split « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How do I split an integer into 2 byte binary?    stackoverflow.com


private int width = 400;
private byte [] data = new byte [2];
I want to split the integer "width" into two bytes and load data[0] with the high byte and data[1] with ...

2. split int value into seperate digits    stackoverflow.com

I want to split my int value into digits. eg if the no. is 542, the result should be 5,4,2. I have 2 options. 1) Convert int into String & then by using ...

3. Need help splitting a string into two separate integers for processing    stackoverflow.com

I am working on some data structures java HW and am a little stuck on how to split this string into two integers.. basically the user will enter a string like ...

4. Split java integer and get values    stackoverflow.com

I have next problem, I have integer in java and bites from 0 to 29 is timestamp, the bits from 30 to 31 means level (possible values 0, 1, 2, ...

5. How would I do this in Java? Union to split unsigned int into two signed short's.    coderanch.com

First of all, Java doesn't support unsigned ints. Second of all, Java doesn't support unions... so... you kinda have to make due with signed ints and dealing with extracting the bit patterns from it. Now, having said that... using shifting along with the AND/OR operators is not a very efficient way to convert an int into two shorts. The fastest way ...

6. Need Help splitting up an Int in a variety of ways    java-forums.org

I'm trying to make a file that divides an Int number (or a Line of digits) in every way possible that consists of single and double digits. I'm mainly having trouble finding an equation that works for both For Loops. I'm using a multidimensional int array to store the splitter variations and the single/double digits (for example split_numbers[splitter][digits]). The file functions ...

7. Splitting an integer into 2 bytes    forums.oracle.com

Hi, thanks for your reply. That formula works, but only if I actually type the value of an int as in: b1 = (10 & 0xFF); b2 = (10 >> 8) & 0xFF; Whereas if I declare a integer variable and then use the variable name instead of a number as in; int number = 10; b1 = (number & 0xFF); ...

8. int numberOfWords = sentence.trim().split(" ").length;    forums.oracle.com

int numberOfWords = sentence.trim().split(" ").length; Hey everyone. I was just reading through some posts and I saw this as a way to count words in a sentence. I then went into the string section of the API to try to make sense of it. I understand that "trim" gets rid of the white space at the beginning and end and that ...

9. How I can split the integer    forums.oracle.com

Hi guys, I am beginner in java and I have an integer number . I want to divided this integer into sub section because I want to check each section separate. Example : the credit card number 1664532112008 first '1' indicate the card type second '664532' indecate the acount number third 11 the month the card expired last 2008 the year ...

10. Splitting Integer    forums.oracle.com

Basically i need to be able to take a number and see if its length is greater than 3 digits.......3000 is > if not then we are good! if yes i need to split it into multiple integers so 3000 split into 3 & 000 54689 = 54 & 689 the reason i need to do this is i need to ...

11. split integer into units    forums.oracle.com

> One option is to convert the integer to a string and then user substring but I'm sure there must be a more elegant way of doing it. "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." ...

12. Splitting a string when an integer is reached    forums.oracle.com

You're obviously halfway there, but right now if you want to get both the number and the string out of the input, you have to loop over the input twice. Why not just loop over the input once, insert a delimiter between your 'fields', and call split on the resulting string later? Then again, you know the overall requirements for the ...