operator « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Add and subtract two integers without using the + or - operators in java    stackoverflow.com

how can add two number without using + or - operators in java.. I have found one link for the same in c. http://prokutfaq.byethost15.com/AddTwoNumbersWithoutArithmetic But, i am not able to implement ...

2. Why does the xor operator on two bytes produce an int?    stackoverflow.com

        //key & hash are both byte[]
        int leftPos = 0, rightPos = 31;

3. Convert mathematical string to int    stackoverflow.com

Is there an easy way to take a String such as "5*4" and return 20?

4. Why does the ternary operator unexpectedly cast integers?    stackoverflow.com

I have seen it discussed somewhere that the following code results in obj being a Double, but that it prints 200.0 from the left hand side.

Object obj = true ? new ...

8. operator cannot be applied to ints.    coderanch.com

/** * * * * */ import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.File; public class Password { public static void main(String [] args) { Scanner in; in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println(" Password Generation Menu "); System.out.println("********************************************************"); System.out.println("* [1] Lowercase Letters *"); System.out.println("* [2] Lowercase & Uppercase Letters *"); System.out.println("* [3] Lowercase, Uppercase, and Numbers *"); System.out.println("* [4] Lowercase, ...

9. How ++ operator works for Integer class    coderanch.com

Well, admittedly the article was nearly a year ago, but it's claiming a 16x time difference. Trying it locally I get a pretty darn noticeable difference (~8 seconds)--with the caveat that I didn't check the bytecode to see if, say, the primitive version was being optimized differently, etc. Without disassembling, and understanding precisely what the JIT is doing, I'm very suspicious ...

10. manipulate strings with integers and operators    coderanch.com

I am building a calculator for doubles and one of the things I wanted to do was was take in negative numbers and exponents numbers . But I am having trouble doing that and I was wondering if someone could help me figure it out I set up a pattern from the E and e. The user input can look like ...

11. operator undefined for argument type int, String    java-forums.org

As the error message says: you can't subtract a String from an int. The only operator defined for the String operand is the binary addition operator +. Read the API documentation for the Integer class for a suitable method that converts a String to an int (so you can subtract two ints). kind regards, Jos

12. operator - can't be applied to int,Cat    forums.oracle.com

13. Can modulus Operator take one int for both operands    forums.oracle.com

Yes i%i will be zero, but you never actually check this. j only goes up to the square root of i. So if i is 17 for instance the j values that will be checked are 2, 3 and 4 (5*5>17). You never get to check 17%17. [Edit] By starting j at 2 you are careful not to check i%1 either. ...

16. & operator with int    forums.oracle.com

17. operator <= cannot be applied to int,java.lang.Object    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I am too tired of searching this topic every website. Finally, I decided to ask this forum. Pls help me. Part of my code; // may be some of these imports are not necessary. import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import java.io.*; public class odev { public static void main (String[] args) { Scanner yaz = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("How many person came?."); ...

18. operator == cannot be applied to int,java.lang.Integer    forums.oracle.com

public static int sum(ArrayList ar) { int sum=0; for(int i =0; i

19. Integer == operator?    forums.oracle.com

I have noticed one thing here! Till the integer assigned is in the range of byte, in the range of byte, it returns true, after that range it returns false. For example replace 129 with some number less than equal to 127, it will return true. I have noticed this behavior first time!