value « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. All possible values of int from the smallest to the largest, using Java

Write a program to print out all possible values of int data type from the smallest to the largest, using Java. Some notable solutions as of 8th of May 2009, 10:44 GMT: 1) ...

2. integer value of a string

What function is to be used in java so as to print the integer value of a string.
Please explain, maybe with the help of an example. Example String:

String str = ...

3. Not writing the int value.Pl correct the prg

pl correct the prg. Q. Write a java prg to accept RollNo, Name of a Student and store it in Student.txt.Accept n records and store it. Following are the drawbacks of o/p produced 1. When ...

4. Is conversion to String using ("" + ) bad practice?

Is conversion to String in Java using

"" + <int value>
bad practice? Does it have any drawbacks compared to String.valueOf(...)? Code example:
int i = 25;
return "" + i;
int i = 25;
return String.valueOf(i);
Update: ...

5. How to Increment a class Integer references value in java from another method

package myintergertest;

 * @author Engineering
public class Main {

     * @param args the command line arguments

6. How to concatenate int values in java?

I have the following values:

int a=1; 
int b=0;
int c=2;
int d=2;
int e=1;
How do i concatenate these values so that i end up with a String that is 10221; please note that multiplying a ...

7. Optimal code in Java to convert Integer value into Hexadecimal

I Have one situation where I need to convert integer value into hexadecimal way. I have done with some logical, but I want the optimized solutions... Thanks in advance... EDIT : Sorry I forgot ...

8. Concatenate integer Values separated by Pipe and ':' using java

I have array of ValueA and ValueB(int type) . I am reading each value from array using a for loop. I want to concatenate all there values in a single String. ...

9. Increment a Integer's int value?

How do I increment a Integer's value in Java? I know I can get the value with intValue, and I can set it with new Integer(int i).

does not seem to work. Note: ...

10. string based on int value

what I am looking to do here is create a string based on the value of an int. I know I am able to create a vale of an in based on ...

11. Packing values into a single int

Let's say I have a couple of variables like apple, orange, banana I have 8 apples, 1 orange, 4 bananas. Is it possible to somehow convert those values into a single integer and ...

12. Convert RGB values into integer pixel

So in a BufferedImage, you receive a single integer that has the rgb values represented in it. So far i use the following to get the RGB values from it:

int r ...

13. Are there any parallel issues with Integer.MAX_VALUE

I have the following code:

if (maxLength>=0 && (++totalLength > maxLength))
    throw new IllegalStateException("Form too large");
in a loop where bytes are read from byte array input stream. The maxLength ...

14. Integer value of strings

How can i convert "1,000" (input obtained as string) to an integer??

15. Java Programming: Integer value to Hexadecimal

I have an integer and I want to convert it to hex value. I am building a message header with each byte value of this array below indicating a specific information ...

16. Accesing a int value from a method into another method?

I have a method, which generates a random number, heres the code for it:

    public int generateNumber(){
    int randomnum = generator.nextInt(5);

17. Add int to end of string name?

So I am looking for a way to temporarily store values so they can be deleted if necessary (I may be going about this the completely wrong way so correct me ...

18. can we give a integer value to each pixel in Java drawing window?

I am not quite how to word this, but can we give an integer value to each pixel in Java drawing window? What I want to do is to give an ...

19. Retrieve all value pairs from List

For example I have a List<Integer> object with the following:

3, 6, 5, 3, 3, 6
The result would be 3 and 6. How can I create a function that tests for ...

20. Converting a string input from user to a numeric (int) value.

I've been trying different methods for converting a user string input into an int I could compare and build an "if-then" statement. Every time I tried testing it, it just threw ...

21. java : convert string value to int

from JTable, I try to get values(which are string) of each column from [row 1 to ..end of row] and calcul sum of values as follow :

final ArrayList<String>ValuesList = new ArrayList<String>();
final ...

22. Convert all the integer value to string in JSON

My JSON string is:

{name:"MyNode", width:200, height:100}
I want to change it to:
{name:"MyNode", width:"200", height:"100"}
so that all integer values become strings
My main code is:
     "firstName": "John",

23. Is there any value in creating an Integer object from an int?

I was walking through some code and came across these lines:

public final static int CM_VALUE = 0x200;
public final static Integer CM = new Integer(CM_VALUE);
Do anyone know why the author held the ...

