1. DST & Actual Date coderanch.comHow to find out DST begin and end date in every year(US - CST)? I know DST starts in first Sunday of April and ends in last Sunday of October. Here is my actual issue. For a any given date, my method will add given number of days and return the date. Here is what my code look like... private static ... |
2. US DST Changes and Date coderanch.comHi, A (unix) server on which my java application was deployed recently had patches done for US DST changes. As a result I am getting Mon Feb 12 01:01:01 GMT-07:00 2007.703 where I was previously getting Mon Feb 12 01:01:01 MST 2007.703 The JDK (IBM) does not seem to be recognizing the timezone change. Is there any known fix? My code ... |
3. Date Conversion from GMT to Local and Local To GMT considering DST. forums.oracle.comHi, I have a application which displays the time in GMT across all the screens,and saves in Local/Default TimeZone as application would be deployed in europe and India.I have written a utility which does the conversion. I just want to know that how to handle the Daylight Saving Time[DST] as we are taking the data from database and converting it to ... |
4. Date on DST change date forums.oracle.comMy code needs to display date time if interval is 1 hour . So it some one starts at lets say March 7 2009 11 PM , it should show time in every hour like 3/7/2009 11 PM, 3/8/2009 12 AM, 3/8/2009 1 AM, 3/8/2009 2 AM, 3/8/2009 3 AM..... But i can't show 2 AM. So it shows time like ... |
5. Date and DST problem forums.oracle.comHi all, I have the following Daylight Savings Time problem: I have one system that I want to run for 24 hours (exactly!). Assume that I am on the date: 28th March 2009 15:00 (DST change in Europe). If I am doing something like this: Date date = new Date(); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set(date.getYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDay(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds()); c.add(Calendar.HOUR, ... |
6. Identify date is in DST or out of DST forums.oracle.comHello, I want to make an arrangement in my code , to ensure that the date entered by user is in DST or is out of DST? For e.g. in CDT DST ends on 1nov 2009 when there will be 2am the clocks will reset back to 1 am . Suppose user has entered 1 nov 2009 CDT 2.02 am , ... |
7. DST start Date value is displaying wrong in Java forums.oracle.comIn the Database I have one field "startTime" type is "datetime" value is " Mar 11 2007 2:00:00:000AM" In Java program After executing stored procedure I got one RESULT SET I printed that value rs.getTimeStamp(startTime").toString() But the resut is dispalying like "2007-03-11 03:00:00.0" Actually My server is running Eastern Daylight Time. The March 11 th is the DST start Date of ... |
8. Date function error for DST start Date forums.oracle.comIn my application the have used new Date() ---"java.sql.Date "for setting result set TimeStamp value.It was working fine with JDK1.4 Version but JDK 1.5 it is throughing Error. The below error is coming for DST start & End date. new Date( rs.getTimeStamp("startTime").getTime())). The value of rs.getTimeStamp("startTime").getTime is March 11 2:30 AM. The Data base is having correct Date but After passing ... |
9. Storage of dates and 2007 DST forums.oracle.comI had read through some discussions on how the new USA Daylight Savings Time would affect Java but got a bit confused. My questions are: How are dates stored in the Database. If they are stored as a long value, as Java represents dates, What happens when an old version of the database (unaware of the DST change) is used to ... |
10. Convert String to Date without applying DST forums.oracle.comBut in your initial request you say that it is received in String format. How do you know what time zone is to be applied when converting it to a Date instance? Would you consider your test case 1 still wrong when you specified "BST" (instead of "GMT") as the input time zone? |