1. Java DecimalFormat include all digits to the left stackoverflow.comI'm trying to format an arbitrary length decimal so all of the numbers to the left of the decimal point are displayed but a maximum of 2 to the right are ... |
2. Printing the digits of a number in reverse order stackoverflow.comCan someone please help me solve this? The number should be variable and not constant. The output should be: Timestamping In 6 Digit 8 5 6 3 0 1 Average In 6 Digit 9 8 7 6 5 2
3. How to format numbers to same number of digits, 0-padded? stackoverflow.comI have several strings of different length
I need to convert them to string of the same size such as:
How can I automatically add the correct number of 0s in front of ... |
4. Is there a Java number formatting library that handles significant digits? stackoverflow.comThe built in DecimalFormat only allows you to specify number of digits to the right of the decimal place. Because of the limitations of representing numbers as double, number formatting needs to ... |
5. Formatting seven digit number into telephone number forums.oracle.com |
6. format number to show all digits forums.oracle.com |
7. Problem with 10 or greater digit and NumberFormatException forums.oracle.comHey all I'm using NumberFormatException to parse a string, that is suppose to be a phone number (including area codes). Now when i try to parse a string that is greater then 10 digits it brings an exception. Any ides on how i can solve this? i thought of using a double, but i don't want the user to enter decimals. ... |
8. Formatting numbers > 18 digits forums.oracle.com |