range « Date Time « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Java: how do I check if a Date is within a certain range?    stackoverflow.com

I have a series of ranges with start dates and end dates. I want to check to see if a date is within that range. Date.before() and Date.after() seem to be a ...

2. Java: Min and Max Date range    stackoverflow.com

I'm grabbing some data from a database that has a stored date value, and I'm letting the user pick date ranges they would like to view data for. All my code ...

3. How do I filter entities by date range in odata4j?    stackoverflow.com

The odata4j AppEngineConsumerExample demonstrates how to filter entities on string and numeric values with code similar to the following:

reportEntity("\nNon-discontinued product with reorderLevel > 25 (two filter predicates): " , ...

4. How to iterate through range of Dates in Java?    stackoverflow.com

In my script I need to perform a set of actions through range of dates given the start date and end date. Please provide me guidance to achieve this using Java.

for ( ...

5. Valid range for java.util.Date?    stackoverflow.com

what is the range for valid values that I can store in java.util.Date? The API doesn't say much about this. Or does it only support dates that can be expressed as ...

6. Java. Check time range. How?    stackoverflow.com

For example, I have input parameter this format: "04:00-06:00" or "23:00-24:00". Type of parameter - String. And in my method I must check, that time range in input parameter NOT before current ...

7. How to do processing for a range of dates which are within the upper and lower limit set by 2 date variables    stackoverflow.com

I have with me 2 dates in different date variables in a java desktop application. Now I want to create a loop that does some processing for each date within these ...

8. date range calculations    coderanch.com

I need to calculate the given date to check for a certain period of time if Given date: 10/12/2005 5:00pm Saturday then Display the time stamp as Monday date 10/14/2005 8:30am any date that falls between Saturday 5:00pm to MOnday 8:00am I need to show it as MOnday 8:00am. how can i do this? Any sample code is helpful. Thanks in ...

9. Generating a list of dates from a range    coderanch.com

Yes Edwin. I wanted all dates (either as date objects or as strings) between 2 date objects. I spent some time on it, doing it the hard way (long code but does it all), and then found an easy way to do it! Heres the easy code. while (!calStart.equals(calalEnd)) { // Add the date/cal to a list object // add 1 ...

11. Date range    coderanch.com

Originally posted by Amy Howard: It seems that I need two steps for this problem. (1) get all dates (string type) between d1 and d2. (2) store dates in vector or array (which one is better?) Can you please provide me your solution with code in details? Thanks for your help!!! I don't think many people here are in the habit ...

12. Date range help    coderanch.com

Hi, I need some help to figure out how to solve my problem. I have a system which stores details of projects. For each project you have a start and end date and an allocation out of 100 which indicates you time on the project. When I add a new project I need to go and check if the date range ...

13. Returning item using Date range    coderanch.com

I have a program that return a list of items. every item retuned includes the date the item was published. I want to return a subset of the Items based on a fromDate and toDate. I don't know how to do that........ here is my code snippet In my method i have the todate and from date defined: Date _fromDate = ...

14. checking for a range of dates    coderanch.com

As an aside, you should create a new SimpleDateFomat an not parse date "one" inside the for loop. The value will remain the same each time so you should move it to the start of the method and reuse the result i.e. public List findReservationByStartDate(String checkIn) throws ParseException { final List filteredReservationList = new ArrayList(); final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM-dd-yy"); ...

16. jField date range    java-forums.org

Hello, I'm new to Java, so i don't really know how to start what i want to do. How do I set a date range. I work with jFrame, so the date will be typed into a jField. I want the user to type in dates that are whithin a range e.g. between 1990 and 2000 - all other dates should ...

17. check the sunday and saturday from a given date range    java-forums.org

Hi all, i have a requirement that from a given date range i should count the number of days and i should not count the sunday and saturday from the date range. please help me on this. and i want to check the start date should be less than end date. please help me on this...... if you have any code ...

18. What is the range of Date objects?    forums.oracle.com

What is the minimum (earliest) and maximum (latest) in the range of Date objects, when represented as a proleptic Gregorian calendar? I understand that Java works out dates in terms of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch (1st Jan 1970) and that doing date and time calculations requires the converting the of the dates to longs. As there is a limited range ...

19. Valid Date range in Java    forums.oracle.com

20. How to exclude weekends & holidays from a date range    forums.oracle.com

it gets worse. The concept of "weekend" may not exist in some cultures, and where it does exist it may not always constitute the same (set of) days. For example, in the Christian tradition, the weekend is typically saturday and sunday (but in the past was sunday only). In Jewish tradition, it runs from sunset friday to sunset saturday. That's not ...

21. Processing a date range    forums.oracle.com

Hello I have two valid dates in a Java servlet and I need to do something for each day between the dates, i.e. for (start date to end date) { do something for each day } The dates are currently strings formatted as dd/mm/yyyy but this can be changed. Any ideas? Many thanks Martin O'Shea.