byte « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Java: why do I receive the error message "Type mismatch: cannot convert int to byte"

If you declare variables of type byte or short and attempt to perform arithmetic operations on these, you receive the error "Type mismatch: cannot convert int to short" (or correspondingly "Type ...

2. How can I turn an int into three bytes in Java?

I am trying to convert an int into three bytes representing that int (big endian). I'm sure it has something to do with bit-wise and and bit shifting. But I have ...

3. how conversion of int to byte happens in java?

int i =132;
byte b =(byte)i;
The o/p is -124 Why so ? I know this is very basic question, but still not able to map it how and what happens ?

4. converting an int[] to byte[] without creating new objects

I have an int[] in java which i want to convert to a byte[]. Now the usual way to do this would be to create a new byte[] 4 times the size ...

5. Convert 4 bytes to int

I'm reading a binary file like this:

InputStream in = new FileInputStream( file );
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
while( ( ) > -1 ) {

   int a = // ??? ...

6. Assigning int to byte in java?

int val =233;
byte b = (byte)val;
I have a simple case, like one integer with some value & i want to convert that value & place in the byte type for output. ...

7. converting bytes to int in Java

I need to convert 2 bytes (2's complement) into an int in Java code. how do I do it?

toInt(byte hb, byte lb)


8. Java: Convert byte to integer

I need to convert 2 byte array ( byte[2] ) to integer value in java. How can I do that?

9. Read two bytes into an integer?

I have a byte array (byte[]) that I've read from a file, and I want to get an integer from two bytes in it. Here's an example:

byte[] bytes = new byte[] ...

10. Four integers in four bytes?

I wonder if I could ask for some advice regarding some work I'm currently doing. I am working from a STANAG document which quotes the following:

ID numbers shall be formed ...

11. Most elegant way to convert a byte to an int in Java

Example code:

int a = 255;
byte b = (byte) a;
int c = b & 0xff; // Here be dragons
So we start with an integer value of 255, convert it to a byte ...

12. Converting integers into bytes

How do the following numbers, on byte conversion give the results on right hand side ? I guess when you convert an integer to a byte array, it should convert each ...

13. Convert byte to int and vice-versa

Anyone know how can I convert a large array of bytes, ex 1000 bytes into an int/long etc in java?

14. Why is "int i = 2147483647 + 1;" OK, but "byte b = 127 + 1;" is not compilable?

Why is int i = 2147483647 + 1; OK, but byte b = 127 + 1; is not compilable?

15. Converting US-ASCII encoded byte to integer and back

I have a byte array that can be of size 2,3 or 4. I need to convert this to the correct integer value. I also need to do this in reverse, ...

16. The code of method specialStateTransition(int, IntStream) is exceeding the 65535 bytes

I have a pretty big grammar I don't want to break it into multiple smaller grammars. But The generated Lexer file is giving the following error:

The code of method specialStateTransition(int, IntStream) ...

17. How do you append two bytes to an int

I'm trying to append two bytes that have hex values and store them into an integer. So obviously everything will be unsigned values. I'll provide an example since that is much easier ...

18. resizing a byte[] two's compliment repressented integer

Ok, I have a two's compliment representation of a number, in a byte array, and I want to expand it to use a larger byte array. (You can get two's compliment byte[] out ...

19. converting byte[] to int

Hi all, I have a byte[] array read from a binary file. I came up with a very easy solution which is to shift the byte depending on their position and OR it with the next byte to create my int. example int test = (data[7] >> 8) | data[8]; data[7] contains 02 in hex data[8] contains B8 in hex the ...

20. int converted into 4 bytes

Using bitshifting, for example: public class Int4Bytes { public static void main (String args[]) { String param = "-123456789"; if (args.length == 1) { param = args[0]; } int i = Integer.parseInt (param); byte [] ba = new byte [4]; ba[0] = (byte) i; ba[1] = (byte) (i >> 8); ba[2] = (byte) (i >> 16); ba[3] = (byte) (i >> ...

