variable « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How to add a string as part of a variable name representing an integer, java

I want to add a string to a variable name that represents an integer. For example:

String test = "v1f1";
And then ideally it would look for R.drawable.v1f1, but it looks for R.drawable.test ...

2. Why does using a default-valued Java Integer result in a NullPointerException?

I am new to Java. I just read that class variables in Java have default value. I tried the following program and was expecting to get the output as 0, which is ...

3. In Java why would one intialise an int variable with 0 when it will be assigned 0 only by default when declared?

What purpose does it serve ? Just read an example in a book where the author has done so.

int numOfGuesses=0;

4. Why does the use of integer variables throw an exception?

I have come across with the following two codes. Why does it not throw an exception for floating point where as in other case it will throw a runtime exception.

class FloatingPoint

5. int Variable name as String

Possible Duplicate:
Java Reflection: How to get the name of a variable?
Hi, I have
int A = 3, B=5, C=1;
int[] intArr = new int[]{A,B,C};
Here, I need the ...

6. Creating Variables at Runtime in Java

In my code I have a pretty big loop and I need to create a new variable at the end of each iteration (integers). Is this possible? I read about a ...

7. Get two lower bytes from int variable

I have some data in int variables in Java (range between 0 and 64000). How to convert to byte this integer? I need just two lower bytes from int (range is ...

8. How to update this image as a int variable increases

I have this JLabel that I display an image in. In another JPanel I have an int incorrectGuesses that gets added to as the user incorrectly guesses. Is there any way ...

9. How do I get an int variable in javascript to input in a java method

In the code below, I am trying to use the var i in the java method option.value = <% ppList.get(i).getId(); %> but it is not working out for me very well. ...

10. find count of integers in string variable

HI ALL, i have a string which sometimes gives character value and some times gives integer value i want to get the count of number of integers in that string for example if string ...

11. Maximum and Maximum difference of integers in args variable

I am writing a code that calculates the maximum number in my args variable as well as the largest difference between the highest and lowest integer in args. Currently my code looks ...

12. Why can I assing an int to a char variable without an explicit cast?

I wanted to know why this snippet works.

char ch1;
ch1 = 'a' + 1;
In line 2, isn't the right hand side promoted to an int and then for assigning int to char, ...

13. Printing out a non-variable int in a different method in Java

I am trying to test whether my method to find the number of odd numbers in an array works with a System.out.println() call. I know there are no issues with the ...

14. How to assign an "Object variable" to an integer variable

I'm required to build a program in Java, while I have no idea about it. I have an integer value stored in an object variable.. And I want to assign the value to ...

16. why sometime we need to initialize integer variable ?

Class and instance variables are automatically given a starting value when the class is loaded or the instance is created. Variables declared inside a method are not. Think about what the += operator does - it takes the existing value in a variable and adds to it. Therefore the compiler watches out for the possibility that num2 does not have a ...

17. "int" variable value calculation?

The maximum decimal value that can be represented by an int is 2^31 - 1 or 2147483647 which in binary is 01111111111111111111111111111111. Note that every bit is on except for the first bit which is the sign bit. Now let's add 3 to it which is 00000000000000000000000000000011. 01111111111111111111111111111111 + 00000000000000000000000000000011 = 10000000000000000000000000000010 Now note that the first bit is set which ...

18. String variables and Int variables

Hey Rick! You sound like someone that could really help me out. I have been trying to figure this code out for like a week. i am new to java and i was told i need string variables and int variables to make a code work were i had two different users that will input data i.e. first name, last name, ...

19. Need basic advice on getting int variable

Yeah I know it wont compile because I compiled it. LoL. Anyways Im trying to get int myClass in MyClassC to print in MyClassB (which I got to do) but now I want to print it three times in MyClassA. I realize the code itself is probably all messed up but im a newbie so forgive me. I've spent hours rewriting ...

20. convert String variable to same name int variable

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

21. Increasing/decreasing an int variable with boundrys

I am defining two methods where I am increasing a variable by 1 at a time and decreasing by 1 at a time. public void moveUp() { currentScore = currentScore + 1; } I also have an int value which represents the maximum score and thus the score can not go over this. How could I implement code such that nothing ...

22. Integer Variable

Hey Kevin, Thank you for your response. here is what I did: Will you consider this right ? import java.util.Scanner; public class Ismail { public static void main(String[] args) { int score; Scanner in= new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter your Score"); score= keyboard.nextInt(); if ( score >= 0) && ( score <= 100) System.out.println( "The test score is Valid."); else if system.out.println(" the ...

23. Assigning Hexadecimal No to an int variable

When a hexadecimal no is being assigned to an int variable no compile time error is coming but however a compile time error is coming if the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal no is assigned to the int variable. program:- public class Outer { public static void main(String args[]) { int i=0Xffffffffff; System.out.println(i); } } this wont throw any error whereas ...

24. Can we convert a variable of type integer into a String?

This is probably the sillyest question anyone can ask but I have to ask it. I have this variable of type integer and I would like to convert it into a String. Basically I have this user-defined class that takes a String argument and I need to convert my variable of type integer into a String. Is there a way to ...

25. holding int variables

} public static void UFO(DrawingWindow dw, int x, int y) { dw.setForeground(Color.white); Rect UfoRect = new Rect (10 + x, 30 + y, 118, 10); Oval UfoOval = new Oval(20 + x , 20 + y, 100, 30); final int Start = 180, Angle = 180; Rect arcRect = new Rect(60 + x, 30 + y, 20, 40); Arc UfoBeamer = ...

27. variable working as int and char?

28. changing chars by using integers in variables

29. int double variables

There's no such thing as an "int double". The assignment probably meant to "initialize", or "init" the double variables. Declaring the variables as double, and then re-declaring them as ints is nonsense. P.S. My psychic abilities enable me to predict that Norweed will use the expression "oh noes" somewhere after this post.

30. How to use a variable where some Java API expects an integer value ???

This may not be a proper forum to submit this query but since its a Java related problem & there are many experience people, I hope I can get some good hint and advice to solve this problem. I have to pass an integer value to a SPARQL query. I am using Allegrograpg API for Java application. But I am receiving ...

33. Assigning integers from one variable to another

When I put a break point on the line total=total+sec and run through the debugger I would expect the total variable to have a value of 4 because when the condition count ==1 the value for the variable firs (4) SHOULD assign this value to the variable sec but this stays as zero. I would expect this variable sec to change ...

34. store a double into a variable of type int

what exactly do you want to do? Casting a double into an int truncates everything past the decimal point. If you want to keep all of the data, theres no way to do this with Java (in C or C++ you would just use memcpy). But I dont see why you would want to do that.

35. Separated integer variable data from remainder

Hello, I have an integer variable in which I am trying to separate the integer from the remainder. I am working on a converter a mm to inch converter that gives the remainder off as a fraction. Example: integer=3.54 I want to separate it into two variables intergerA = 3 integerB = .54 Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.