24. Set Color as int value for use in setRGB(int x, int y, int rgb) method? -- Java

Any other errors aside, I need a way of converting my Color grayScale into an int. When I plug in the Color, I get an error. setRGB method takes an x, ...

25. Code sometimes returns Integer.MAX_VALUE.Cannot figure out why

I am trying to write code to return the lowest number of coins needed to make up a given number. The inputs to my method are an array of valid coins, ...

26. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - new int[Integer.MAX_VALUE];

I have written a Main class in Eclipse with following code:

int []test = new int[Integer.MAX_VALUE];
It files with the following:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
How much heap size is required ...

28. Integer values

Is this for a homework assignment? If so, you probably don't want to use Garret's solution since you will miss the whole reason for having this assignment: learning Java! With that said, how do YOU turn a numerical representation of a number into words? For example, what words do you use to represent 123456? How did you come up with that? ...

29. How to generate all possible integer values?

Hi Friends, How can i generate all the possible Integer values with the 4 basic arithmatic operators +,-,/,* for a given sequence of integer numbers? For example if the numbers are 2,3 Then the resultmust contain all the following values: 2+3=5 3-2=1 3/2=1 3*2=6 so the resulting array must contain 1,5,6 The number of integers can be of any number, for ...

30. Converting String value 2.0 into int

31. new value for a big integer

33. Pulling Integer Values from a String

I am trying to create a program which gets all the odd numbers from a barcode (Which is a String), and adds them together. I have tried the code below, but instead of adding the integer values, it adds the ASCII values. What is the easiest/best way of pulling the integers out of the String? Many thanks public static void main ...

34. Value of int i=012;

35. Unable to assign value to integer x

Hi There, See the code below. Do you see any reason, why I am unable to assign value to integer x using function. Code: // class Tag { Tag(){ System.out.println("tag"); } Tag(int x ){ System.out.println("tag-arg"); } int Tag(){ System.out.println("tag-func"); return (int) 100; } } class Tim { int x, y; Tag t1 = new Tag(); Tag t2 = new Tag(10); ...

36. couldn't get back integer value

Alvin, You mention that the output is 51, but you don't mention the input. I'll assume you input 3. Note that the character '3' is ASCII and Unicode character number 51. Does this hint give you an idea of what the read method might be returning? Note that the documentation mentioned by Stefan is located at If it's not clear ...

37. decrease int value whenever a minute passes

Hello! I am a newbie to java and shall greatly appreciate your help. I have an array of capacity 10 with values say {0,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} the values in array, which are not zero, need to be decremented to 0. e.g. 3 needs to be decremented to 0. the criteria for decreasing value of 3 is that 3 should decrement by 1, after ...

38. A question about Int Values

I am doing an assignment for class I basicly have to read a interger value from the keyboard in by the user. Then disect it find out how many odds,evens, and zeros are in it. So if they enter in 250 then that is 1 even, 1 odd, 1 zero. I written the input part, and the if statement to test ...

39. integer Value

Integer being a signed 16-bit number holds values between -2^15 t0 2^15-1 range. The maximum value being the one you have given in binary would be 0111 1111 1111 1111. So when you add one the result is 1111 1111 1111 1111. The left most bit being 1 represents -ve value and so the result value is the same with a ...

40. Setting value of Integer object

OK - this should be really easy. How do you set the value of an EXISTING Integer object? i.e. without using the constructor? I want a function to return two integer values. Obviously I cant pass 2 ints to the function because parameters are passed-by-value. To get around this I will pass 2 Integer objects. But I can't see any way ...

41. Question on int value

I have a JSP page whereby when a user enters a decimal value for a quantity (ie., 2.5) in a quantity ordered field, I would like to have an exception generated however I'm not sure how to force this type of exception. When I run the value through my java class there is no exception and the rounded down value of ...

42. Getting the MAX int value within a list

I have an object called req. Within the req object I have a LIST reqItems. Within this list I have an INT property called lineitemcount. I am needing to acquire the MAX int value of lineitemcount within this list. I'm needing help as to how to accomplish that. This is the code I have so far: int lineitemcnt = 0; for(int ...

