decimal « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How can i convert Integer value to decimal value?

i have an integer value Integer value = 56472201 ; (This could be some time (-17472201) with negetive Integer) I want this value in this form 56.472201 (i mean if i divide ...

2. Java: reading an int from Excel as string return as decimal?

I'm trying to read an integer from an Excel file like this:

String myExcel = "jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ="";" +

3. Hex integer to decimal integer in Java

I need to parse hex integer to decimal integer. For example, Hex: 02 01 (513 in decimal mode) should represent 201. In code it could pass:

Assert.assertEquals(201, parse(0x201));
How can I implement the method parse()? ...

4. Java: how to convert dec to 32bit int?

How to convert decimal presentation of an ip address to 32bit integer value in java? I use InetAddress class and getLocalHost method to obtain an IP adress:

public class getIp {

public static void ...

5. how to change user input from integer to decimal

I'm new to java and was wondering how to change a user input (integer) into decimal form. for ex, if the user inputs 6 for yearly interest, it will be changed ...

6. percentage of two int?

I want to get two ints, one divided by the other to get a decimal or percentage. How can I get a percentage or decimal of these two ints? (I'm not sure if ...

7. Converting Integer to Decimal

8. Passing two ints (hours and minutes and converting them to proper decimals) ?

Start from scratch.....use a pencil/pen and some paper and write out the steps involved in converting hours and minutes into decimals if you were doing it without a computer. From there it should be pretty simple to convert the math into a simple program. Once you have some code written, if it isn't working then feel free to post it here ...

10. converting a decimal to an int

Hi, good to be here. I am writing a program that simulates a projectile's trajectory. I have the mathematical equation to do so but I have a problem when I try to implement graphics. The problem is that when I compute the math the resulting X and Y co-ordanints of the projectile ends up in a long decimal.. for example the ...

11. Pleases help - Convert Int to Doubel value without exponents and decimal value.

Like I said, the value of the double and the way it is displayed are two completely different things. That scientific notation is not a part of the actual value, it's simply how it's being displayed. So of course the DecimalFormat class methods won't return a double, because the value alone has nothing to do with the format of the output. ...

12. string to integer(binary to decimal)

I'm trying to convert user input from a 32 bit binary digit to a decimal. I'm sure there's more than one way to do this...I've done a none user input with Blue J using an array. But I've basically took an integer at this point using Scanner( I flipped it to a string using String str = new Scanner(thatBinaryThang)....and to be ...

13. Separate the int and decimal parts of a double var

What was the point of posting this. 'double' is a primitive and has no accessible methods. If you actually meant Double then you will find the toString() method does not help since behind the scenes it uses exactly the same approach to converting to a String as is used in converting 'double' to a String.

14. I've never heard of a decimal integer

An integer is just an integer. There's no distinction between a decimal integer and any other kind, for a given integer variable. When someone says something like "decimal integer", they probably mean "an integer, formatted as a decimal (base 10) number." It's not a different type. Using "%i" for integer doesn't mean anything (or at least not much) because the question ...

15. Replacing integers after a decimal

Read the file a line at a time and then use a regular expression to detect a number with a decimal point and replace it with the number with the decimal point and following decimal digits removed. P.S. Why do you need to do this in Java? It just takes about 6 lines of perl.

17. its not accepting an integer rather it accepts decimal, chars etc...

The NF-parser does not check for the minus sign when parsing. You have to do that check yourself, since it is in the program logic and not in the parsing logic. The generic parser class should not be implemented in such a way that it is possible to tell it to parse only positive integers. The parser (more or less) looks ...