bigdecimal « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Check if BigDecimal is integer value

Can anyone recommend an efficient way of determining whether a BigDecimal is an integer value in the mathematical sense? At present I have the following code:

private boolean isIntegerValue(BigDecimal bd) {

2. Converting BigDecimal to Integer

I have Hibernate method which returns me a BigDecimal. I have another API method to which I need to pass that number but it accepts Integer as parameter. I cannot change return ...

3. For java applications, is it safe to use BigDecimal when dealing with money, or should I use integers and create an abstraction for money?

It's been awhile since I've wrote applications that dealt with money. Many years ago, I would make a money object that dealt with Integers behind the scenes. Whenever the amount was ...

4. Difference of BigDecimal as int?

I have two numbers, 1.4350 and 1.4300. When I subtract them, instead of returning 0.0050, I'm looking to get 50. It also needs to work with 90.25 and 90.10, returning 15. ...

6. how to convert integer to Bigdecimal

9. Divide BigDecimal by Integer

10. Convert a big decimal to int

But that implies a 'reading' capability; reading is an almost lost art form nowadays in this 'information age', people want to copy and paste exactly what they were asking for; probably more but no less and most certainly no 'reading' involved, it makes your eyeballs hurt. I always keep wondering about why people go through all that trouble of writing extensive ...

11. BigDecimal: merging integer part with fraction fastly and elegantly

Code-level optimization is not effective before you've determined what the bottlenecks are. Profile the entire application and determine where you should be spending your optimization time. Trying to microoptimize every line of code will result in a project that is impossible to read or maintain. I'd also highly doubt you'd be able to deliver on time (or ever).

12. BigDecimal question - using with integers

A forum member on here helpfully suggested I look at BigDecimal for a specific problem in Java. Having done so, I have a more generic problem which I'd be very grateful if someone could share their knowledge on. Having read tutorials and the API, I believe that BigDecimal doesn't have normal operators for mathematical dealings - i.e. I can't just put ...