43. How to determine min of two int values

Is there a way to determine the min value between two int values? I have two recordsets that I am getting the row count of each recordset: int rsRowCount = rs.getRowCount(); int rs1RowCount = rs1.getRowCount(); I need to get the value of the rowcount that is determined to be the min value between the two. Any help or direction would be ...

44. Limit the int values a user can input

I'm trying to get a user to input a value between, say, -50 and +50. Is there an easy way to do this, or will I most likely be stuck to using an if sequence that displays an error message and rejects the number if it's outside that range? Then on the else part of it, I could have it enter ...

45. Displaying integer values less than 10 with a padded 0

Originally posted by D diller: ... while keeping it as an integer (I need to manipulate the variable later easily), or will I have to convert it to a String? It sounds like you are confused about data types and what they mean exactly. An integer is just a number - nothing more, nothing less. It does not have a "format". ...

46. What are the possible value for Integers in IEEE?

What do you mean by "in IEEE"? I don't think the IEEE ever defined a format for integer numbers; IEEE-754 covers floating-point numbers only. For integers represented in 2's complement format (the format commonly used today), the maximum values are -2^31 to 2^32-1 (for 32 bit numbers) -2^63 to 2^63-1 (for 64 bit numbers)

47. Integer : pass by value ?

I have tested pass-by-value and pass-by-reference , found the Integer will be passed by value ? why ? it is because Integer is wrapper class of primitive type ? Thanks. public class Test { A a ; String ss; StringBuffer strBuffer; Integer i1; public Test(){ a = new A(); strBuffer = new StringBuffer(); strBuffer.append("dddd"); i1 = new Integer(123); a.setName("dddd"); ss = ...

48. Why Integer.MIN_VALUE == - Integer.MIN_VALUE

Integer.MIN_VALUE is indeed -2147483648. If we are to negate that we would get 2147483648. However, int doesn't go past 2147483647. That means that the number will overflow, and one past the maximum is again... the minimum. That's the easy decimal version. Here's the binary version. Integer.MIN_VALUE is 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000. Negating a binary number works with ...

49. unused String Integer values

Hi, In our application, would like to use some unused(or strange) values of String and Integer like NILL for String and Integer max value for Integer type. Basically, based on some business condition, i will set these values for some attributes and later on during processing i will see if values are like NILL for string, then i will take some ...

50. int as expression value

I guess that's a design decision of the Java developers. In the same line of thinking, you could ask yourself these questions: - Why are literals from -128 to 127 int literals and not byte literals? - Why are literals from -32768 to 32767 (excluding those from -128 to 127) int literals and not short literals? - Why do long literals ...

51. how to know the input value of integer

my problem is that input is given by other programmer it is decimal or hexdecimal value . i want to know that the given input value is decimal or hexdecimal. based on this i can solve the puzzle. for ex he gives the input for integer variable is 0x5a it is hexdecimal value then i will divide it by rgb format ...

52. User input int value that translate to hours...

Sorry for being unclear, I will do my best to explain my thoughts. I am building an app that takes user input (as ints), and let him define a work shift, something that goes like: please tell me when do you begin work? _________________ (the user writes) 7 when do you finish? (again user) 12 _________________ Now, I need some way ...

53. add integer value on each run

As far as I know, you would need to store it to a file and then on every run read it from that file to get your X. Then you would have to see if that file actually exists, if it doesn't then set x to 0 instead. Then if it doesn't exist, you would have to create the file so ...

55. Regarding String and Int values type checking...

1) Everything is a string. So it is fruitless to "check" for this. This is probably your default result. 2) One way to check for integer input and date-formatted input is by parsing the input for int and date inside try/catch blocks. 3) Another way, and what I'd probably use, would be to use Java string regex methods. Look at the ...

56. Collective value of integers...efficient way of checking?

im trying to write a function that checks value of eleven incoming integers to see if they are under 40.0 is it just a matter of if (int1 ++ int2 ++ int3....) < 40 { return true; } or is there a more efficent way of doing it here is my method public void assumeValue(goalkeeper,right_full,centreback1,centreback2,left_full,winger_left,centremid1,centremid2,winger_right,striker1,striker2) { int goal = Integer.parseInt(goalkeeper); int ...

