length « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Get the Integer from the end of a string (variable length)    stackoverflow.com

I have a string of a variable length and at the end of the string are some digits. What would be the best / efficient way, to parse the string and ...

2. Get length of bits used in int    stackoverflow.com

If you have the binary number 10110 how can I get it to return 11111? e.g a new binary number that sets all bits to 1 after the first 1, there ...

3. How to convert String (of length 1) to the associated int value of ASCII code (0-255)?    stackoverflow.com

In my code I have A string with length 1, I want to convert it to the int associated with the character value of (extended) ASCII code (0-255). For example:


4. length of integers    coderanch.com

is it possible to get the length of an integer? i have tried converting an integer to a string, then getting the length of that variable. but, it seems to be returning only the literal value of the variable. here is my code: // create months variable int months = 3456; // make String copy of months variable String cp_months = ...

5. int length(), char charAt(int index).HElp~~    coderanch.com

Hi, Welcome to JavaRanch! OK, overall, there are both logical and syntactic errors in this. The logical errors will keep it from working correctly, while the syntactic errors will keep it from compiling. The syntactic errors include spelling "String" with a small "s", and having two "main" methods in one class. The semantic errors include your assumption that you can call ...

7. Help! Wierd glitch invalidated int[].length method!    java-forums.org

I was working on a decoding thing with netbeans, and when I tried to use the .length() method for an int[] array, it gave the message "javadoc not found", and then "Either Javadoc documentation for this item does not exist or you have not added specified Javadoc in the Java Platform Manager or the Library Manager." can any1 help me fix ...

8. check length on a integer variable    forums.oracle.com

9. getting length of int[] - need help    forums.oracle.com

hi i am making a paint program and one of the things i want it to do it to be able to draw a polygon from an int array of x points and y points. these arrays work fine but the constructor for a polygon needs the number of corners aswell and since the user decides this i cannot use a ...

10. Length of int    forums.oracle.com

11. get integer length    forums.oracle.com

12. Checking an int that can begin with 0 for length    forums.oracle.com

I'm new to Java, so I may be overlooking an obvious solution, but for the life of me I can't figured it out. If I have an int that needs to be a certain length, say 6, how can I check it for length when it can begin with 0? If I could assume it would never begin with zero, I ...

13. How to find the length of an int?????    forums.oracle.com