21. assign final int to byte works

I'm studying for my SCJP2 certification and ran across this code on a quiz: class MyClass { public static void main(String []args) { final int i = 100; byte b = i; System.out.println(b); } } Since i is an int and b is a byte, I assumed that the compiled would complain about the assignment. The quiz answer says it works ...

22. byte behavior vs integer behavior

when you have a aritmetic problem like this and you know that it will fit into a byte, what you have to do is cast it back to a byte. so byte byteOne=4, byteTwo; byteTwo = byteOne+1; converts byteOne and ByteTwo to ints. so you get: byteOne 00000000 00000000 00000000 [B]00000100[/B] + 1 00000000 00000000 00000000 [B]00000001[/B] = byteTwo 00000000 00000000 ...

23. Read/Write ints using 2bytes

Hi. I was wondering if anyone can help me read and write one interger using two bytes. I have an interger between 500-800 that I need to write. Normally I would use... OUT.writeByte(int) But as 500 is above one byte (256) I was wondering how to write this, and then later read it back. As since one int would be spread ...

24. int data type takes 4 bytes

All that Java guarantees is that an int is 32 bits (4 bytes), so that you can store integer numbers with values between -2^31 and 2^31 - 1 in it. If the JVM which you are using actually uses 4 bytes of memory, is something you don't know. On some computers it might for example take 64 bits because that's more ...

25. An Int To a Byte

Hello, My basic aim is to convert an int to a byte...the simplest way out is to cast it....other way i checked on google is to use shift operators.....there are a lot of codes there....but could not get the point as to how it should be done..... help appreciated cheers amal shah

26. byte[] to int

Originally posted by Sandeep Sirsekar: ya that's perfectly fine you are upcasting byte data-type to int data-type. but what my need is someMethod(byteArray);//this method is provided by sun in some interface so i can't change. i want to convert these bytes to string(that i know) but to convert it to int data-type is not known to me. so that is the ...

27. converting int to byte ?

It really depends on what the user wants the results to be when truncating the HO 3 bytes. 38 doesn't make any sense to me. Does he want to loose the value of the HO bit by treating that bit as the sign? The value of the LO byte should be 218.

28. while converting int to byte?

hi i am trying to convert int to byte. 300 in binary : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0010 1100 after truncating HO bytes 0010 1100 inverting 1101 0011 adding one 1101 0100 manually doing i am getting this as output. but the complier is showing 44 .may i know why ? am i wrong in any step ?please help ...

29. byte + byte = int?

When an operator applies binary numeric promotion to a pair of operands, each of which must denote a value that is convertible to a numeric type, the following rules apply, in order, using widening conversion (5.1.2) to convert operands as necessary: If any of the operands is of a reference type, unboxing conversion (5.1.8) is performed. Then: If either operand is ...

30. Integer to byte conversion

Hi every body, I wanna store the remainders of numbers. So the quotient could be of any length, say long int. Now i just wanna get the byte 0/1. so how can i achieve that? Boxing? Parsing? Casting? please do reply. i want something like: remainder = quotient % 2; currently i am using temporary string like: tempRemainder = ...

31. Adding bytes and getting int

33. byte to int

import*; public class FileInput2{ public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException{ String numbers []=new String[100]; try{ File file = new File("D:\\test.txt"); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw"); byte ch = raf.readByte(); System.out.println("First character: " + (char)ch);; int x = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(ch)); System.out.println("x:"+x); numbers[1]="a"; numbers[2]="b"; numbers[3]="c"; numbers[4]="d"; numbers[5]="e"; numbers[6]="f"; if(x >=0 && x<=6) System.out.println("Number "+x+" : "+ numbers[x]); } catch(Exception err){ ...

34. Reading/Writing Integer Bytes

Hi, a piece of my recent program includes generating map "chunks" and saving each chunk as a .chunk file. In the past, I typically stored such data as text in the file, but it has come to a point where I need to optimize the file size by writing the individual integer bytes to a file rather than writing/reading strings then ...