57. can't read int value

58. How do you convert int value into a String?

for example, I have: int num = 12345; String zip; num = num + 10; zip = num; <- Error I just want the conversion just so that the String can hold whatever value is in num. But the conversion is just temporary as I need num to remain as an int for math operation later.

59. want to get an int value for a key

60. Hashsets, How do you display integer values?

right, that's that out of the way. what's your problem? what version of Java are you using? HashSets, any collection in fact, can only hold objects, and ints aren't objects. so first thing first is to get some objects to use, if you're using java5 or beyond, you're in luck, otherwise there's a tiny bit of extra work before you're in ...

61. Comparision of Int values

hey all, I am fetching 2 values as String and using int "var" = Integer.parseInt("var1"); method I m converting them into Integer. Now I am using var == var2 to compare these two, now converted to Integer values, but this method is not working. Can any1 please help me out regarding this?? If any more info is req`d do lemme know. ...

62. int value

63. Why does negation of Integer.MIN_VALUE display the same value ?

Melanie_Green wrote: An Integer has a minimum value of -2,147,483,648 and a maximum value of 2,147,483,647 (inclusive). Since negative -2,147,483,648 equals 2,147,483,648 which is one value over the maximum, it ticks over to -2,147,483,648 again. More precisely, we negate a twos-complement number by flipping the bits and then adding 1. Integer.MIN_VALUE is 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000, so we flip the bits, ...

65. chaning int values by methods? help

66. int value not changing..?

68. Convert Calculated Value Into an Integer

69. how to change value of Integer object

70. Finding the max value of an Int in a string

71. how to get a int value from another class method?

Hi, 1) this foum provides means to format/tag code, no need to manually add [code]-tags 2) by default, classname start with a capital letter, method names with a lower case letter 3) where do you want to get the time value to Elist.a? During addEvent()? 4) what do you want to do with the time value of each event? Sum all ...

73. Passing Integer as argument to modify the value

I want to modify an int in a function and then access modified value in the caller. The return type of my function is something else (boolean) and so I have to pass the int (or Integer) as method argument. But following code doesn't work: void bar () { Integer i = 2; foo (i); System.out.println (i); //still prints 2 } ...

74. value stored in int

int in java is 32 bits. In our application, there are objects which have grown to 2 million rows. When we create a new object, the new id which is assigned is 2000001, so on and so forth. However there are projects which are now closed and hence ids are available from those projects. How does java behave if I had ...

75. Reflect an integer value back from an enumerated field problem

Hi All, Here is the setup of the problem. I am trying to reflect back an integer value from an enumerated field. I can get all the way to getting the Enum name via reflection, but that's as far as I get. Can someone help ? Here is some sample test code; //returns an int value of: 1 //Trying to ...

78. How to add even integers between 2 and an inputed value

Well given that you don't see i++ much outside of loops, and it's very common inside of them, I can see how people might just read it as "the loop increment trigger" and not think of the general case. Also programming is taught so poorly.... so much of it is "this is how you do it, just copy this in various ...

79. how to check if a dynamic value (int) is increasing?

hi thanks for your answer but it will not work... if you declare int lastx = x then you can't (you can but the result is known) compare lastx with x anymore because they are equal. i really need a snapshot of x (for example x') and compare it with the new x. thanks

80. Integer Value

81. bcel changing a int value?

82. shall we compress integer values

When you do a generic compression the compression alorithm has to figure out a alphabet and coresponding codes and include it in the compressed file. When the string isn't much longer than the alphabet that generally means the results are bigger than the input. If you know the complete set from which permitted characters are drawn then you can use a ...

83. add int to change String Value

85. Integer.MAX_VALUE

86. break up an int value

Hi, I'm new here and this is my first post. I want to know if there is a way to break up an integer (like we can break a String using String.substring)? The thing I'm trying to do is break up a long integer into 2-digit numbers (e.g. split 47393 into 93, 73, 4) and store them in a byte array ...

87. Keeping an int value the same

88. Keeping an int value the same

89. Covert an int value into a ninteger

90. Why is 2,147,483,647 the max int value?

Ok I read through the material and Im still a little confused, although I think I get the gist. This what i've come up with, The integer values in Java are 32-bit Two's complement encoded numbers and the highest possible value for this system is 2,147,483,647. The value 2,147,483,648 or 2n-1 where n is 32 is negated under two's complement representation ...