boolean « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. int and boolean error

I have a method that generates and error that a int was expected but found boolean but when I switch it to a boolean it says the same error but reverse ...

2. Java: for loop, incompatible types

I'm trying to run this for loop;

        for (int col= 0; grid[0].length; col++)
However every time I try to compile I get an error stating ...

3. How to find out if a Object isa integer or isa string or isa boolean?

I have an object and I want to detect what type is, so I can call

if (obj isa Integer)
if (obj isa String)
    put(key,stringval);  ...

4. Java Switch Incompatible Types Boolean Int

I have the following class:

public class NewGameContract {

public boolean HomeNewGame = false;

public boolean AwayNewGame = false;

public boolean GameContract(){

    if (HomeNewGame && AwayNewGame){

5. Convert boolean to int in Java

What is the most accepted way to convert a boolean to an int in Java?

6. Convert two booleans to an int

Probably this is extremely easy. If I have two booleans, a and b, how can I get the equivalent "binary" number?

false and false = 0 
false and true  = 1 ...

7. find fields of type String, Boolean, Integer using reflection

Is there a way to find fields in a class that are of the Type


8. In java is boolean or integer arithmetic faster?

in Java is it faster to do an operation on two Booleans or two two integers? For example, is 1*1 or true&&false faster? What about doubles? In general what is the ...

9. Error message: operator < cannot be applied to boolean,int

I´m new to programming, and are doing som exercices. In this exercice I am supposed to write a program that reads in three numbers from the user of the program. The ...

10. Incompatible Types - found:int required:boolean

I'm trying to display: EQUIVALENT if the first numerical input is equal to the second input. What's wrong with my code?

public class TwoNum{
    public static void main(String[] ...

11. does equality operator return a boolean value

even = number % 2 == 0; This is a valid java assignment which was given in a website as example. So does equality operator return a boolean value after evaluation ? Like in ...

12. Error showing int is equal to a boolean object

That's my confirmBooking method and im trying to check whether age is equal to a student or child so i can apply discounts wherever needed using an if statement. Also my ...

13. I keep getting a "The operator == is undefined for the argument type(s) boolean, int" and have no idea how to fix it

I keep getting a "The operator == is undefined for the argument type(s) boolean, int" in this bit of code at line 3:

    public void loadState(int i)

14. what's the integer value for boolean "true"?

The following example seems to me that boolean value "true" has a value "0" and boolean value "false" has ? (I am not sure is 1 or -1). public class test1 { public static void main(String args[]) { boolean x = true; int a; if(x) a = x ? 1: 2; else a = x ? 3: 4; System.out.println(a); } } ...

15. Reference equality for Boolean reference value

If == in java signifies object reference equality (instead of object value equality) .. why is it that: Boolean x = true; Boolean y = true; System.out.println(x==y); produce true? Results is the same if both of them are false. Could it be that in Java there are only 2 boolean object .. true and false. That's why x and y points ...

16. operator && cannot be applied to boolean,int - error

So I am compling a program that is due tonight and I cannot get past these errors..... I really need help on this one! //This program is designed to update the position of a point within a square. import java.util.Scanner; public class Point { public static void main (String [] args) { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (; int direction; //direction ...

17. assigning int types to a boolean expression

Hi. I`m new to java and i`m tring to understand something. i have the following program public class LogicaOpTable { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean p, q; p = true; q = true; System.out.print(p + "\t" + q + "\t"); System.out.print((p&q) + "\t" + (p|q) + "\t"); System.out.println((p^q) + "\t" + (!p)); p = true; q = false; System.out.print(p ...

18. Need Help proving equality with boolean

Working on a school project and our professor has supplied us with three classes. we are to implement a fourth class called "Sprite" using a specified UML. The UML part that I'm having trouble with looks like this: +equals(other : Sprite) : boolean how do i write this code? I know it needs to return a boolean, and I'm supposed to ...

19. Boolean operators on ints

20. Noob question about using ints in booleans

Okay. I know this is pretty basic stuff. Sorry. This is a trouble I have that I don't know how to deal with. I create a boolean if statement, and at some times it won't let my use int's. Of course I am using ints, but I get an error message "this method must return a type of int" because I ...

21. Using Booleans for equality?

Working on a school project and our professor has supplied us with three classes. we are to implement a fourth class called "Sprite" using a specified UML. The UML part that I'm having trouble with looks like this: +equals(other : Sprite) : boolean how do i write this code? I know it needs to return a boolean, and I'm supposed to ...

22. Convert integer to binary then each binary character to boolean

all roads lead to Rome... do you have no idea? 1. the boolean array must have the same size as the string -> boolean[] array = new boolean[a.length()]; 2. the string class has useful methods, like charAt(index) or toCharArray() to get each digit 3. if the digit is == '1' -> save true in your boolean array on position 'index' or ...

23. boolean [][] vs long[][] vs int[][]

In A jave program, I have a sparse matrix 8000x8000 only contains 1s and 0s, what Primitive Data type is the best way to store it? less memory to store it, and less CPU for setting the value in the matrix 3.3.4 The boolean Type Although the Java virtual machine defines a boolean type, it only provides very limited support for ...

24. how have an int condition in a boolean method?

switch(etat){ case 0: if (g.charAt(0)==Integer.MIN_VALUE) {nbo++;etat=1;} else return false; case 1: if (0<=g.charAt(i)<=9) etat=2; else if(g.charAt(i)==Integer.MIN_VALUE) {nbo++;etat=1;} else return false; case 2: if (g.charAt(i)==('+'||'-'||'*'||'/')) etat=3; else return false; case 3: if (0<=g.charAt(i)<=9) etat=4; else if (g.charAt(i)==Integer.MIN_VALUE) {nbo++;etat=1;} else return false; case 4: if (g.charAt(i)==Integer.MAX_VALUE) {nbf++;etat=5;} else return false; case 5: if (g.charAt(i)==('+'||'-'||'*'||'/')) etat=2; else if (g.charAt(i)=='.'&&i==g.length()-1&&nbo==nbf) return true; else return false; ...

25. Cannot applied to Boolean integer?