unique « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How to generate unique ID in java (Integer)?    stackoverflow.com

How to generate unique ID that is integer in java ?

2. Converting a SecureRandom and UUID into an int (java)?    stackoverflow.com

I am having problems taking in a string (a persons name), and getting back a unique integer, it keeps going through the catch function, and I dont know why, other than ...

3. to get the unique name by using starting letter of a string and concatenate with an integer    stackoverflow.com

I need to get the unique name from a string and concatenate with an integer in java.So I want to take first letter of the string and increment that letter with ...

4. how can i generate a unique int from a unique string?    stackoverflow.com

I have an object with a String that holds a unique id . (such as "ocx7gf" or "67hfs8") I need to supply it an implementation of int hascode() which will be unique ...

5. Java UUID to unique integer id?    stackoverflow.com

I was wondering what the easiest way to convert a UUID to a unique integer would be? I have tried using the hash code but people tell me that it is ...

6. Int to assign a unique number to each Object    java-forums.org

Hi there! I've been trying to make a game where each player who joins gets a unique id (starting at 1 and incrementing up). When I call to create the object the user can input the players name and starting attributes which are stored in my player array. Now, the thing is when I try to make an int that increases ...

7. Checking if all numbers in int[] are unique    forums.oracle.com