Count number « Number « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Count Frequency in a Randomly Generated List of Numbers

I generated 100 random numbers from 0-9, i am supposed to count how many times each number appears. Storing it in an array of 10 integers and count it. heres what i ...

2. Count the number of lines in a Java String

Need some compact code for counting the number of lines in a string in Java. The string is to be separated by \r or \n. Each instance of those newline characters ...

3. Count the number of objects in an Image

I am investigating the possibility of image processing to identify certain objects and also count them in an image. I will be given a picture and I need to identify the ...

4. How to count the number of operations in a loop and give a theta characterization

I just want to make sure if I am doing this correct. I am trying to count the number of operations performed for the worst case scenario in java

int sum = ...

5. Java - Count number of symbols in string

Let's say I have this string:

String helloWorld = "One,Two,Three,Four!";
How can I make it so it counts the number of commas in String helloWorld?

6. Count the number of colors of images

I have three different images (jpeg or bmp). I'm trying to predict the complexity of each image based on the number of color of each. How could I make it possible ...

7. counting the number of documents containing a specific term

File folder2 = new File("C:\\Users\\user\\fypworkspace\\TextRenderer");

File[] listOfFiles2 = folder.listFiles(); 
System.out.println("Please enter the required word  :");
    Scanner scan2 = new Scanner(; 
    String word2 = scan.nextLine();

8. counting the number of document containing a specific term

lets say i has a term ' about'. I wanted to know whether a text file contain this word. If yes, it will increment the number of text file containing the word by ...

9. How can I count the number of occurrences of a simple pattern in a string?

For this question, a "pair" in a string is defined as a situation where two instances of one character are separated by another character. So in "AxA" the A's make a ...

10. Count the number of '8's Problem in Java

Im stuck with the below problem. Problem Statement: Given a non-negative int n, return the count of the occurrences of 8 as a digit, except that an 8 with another 8 immediately to ...

11. How to count the motherboard slots and get the motherboard serial number through java?

How to count the motherboard slots and get the motherboard serial number through java? Im using Sigar Java API for getting all other informations. But i don't know how to get ...

12. to count number

Please help me to solve this problem. The problem is that I have a table which stores the all kind of alarms now I need to know count of one particular ...

13. Count number of users while login authentication

I am new to java and here I faced a problem. I have a login application in my project and I want to count the number of users that are accessing my ...

14. count number of distinct words

I am trying to count the number of distinct words in the text, using Java. The word can be a unigram, bigram or trigram noun. These three are already found out by ...

15. Nested loops to find counting numbers

never thought i had issues with nested loops well here Iam: What i want to achieve is this: Given two number A and B i need to find all counting ...

16. Count exact number of charaters in a string in java

I have a string of names where all the different names are seperated by the same character (#) e.g. tom#will#robert# I want to be able to count the number of names by ...

17. having trouble with finding and counting the unique numbers

hi guys, i am new to JAVA I am having trouble with array, anyone can help? here is the problem. if i input 10 numbers, how can i count the unique ...

18. How to count the number of times each word appears and store in table?

Hi, Please forgive me, I'm new to java. I've got a hunk of text. I want to count the number of times each word appears. I understand that I should store ...

19. Counting number of records in result set

No no no. I have a database with about 12 tables in it, and I need to execute a query that selects from multiple tables. The problem is, some of the tables have no records in them, because it's still in development and we haven't had time to go and fill them in. If I make a query that mentions one ...

20. How to count number of lines inside methods() using the Doclet API

Wrote a custom doclet using the Doclet API (located inside the tools.jar). The purpose for the doclet is to load Java source files and create stubs (which are identical Java source files but do not contain any method implementation details). Instead, the method implementation details need to be replaced with blank lines... public class MyDoclet { private static String TAB = ...

21. count number of spaces...

Interesting problem awright. A few ideas... Convert your string to char array and inspect one character at a time. Build up consecutive non-blanks into words, count consecutive blanks or just save the index at the start of each word. Sounds a little finicky. If you have JDK 1.4 or later, look into the Pattern and Match classes and regular expressions. You ...

22. How to count total number without same number

Qing: There are many ways to accomplish your goal. Here's one approach: Create an initially empty list (such as an ArrayList) that will be used to store the numbers entered by the user. As each number is entered, check it against those already in the list. If the number is not in the list, add it to the list. If the ...

