BigInteger « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How to implement an unsigned 64-bit int in Java using BigInteger class?

I am looking for one datatype with exact capacity of 0 to 2^64 - 1. We know that Java as it is does not support 'unsigned' barring char datatype. There is ...

2. What is the most effective way to create BigInteger instance from int value?

I have a method (in 3rd-party library) with BigInteger parameter:

public void setValue (BigInteger value) { ... }
I don't need 'all its power', I only need to work with integers. So, how ...

3. How to assign the largest n bit unsigned integer to a BigInteger in Java

I have a scenario where I'm working with large integers (e.g. 160 bit), and am trying to create the biggest possible unsigned integer that can be represented with an n bit ...

4. How do I generate a random n digit integer in Java using the BigInteger class?

I am unsure about how to generate a random n digit integer in Java using the BigInteger class.

5. Converting from Integer, to BigInteger

I was wondering if there was any way to convert a variable of type Integer, to BigInteger. I tried typecasting the Integer variable, but i get an error that says inconvertible ...

6. BigInteger to String according to ASCII

Is there a way to convert a series of integers to a String according to the ASCII table. I want to take the ASCII value of a String and convert ...

7. Convert an int to a BigInteger

8. convert BigInteger to integer

9. int to BigInteger

11. difference between Integer and BigInteger

Integer is a wrapper of the primitive type int.The wrapper classes are basically used in cases where you want to treat the primitive as an object for ex-trying to pass an int value in a method that would take only a type of Object in such a case you would want to wrap primitive int value in the wrapper Integer which ...

12. Converting an integer into a BigInteger

Hello All, I am working an assignment, and I am confused on how to convert an integer into a BigInteger. What I want to do is use the divideAndRemainder(BigInteger val) function, but to use this function I need to pass a BigInteger. I want to convert the integer 128 to a BigInteger. Below is my code: Java Code: import*; import ...

13. how can i store 30 int digits without using bigInteger class

import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; public class lab8 { public static void main (String[] args){ int [] int1= new int [30]; int [] int2= new int [30]; int [] x= input(int1); int [] y= input(int2); sum(x,y); } public static int [] input (int [] x){ int i; System.out.println("input an integer less than 30 digits"); Scanner myInput = new Scanner(; int b = ...

14. How to convert and int to BigInteger