validation « Number Format « Java Data Type Q&A

1. What is the best way for converting phone numbers into international format (E.164) using Java?

What is the best way for converting phone numbers into international format (E.164) using Java? Given a 'phone number' and a country id (let's say an ISO country code), I would like ...

2. Strange behaviour of NumberFormat Java

I have the following code to parse a String variable called str.

NumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance();
Number number = formatter.parse(str);
I want to catch the Exception thrown when str is not a number ...

3. How to validate phone number(US format) in Java?

I just want to know where am i wrong here:


    class Tokens{   

4. Using NumberFormat to validate data entry

The parse() methods are more of a "look at this string and do your best to convert it to the desired type" function than a validation function. You do really need to use a regex to validate the input, and if it is valid then use parse to convert. And dates strings are really a bear to validate, especially if you ...