Long « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How do I convert from int to long in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I keep finding both on here and Google people having troubles going from long to int and not the other way around. Yet I'm sure I'm not the only one that ...

2. Declaring 'long' over 'int' in Java    stackoverflow.com

In Java, if int is enough for a field, and if I use long for some reason, would that cost me more memory? Does that vary on types?

3. Safely casting long to int in Java    stackoverflow.com

What's the most idiomatic way in Java to verify that a cast from long to int did not lose any information? This is my current implementation:

public static int safeLongToInt(long l) {

4. Checking if value of int[] can be long    stackoverflow.com

I have an array of ints ie. [1,2,3,4,5] . Each row corresponds to decimal value, so 5 is 1's, 4 is 10's, 3 is 100's which gives value of 12345 that ...

5. Java library for converting Object to numeric (Integer, Long etc..)    stackoverflow.com

I need to convert array of Objects into a Long/Integer.. Problem is that those Objects are sometimes BigIntegers, sometimes BigDecimals and sometimes even something else. Is there any good libraries for ...

6. Combine int & byte into long    stackoverflow.com

I have two numbers: one is an int, other is byte. I want to create a single long value out of them in a way that person knowing the byte value ...

7. How to convert long to int?    stackoverflow.com

How to convert long to int?

8. Java: Long result = -1: cannot convert from int to long    stackoverflow.com

I'm using eclipse java ee to perform java programming. I had the following line of code in one of my functions:

Long result = -1;
I got the following error:
Type mismatch: cannot ...

9. How use long instead of int can bulletproof the following method - Effective Java    stackoverflow.com

Consider the following code picked from Joshua Bloch - Effective Java, page 263

// Broken - requires synchronization!
private static volatile int nextSerialNumber = 0;
public static int generateSerialNumber() {
    return ...

10. How can I cast a Long to an int in Java?    stackoverflow.com

Long x;
int y = (int) x;
Eclipse is marking this line with the eror: Can not cast Long to an int.

11. Convert Long into Integer    stackoverflow.com

How to convert Long value into Integer value in Java?

12. Casting a long to an Int returns in '-1'?    stackoverflow.com

Is it safe to cast a long to an int in Java? For some reason, the following code , I get '-1' as anIntVar. And I have checked 'aLongVar' is not an ...

13. Can an integer always be parsed as a long?    stackoverflow.com

I have a list of strings in Java which are being written to a text file. These strings are each tagged with a type -- in this case, I'll I'm interested ...

14. What's the purpose of sleep(long millis, int nanos)?    stackoverflow.com

In the JDK, it's implemented as:

public static void sleep(long millis, int nanos) 
throws InterruptedException {
if (millis < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is ...

15. Converting Integer to Long    stackoverflow.com

I need to get the value of a field using reflection. It so happens that I am not always sure what the datatype of the field is. For that, and to ...

16. Will a long % int will always fit into an int    stackoverflow.com

Can anyone confirm if this is true? Java will turn a long % int into a long value. However it can never be greater than the modulus to it is ...

17. How to add a long integer to existing program    stackoverflow.com

The code works. But, I need to include long integers. How can I do that? I've tried a million things. I'm not good at this either so it takes me 5 ...

18. Java: Why i can't cast int to Long    stackoverflow.com

All numbers in java are supposed to be of int type. The following line is legal in Java>1.5

Short s = 1; // Will compile to Short s = Short.valueOf((short)1) - thus you ...

19. Current milliseconds, from long to int    stackoverflow.com

I currently have the following code:

public static int currentTimeMillis()
    long millisLong = System.currentTimeMillis();
    while ( millisLong > Integer.MAX_VALUE )

20. Casting long to int, when it does not fit    coderanch.com

Hi, I am looking at some code that casts a Java long to a Java int, where the long may have some bits set in the high half (the high 32 bits), possibly including the sign bit. I have been unable to find documentation of exactly what the compiler or JVM does. The code that I am looking at appears to ...

21. any one know how to change a long to an int?    coderanch.com

I don't understand why you want to convert this one because definately System.currentTimeInMillis will gave a large number which might be not comfortably suited in int.. That will might be loose the data you really want.... otherwise still if you want to convert the long into Int the Altenative way is:: [B]public class Sample { public static void main(String args[]) { ...

22. Using Long or long, Integer or int in as properties in beans?    coderanch.com

Hi, I'm wondering if there are good reasons for using wrappers such as Long instead of long and Integer instead of int when declaring property types in beans or domain objects? When I've been looking at other examples/bits of code it seems that most of them prefer using Wrapper classes instead of primitive data types. Doesn't object types take up more ...

23. Long to Int    coderanch.com

24. converting int to long    coderanch.com

Originally posted by Candy Bortniker: I have a int total and a long text. I want to subtract text from total but I get a type mismatch error. I have tried to cast the long as a int but that gave me an error also. What do I need to do to fix this?

25. problem with int and long    coderanch.com

"Did you read the message I have posted before?? I have clearly stated that the name of the long variable is "l2" whereas initializing int variable i2 you use the variable "l" which does not exist." I was guessing that was a typo in the thread. If you look closely he did the same thing in example one and claims it ...

26. Long and Int    coderanch.com

Hello People, Well, I have a question about long and int. Actually I have discovered it today when writing a date difference method. this small program outputs 530. correct result is 24. public class TestDrive { public static void main(String[] args) { long q = 1000*60*60*24*365; long c = 780184260000L / q; System.out.println(c); } } but if i change it to ...

27. long - int problem    coderanch.com

I am practicing collections but stuck on very fundamental thing . i made a class person ,in which a a variable -contactnum is of int type. when i initialize its object ,as Person p1=new Person("abc",12,1234567890); It says error ,as int cant take such long values , Then if i change datatype & all related datatypes(in contructor/methods) to long ,even then it ...