23. How can we count the number of objects created per class using Java1.5 API?

Note that while this will tell you how many have been CREATED, that does not tell you how many are currently ALIVE. You could easily write a for loop that creates 100 objects and immediately discards the reference, making them all eligible for garbage collection. And you have no way to know when that may happen.

24. Count the number of vowels, words, and sentences.

Hey guys I am trying to make a program called word that uses the a text file called output in order to: 1) Count the number of words. 2) Count the number of vowels (a,e,i,o,u *disregard y*) 3) Count the number of sentences. 4) Count the number of lines. 5) Count the number of punctuations. 6) Count the number of characters. ...

25. Counting the Number of Instances Created

Is it possible to count the number of instances created for a class without having each instance to cooperate and tell some global/static data that it has been created. That is, can we count the number of instances and optionally get hold of a reference to it from a 3rd party class. For example, profilers can in general count the number ...

26. counting instance of numbers in a particular string

OK, one last question for the night. I took in a string from the user named 'string'. I wrote a FOR loop to go through each individual character in the string, and what I tried to do was to have a variable counter "hasnum" to ++ every time it comes across a number in the string. Basically, if a string input ...

27. To count the number of lines present under conditional statements(if, if, else if, else)

Hi All, I need some help in java. Can someone help me how to count the number of statement present under conditional statements (if, if, else if, else) from a java file with the help of another java file. To explain more better, I have a java file which includes If conditions, else if conditions, While loops also. I am writing ...

28. Can somebody check my codes?(Counting numbers)

This program is about counting the number of digits that exist in a string there is no compile error on it but there is an error in the logics that i cant find it. So can somebody have a look at it, if you cant tell me the direct answer then please give me some hints. Thanks Here is my codes ...

29. counting number of lines of system.out

30. Count number of digits in string using scanner

can someone please let me know what I need to change and why. I have been looking at it for a little while and cannot figure it out on my own. Thank You. import java.util.Scanner; class NumberOfDigits2 { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Please enter a Number!"); in.nextLine(); System.out.print("The Number Of Digits Is " + ...

31. how to count number of pages printed?

33. day number count

public static int dayCount(String curMonth, String curDay) { int day = 0; int month = 0; int monthNumbers = 0; int dayNumber = 0; //We convert the day string to a integer day = Integer.parseInt(curDay); month = Integer.parseInt(curMonth); switch (month) { case 1: monthNumbers = 31; break; case 2: monthNumbers = 0; break; // SPECIAL CASE!! case 3: monthNumbers = 31; ...

34. How to count random numbers together?

35. Counting numbers up and down

/** * Write a description of class Counting here. * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class Counting { // instance variables - replace the example below with your own public int z = 5; /** * Constructor for objects of class Counting */ public Counting() { for (int x = 5; x >=1; ...

36. how to count numbers under 5.5

Yes, exactly, a for loop. You've posted the "control" portion of the loop, and the loop will also have a body that will be between curly braces, {}. In the loop body you'll use the if block, and then after the loop you'll print out the results. Give it a try! :)

37. How to count the number of words in a sentence(string)?

Take a look at the String API: [] Read through the method summary and see if anything in there may be helpful. If not, what else could you use? Do you know how to use loops? Also, remember that the number of spaces isn't exactly the number of words, as there's no space after the final word.

38. Trying to count number of objects created

The problem is that the variable i exists within the class Bear, that is, it's contained within an object of type Bear. So when a Bear object is constructed, it has a variable i with a value of 1. Each Bear object has its own field i. In your code, you construct objects x, y, and z of type Bear. Each ...

39. help with number counting program

40. number counting

41. help with number counting project

42. Having a little trouble with counting number of whitespaces

/* Chapter 9: Programming Assignment 2 Date: 6 January 2008 Programmer: Yucca Nel Filename: Purpose: This programme analyses a string and returns a value of the ammount of chars in the string in 3 forms: With blanks, without blanks and the ammount of blanks. NOTE:::: Blanks include leading and trailing blanks. */

43. how count the number of substrings in a string

prometheuzz I did reply to you and but for some reason all replies I've got to this question have been wiped from the system when I logged on this morning and I am not getting any emails telling me that replies have been made to my post either. I mean no offence and am grateful for any help I receive from ...

44. Count number for a list, which is broken into smaller list

Is Counter.list your "large" list of 105 or do you pass Counter a "small" list of 20? I'm guessing it's the latter, in which case in your current code the simplest thing to do would probably be to pass the index at which the "small" list starts and assign that to count. In other words, your fourth list is elemens 60-80 ...