35. Byte to Int to Byte again

I currently have an byte array from an audio stream where I want to turn it into an integer, mix it with another integer (perform basic dsp on it) then return it back to an integer again. I am aware that bytes have a certain value range what -127 to 127 I think and I won't exceed that value, if that ...

36. convert int to byte

37. Byte to int conversion doubt

38. subtracting 2 bytes makes int?

Hi, I'm learning the basics of type casting here and I've got a problem going on that I don't understand. My trouble line looks like so: short = byte - byte; Now the error it gives me is "Type mismatch: cannot convert from int to short." I'm trying to understand why a byte - byte is an int and also trying ...

39. How do I go from byte to int?

You're right, i don't need bLen at all - it was just left over from my fiddlings. Well, i'm loading various different files into my program into a byte array. They're all of the format: name xyz win n ####### ####### ####### where xyz is a variable of type String i'll need to access and n is a number, the thing ...

41. Converting two bytes to int

Hi, I am using the AudioInputStream of javax.sound.sampled. I read two bytes as an array from a .wav file. Now I want to convert it to an integer. How would I do this? I tried the method below, but I get garbage: public static int arr2int (byte b1, byte b2) { int high = b1 & 0xff; int low = b2 ...

42. byte or int

43. Ints to bytes

What I thinks is that the length could not be readed by the server when I send the Zeros in the FOR, I think that I should send the lenght Complete to the server and then, it will read the message I send. What I don't know is why can't I send the message lenght in a entire value of 6 ...

44. Byte or Int?

Is it good practice to try and use byte instead of int where possible? In my program, I guess the most amount of values I'll have is going to be not much more than 100 or so, would it really make a big difference to resources if I used bytes instead? Thanks for any help. Matt

45. One byte Checksum/ int to byte

I would accumulate the bytes in a ByteArrayOutputStream. Start by writing two bytes to make space for the LENGTH byte and the CHECKSUM byte. Write the data to the stream. Extract the byte[] using toByteArray. You can now easily calculate the correct values for LENGTH and CHECKSUM, then store them in the array. Err.. I assume you want to produce a ...

46. Bytes to integer

Thanks for your reply. However, I do not know what exactly you mean but I try explaining again. I just need to convert unsigned bytes to integer. The JVM specification [says here following about goto instruction operands|] The unsigned bytes branchbyte1 and branchbyte2 are used to construct a signed 16-bit branchoffset, where branchoffset is (branchbyte1 << 8) | branchbyte2. Execution proceeds ...

47. converting byte to int problems

no i meant 1-2-3 but thanx for the info about the & and << that fixed my problem i have another question since i'm dealin with wave files and i compare two wave i'm trying to establish what is the signal to noise ratio. apparently i can caculate what it is with this formula SNR= 10*log(v1^2/v2^2) v1 and v2 being the ...

48. Byte and Integers

49. Hexadecimal 4 Bytes Converting to Integer

If you care about the value, then yes, you need long to handle that. You can store the value in an int, if you want and convert it to a long every time you use it, if you think that the additional memory required by longs is a problem, but I wouldn't do that until you have verified the necessity.

50. How to tell bytes and ints apart?

Hi! I'm trying to make a patching utility based on the rsync algorithm. You can read about the algorithm here: Anyway, the gist is that the patch file will consist of a bunch of bytes, where the old and the new version of the file differs, as well as references to blocks of already known bytes, where the files are ...

51. int assigned to byte

53. 4 bytes into one int

54. byte to int

55. Convert int to byte

I have some idea of what you are doing, but perhaps you need to step back and think about design. Getting down to byte arrays when you don't have to, just because you know how to read and write bytes arrays, is putting the cart before the horse. Unless space is a primary consideration, you should concentrate on a clean design. ...

56. Byte.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE

57. convert from byte to int

58. Convert byte[] into int

59. int to Byte

Hi Guys, I have a problem, I am having a IP address, I want to store the Ip address on a byte(I am reading just octets that is 172 24 0 and 3 ignoring "." ) I am reading these octets as Integer and want to store them in a Byte array. Now the problem is that when I am ...