1. cast Timestamp to Date ? forums.oracle.com |
2. TimeStamp Problem forums.oracle.com |
3. Timestamp.getTime() , Date.getTime() forums.oracle.comLet's suppose, since we aren't told this, that you are asking about java.sql.Date and not about java.util.Date. You've read the documentation and learned that a Date object doesn't have a time component, correct? And that a Timestamp component does have one? If the Timestamp's time component is 00:00:00.000000 then I would expect its getTime() method to return the same as the ... |
4. Converting a hexadecimal Timestamp to Date forums.oracle.com |
5. Date as String to TimeStamp forums.oracle.com |
6. how to append the timestamp at the beginning of log forums.oracle.com |
7. How to trim timestamp from a Date value forums.oracle.comDates in java are just a long indicating millis since the epoch, jan 1, 1970 00:00:00. The display is just that, a display, in which you use the SimpleDateFormat to determine what the user sees. It has no other meaning, and you cannot construct a Date object that doesn't have a time. ~Tim |
8. String to timestamp conversion forums.oracle.com |
9. how i can create a TimeStamp from a number like: 1183450890250 forums.oracle.com |
10. TimeStamp forums.oracle.comHi I think in your DateService.getTimestamp() you are using a variable(static or some) which is updated by the second time it is calling. Means when you call the java.sql.Timestamp cts = DateService.getTimestamp(dateTo,webUser.getManagers().getProperty("date.format.input")); cts is getting a reference to avariable which is getting reset or updateded by second call. try the given code String dateFrom = request.getParameter( ReportParams.DATEFROM1 ); String dateTo = ... |
11. Conversion Date to Timestamp forums.oracle.com |
12. Timestamp with nanosecond precision forums.oracle.com |
13. How can I parse a String to Timestamp type?? forums.oracle.com |
14. How to get date from timestamp? forums.oracle.com |
15. Convert DateTime to TimeStamp forums.oracle.com |
16. Java timestamp, time conversion forums.oracle.comHi, I need to convert a java timestamp which is in EST/EDT (Eastern standard/daylight time) to a timestamp in MST (mountain standard time) that reflects the time in MST. Here is the code i have written. I wanted to know if there was a better way of doing this: private Timestamp convertToMST(Timestamp stamp){ TimeZone tzMST = TimeZone.getTimeZone("MST"); TimeZone tzLocal = TimeZone.getDefault(); ... |
17. Timestamp forums.oracle.com |
18. Timestamp in date forums.oracle.com |
19. Java converts wrong Timestamp forums.oracle.com |
20. Date to Date with timestamp forums.oracle.com |