nextInt(9); x5 = generator.nextInt(9); x6 = generator.nextInt(9); x7 = generator.nextInt(9); x8 = generator.nextInt(9); Say i want to print these random numbers out but ONLY if the random numbers are each different so that I have 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ...

83. Random Numbers II    coderanch.com

OK well i'd just like to say thanks for everybody that replied Random Numbers! But i have one further question... Lets say I have an array (Array1) of number in any sequence of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Lets say I then have another array (Array2) of numbers between 1 and 9. How do i make it so that, say, Array1[2] and Array2[2] are not ...

86. random number generation    coderanch.com

87. generate 10 digits random number    coderanch.com

88. random number code problem    coderanch.com

Hi, I am working on a code that requires retuening String 1 88% of the time; String 2 10% Str 3 1.9% and String 4 0.1%. I developed a function: Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); double d = Math.abs(rand.nextGaussian()); if (d <= 1.555) { //return 88%; return String1; } else if (d <= 2.33) { //return 10%; return String2; } else ...

89. Random number generation starting from and between    coderanch.com

HI all, I would like to know how to generate random numbers (3 numbers) starting from 500 to 1000, i have tried with random class but it does not provide with min and max limit of the numbers to be generated. Kindly let me know how can we do this Thanks Rudresh

90. generating random number in range    coderanch.com

I am trying to write a very simple program that will generate a random number from 65 to 90(betwen 65 and 90) , I dont want to use the Random class or nextInt() method , i simply want to achieve this by using the Math.random() , can some one please help or give some suggestion.

91. Random Numbers    coderanch.com

Respected Sirs, In my application ,there is a credit card process. For this ,I need to generate a unique number for each transaction.we can use alphabets,digits,space,at the rate symbol and dollar symbol . The uniqueness must be distinguish with the first eight characters and we can use maximum 22 characters. For this I am using Random class , and the program ...

92. True Random Numbers    coderanch.com

Depends what you mean by truly random numbers... You can't do it on a computer for a start. Pretty much all 'random number' functions rely on pre-defined lists of numbers in some form or another. You normally have to give a seed (time in ms is often used), but if you know the seed you'd be able to work out what ...

93. Pseudo Random Numbers    coderanch.com

Actually, the random numbers that come up when you start your program cannot be different if you use THE SAME SEED NUMBER every time. All random number algorithms require a starting number to generate a non-repeating list of numbers. However, if you give the same seed number, the non-repeating list will be same for every execution of the program. In practical ...

94. Uniformly distributed random numbers    coderanch.com

95. random number error    coderanch.com

dear sir, I am very doubtful in generating a random number within the range selected. for eg, i wants to generate50 random number start from 0000. please advise me! following is my sample of random in java: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++= import java.util.Random; public class RandomTest2 { int[] ndigits; double x; int n; private static Random Random2 = new Random(); //public int[] ...

96. random numbers    coderanch.com

Not sure how you would do that, other than perhaps creating a random number from 0 to 100, like you normally would, and then using random boolean and an if statement to decide if you should multiply that random number by -1. That's probably how I would do it, since can't seem to find anything in the API that would do ...

97. Random number    coderanch.com

Imagine a case where you want to generate all the numbers from 1 to 1,000,000 in a random order. If you simply generate random numbers and then check to see if they have already been selected, you might possibly run for a very long time. I ran using the tree option to generate random numbers from 1 to 1,000,000 and it ...

98. random Number    coderanch.com

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

99. Random Number generation    coderanch.com

Hi , Is there any way forcing random number genrated to be positive. This is what i am doing : Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); nextID = rand.nextInt(); But some time i get main: in initialValue() Iteration :0My id is : 15064690 main: in initialValue() Iteration :1My id is : -25718693 main: in initialValue() Iteration :2My id is : 67005792 main: ...

100. Random Numbers    coderanch.com

"Pseudo" means "fake". In this context, the numbers generated by Math.random() are not truly random. What is "truly random" then? Well, that's a good question that I personally will leave to the mathemeticians and statisticians. The Math.random() method is good enough in most cases. I think the main reason that these numbers aren't really random is because you can repeat the ...