45. Counting the number of terms

46. 3 ways to count numbers from 1 to n?

47. Counting the number of instances of a class

The general contract of finalize is that it is invoked if and when the JavaTM virtual machine has determined that there is no longer any means by which this object can be accessed by any thread that has not yet died, except as a result of an action taken by the finalization of some other object or class which is ready ...

48. Count number of whitespaces?!

49. count number of lines

basically I am give a file with countries names in row sequence and I have to pick one randomly.I want this number of lines to equate it my number of array because each variable of array would be a country.and then use random method (if exists) to get the country.Any better approach?

50. Help!! count the number of words in one line

51. I need to WAP to count the number of occurences of an alphabet in a string.

a exists 2 time(s) in the word. b exists 4 time(s) in the word. c exists 5 time(s) in the word. a exists 7 time(s) in the word. b exists 9 time(s) in the word. r exists 10 time(s) in the word. t exists 11 time(s) in the word. y exists 12 time(s) in the word.

52. Count number of boleans they enter

I can easily do this with if statements but I'd rather find an alternative. The user enters in 5 booleans and I need to find otu how many of them are false (count them) and then do something. If statements, as i said, can do this but I'd prefer a while loop, the cnodition is i

53. Counting and summing up the numbers.

54. Looping and counting numbers

Can anyone please help, I am trying to write a method where a while loop adds up all the numbers between two numbers. I am passing the numbers to the method as parameters. So far I can add the numbers in as parameters fine and have stored them as local variables. I can perform calculations on the numbers stored but cannot ...

55. counting frequency of numbers

I am reading a file that contains a number (float) on each line. My objective is to record the number of occurrences of each number. What is the best way to do this? I was thinking of using a two dimensional array but I don't know how many data values there will be, e.g. the file may have 20 numbers or ...

56. count number of occurrences in string

int pos = string1.indexOf(char1); { System.out.println("The position of the first occurrence that char1" + "is contained in string1 is :" + pos); that is the code to find the occurrence in a string, can youshow me how to write a loop to count the total because I don't know how to use loop

57. counting a random number...

Hint: You don't need an "if" inside your loop. Everything in array will be in the range 0..100, right? And total has 101 elements with indices 0..100, right? And the value N from any given element in array means you'll increment the element at index N in total, right? Edited by: jverd on Oct 29, 2008 8:18 AM

59. Count the number of Lines with in a method

} /* public static int MethodLOC(String inputFile) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { File FileIn = new File(inputFile); Scanner scanLines = new Scanner (FileIn); String line = null; int methodLOC = 0; while(scanLines.hasNext()) { line = scanLines.nextLine(); if(!line.contains("/*")) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, "\n"); methodLOC = st.countTokens(); } } return methodLOC; } */ public static String Method(String inputFile) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { ...

61. Counting number of times an exception accurs during a code run

Hi Folks, I would like to know how to count number of times various exceptions in a particular execution without using static variables. Like, I am doing a file conversion, reading a set of files in a directory and transforming it to XML files in specific format and writing it in another directory. As, this process is recursive and runs in ...

62. Efficiency in counting numbers and finding combinations

ABCprogrammer wrote: and how can i make it more efficient (if the number counts from 1 up up to 10^21, which is a sextillion) Stop and think about this for a second. Let's say your laptop runs at 10 GHz. (It's not that fast, but for the sake of simplicity assume it is.) Let's also say it can write a number ...

64. Need help to count the number of words in a string

Hi! I;m new with Java and I am not really familiar with many of the codes. I have a string and I need to find the number of words and the word length of each word from the string. The string is from another file and the text could be changed from the other file (we don't ask for input). The ...

65. How to count the number of objects created...

66. counting number of occurances

I have an array of queues, eg: 1, 2 ,3 4, 5 , 6 1, 8, 9 2, 4, 5 so everytime i poll each queue I get the value of the first column. I need to count the occurances of each value. Eg for this example, 1 appear twice, 4 appear once and 2 appear once. How can I do ...

67. Problem in calling multiple reurns and counting number of args passed

Main MATLAB Program : function output=MultibandSS(signal,fs) % OUTPUT=SSMULTIBAND(S,FS,IS) % Multi-band Spectral subtraction % subtraction with adjusting subtraction factor. the adjustment is % according to local a postriori SNR and the frequency band. % S is the noisy signal, FS is the sampling frequency and IS is the initial % silence (noise only) length in seconds (default value is .25 sec) % ...