28. ((long) int)    coderanch.com

If I'm understanding you correctly, you have an int value of 4. Now you want to change the int into a long, so you cast your int to a long that's done the way you described: ((long) 4). You know have a long with the number 4. If you type ((long) 1) you have a long with the number 1. In ...

29. Minimum and maximum useable values for int long    coderanch.com

Dear Programmers, In the text I have read, it states that for an integer type long, the biggest value it can be given is:- 9223372036854775807; and the smallest value it can be given is:- -9223372036854775808; however in the following program:- public class Lab1_2 { public static void main(String args[]) { long bigLong = 9223372036854775807; long smallLong = -9223372036854775808; System.out.println("The largest long ...

30. Converting long integer to byte    coderanch.com

Hi! I'm making a small application for J2ME. I need to convert long integer to byte table. Those long integers can very long like this: 3460215174411169804 How can I read this long to this kind of byte-table: byte table[] = new byte[8]; I would like to see some examples. Remember, I'm using J2ME, so I don't have all the classes in ...

31. UUID to Long or Integer    coderanch.com

32. long to Integer conversion    coderanch.com

From my understanding, if your long is small enough to fit into an int I THINK (emphasis on that, because I'm not sure) that you can cast it to an int and it might retain the same value. I'm not sure if it drops the bits from the left or right (I believe it is left). However, if you have a ...

33. Please Review My Code (Long Integer Addition)    java-forums.org

Hello everyone, thought I'd join up as this looks like a good, popular java programming community and a place to learn new things. I am currently doing a summer research project on the implementation and verification of long integer arithmetic (some may know it as arbitrary-precision arithmetic or bignum). There will be four programs altogether: Addition, subtraction, naive multiplication and karatsuba ...

34. Letter L or l to long integer?    java-forums.org

35. Converting from long to int    java-forums.org

36. convert long to int    forums.oracle.com

I'm trying to convert a long to an int by doing: int time = (int)runTime; But when doing so I receive an error stating Inconvertible Types found : java.lang.Long required: int The number that is in the runTime variable, is small enough to fit into an int. It is returning the time in milliseconds between two times. The milliseconds will be ...

37. Difference between Integer and Long    forums.oracle.com

The reason you can't cast Long to Integer (note the difference between Long and long and between Integer and int) has nothing at all to do with precision. It's the same reason you can't cast Date to String, or JPanel to PreparedStatement. When casting reference types, you can only cast up and down along a single path in the type hierarchy. ...

38. Long vs. long and int vs. Integer    forums.oracle.com

byte, char, short, int, long, float, double, and boolean are primitives. They are not objects. They do not have methods or member variable fields. They're simply data. Byte, Character, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, and Boolean are wrapper classes for those primitives. There are places where an object is required--for instance, adding an element to a collection. You can't use an ...

39. Hexadecimal Addition without int / Long conversion    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, I am trying to add two numbers represented as strings, i.e., addition of two hexadecimal numbers. I am aware of the addition process where we convert the strings to number format (int / long) and add these two and convert the result back to Hex. I do not want to use this process due to limitations in precision of ...

40. Adding byte, double, int, long?    forums.oracle.com

41. java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer    forums.oracle.com

You can't cast a Long to an Integer. Same as calling your Honda a Ferrari doesn't make it so... yes Long and Integer are similar, but they are different distinct types. Maybe change your playCount to a long... loose the type cast and autoboxing (>=1.5) should take care of unpacking the Long to the pimitive long for you. Sweet. Cheers. Keith. ...

42. when to choose Long vs Integer    forums.oracle.com

I am creating dto(data transfer object ) representing datamodel, I am confused with the database column with datatype number supose I have a table person person_id (PK) ssn (data-type) number this person table has two columns one is primnary Key person_id ssn is other column with datatype number now to represent this in java I created a pojo Called Person with ...

43. Convert Long to Int ?!    forums.oracle.com

colojav wrote: btw. that's a bit strange to give 2 totally different meanings, just by the case... They are not totally different. They are closely related. Both can represent the same range of values. An Integer object is a wrapper for an int value. A Long object is a wrapper for a long value. Use the primitive types (i.e. the lower-case ...

44. integer and long    forums.oracle.com

45. Convert long to int    forums.oracle.com

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date date; if (sDate.length() > 0 ) date = sdf.parse(sDate); else date = new Date (); // gets the current date and time. Long dateInMillis = date.getTime(); i want to convert the Long to Integer. I tryed giving as Integer i = Integer.valueOf(dateInMillis.intValue()); It shows as: if the long value is : 1154615400000 The output ...

46. Long to int    forums.oracle.com

47. Convert two integers into a long    forums.oracle.com

48. Spliting long value into 2 integers    forums.oracle.com

49. dealing with long integers    forums.oracle.com

50. long to int conversion    forums.oracle.com

52. Is this true? "In the JVM, bytes, shorts and ints are all four bytes long."    forums.oracle.com

In the Java Virtual Machine, bytes, shorts and ints are all four bytes long. Hence, when you add two bytes together you are actually performing 32-bit arithmatic. And when you store the result back into a byte, you're not even lopping off the high 24 bits -- because the number is signed, and you need to retain the sign bit.

53. How to change a long to an int    forums.oracle.com

Maybe after the party: casting one primitive type to another primitive type doesn't need any explicit user defined method. The Java language supports 'casts' for that. If a cast is a 'widening' type, the compiler can handle it all and the cast isn't explicitly needed. If the cast is a narrowing cast, the cast needs to be explicit to keep the ...