ImageIO « Development « Java Data Type Q&A

1. ImageIO.createImageInputStream Keeps Returning null

Hey all, Whenever I try to get an ImageInputStream object using ImageIO.createImageInputStream it simply returns null with no exceptions, warnings or errors. I have tried passing different data types to the function, ...

2. ImageIO.createImageInputStream is returning null, how come?

This used to work and now it isn't working. I didn't change the portion where the Image is suppose to stream so I don't know why this isn't working. ...

3. Why is my BufferedImage receiving a null value from

BufferedImage ="/Images/player.gif"));
First of all, yes I did add the image folder to my classpath. For this I receive the error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: input == null! I don't understand why the above code doesn't ...

4. returns null on second call

I am working on a school project and I have to load images for a game that we are working on. As soon as the applet starts up, it will load a preview of a skin (the game has a customizable interface). This image loads fine. When you go to change the skin and update the preview, or if you start ...

5. returns null?

Your code doesn't cope cprrectly with the case where the signal byte read isn't 77 or 88. You just keep reading until it is and you don't even log the error anywhere. So you are quite possibly losing synchronization between writer and reader. So the image won't be where you think it is in the stream. So it won't be understood. ...