element « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Is there a way for a Java enum to have "missing" integer values for its elements?    stackoverflow.com

For example, I have two elements in an enum. I would like the first to be represented by the integer value 0 and the string A, but the second to be ...

2. Group theory within Cryptography regarding order of elements in a group of integers Z*p    stackoverflow.com

I was kinda thrown in the deep end into group theory and i am a bit lost for a Cryptography class i have. Basically a practical i have to implement in java ...

3. Java Singly Linked Integer List, write function thats returns a reference to element with index i in the list!    stackoverflow.com

I have been trying to write a java function IntList get(int i) that is supposed to return a reference to the i-th element in a singly linked integer list. My problem ...

4. Type mismatch: cannot convert from element type Object to int    stackoverflow.com

Getting a basic error not sure since i am new to java on line where it says ht.keySet(), Type mismatch: cannot convert from element type Object to int

ht is ...

5. suming all elements in a BST of type Integer    stackoverflow.com

How to sum all elements in a BST of type Integer when using global variables is not permitted? This is what I have so far:

public int sum(){ 
    int ...

6. Adding elements from two Sets    stackoverflow.com

How can I add elements from two sets?

If there's a set one (1, 3, 6, 8)
And a set two (2, 4, 6, 8)
How do I the elements from those two together?
Output ...

7. Appending an int to an Element Node    coderanch.com

Hi Is it possible to insert an 'int' instead of a 'String' into the element node of the XML Document? I am using the following code to insert text into the node. Currently I am coverting int into String using valueOf(..) and while reading back i'll have to convert String back to int. if possible I want to avoid this conversions. ...

8. Sorting elements by associated integers.    coderanch.com

I have a small number of different integers. To each integer is an associated integer. Is there a convenient way of sorting the integers in an array by their associated integers without having to whip out something like a priority queue ? I would like to avoid creating objects and Compators if possible, mostly looking for a quick fix. Quadratic time ...

9. Cannot convert an element for a list ton Integer    forums.oracle.com

Right. So you put an Integer into the list, and now you're taking something out of the list and expecting it to be a String. That doesn't work. If you put an Integer in, you have to take an Integer out. Or, if you want to get a String out of the list then you should put only Strings into the ...