date 7 « Date Time « Java Data Type Q&A

1. how to get date of birth from identification number?

I would like to identify the Date of Birth, Gender and Age of a Malaysian by extraction the information from the new IC number. The object calculate the Date of Birth, Gender and Age. For example, new ic number: 720621116264 Date of Birth : 21th June 1972 Gender : Female Age: 37 years old

2. Is it ok to use Date class?

I think Date should be immutable. I'm not a fan of using setTime either. This kind of thing leads to bugs. Actually I had forgotten that method even existed since I try to avoid it. Date.setTime(long) makes Date represent less a moment in time than a wrapper around a moment in time. IMHO, Date should be like Integer.

3. Unable to decide on the logic for dates 31 and 30th specifically

Ok, I think I was not clear. Let me explain again. Beer can be delivered once a month. and if the user selects his start date as 31st of a month, then from the following months the app should show that an order is pending for 31st of every month. However, if a month doesnt have 31st, then display it on ...

4. Exception in ScriptEngine when using Date JavaScript Object

Hello, I am getting an exception when I load a script that creates a variable: var tmp = new Date();. I'm on Win XP and use the jdk1.6_07. Note: This exception doesn't occur for my teammates in the US (where the project was created) but it occurs for me in France. Here is the exception: java.lang.NullPointerException at at at ...

6. problem regarding calculatin date

7. How to check a valid date?

8. setting previous date

Ok, the first part of my code asks you to enter the date, it date, It then asks if you want the next or previous date. I have next. for example if i type 8, and i enter next it says tomorrows date is the 9th. I'm not sure how to get my code to get the previous code, So if ...

9. Date Processing

I have a text field on my jsp form and I am making users enter the due date using the following format mm/dd/yy. 1. How do I get the text field to only use the mm/dd/yy format? 2. How do I make it go into my mysql database using the mm/dd/yy format? Currently its being inserted as yyyy/mm/dd. Any help is ...

10. Need help in Julian date

I think it's taking current year as base i right??? Yes, that's right. You're asking for day number 2454743 of 2008, which gets converted into whatever you saw there. any suggestions??? If you want your base calendar to use some other year, feel free to set its year to that other year. For Julian dates that would be 4713 BC, ...

12. Auto populate date field in form

13. Is it a Java Date bug?

Date d = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat df=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); d.setTime(l1); System.out.println(df.format(d)); d.setTime(l2); System.out.println(df.format(d)); } } The output of this program is: true 2000-01-01 01:00:00 2000-01-01 12:00:00 Isn't this output weird? The first date should be 1 hour later than the second one, but the result is the first one is 11 hour earlier than the second. Anyone know why?

14. Photo taken date

15. Need help with date

I have an arraylist which consists of 2 to 50 string values like "08/18/2010 end of the month" or "08-18-10 get by" or "18-Aug-2010 expires" and so on. It will have a date with any format plus a string. I will need to extract this date value and I should check all the items have same date or different dates. I ...

16. Anyone know exactly how Date works?

The results surprised me, because it tends to suggest that Date's "ticker" (like Unix's) is not linear, but adjusts before/after the leap second to maintain a minute that is always 60 seconds. I also double-checked it with 31/12/1995 (which is listed in Date's documentation) and it produces similar results. [Unix time|] starts by stating that leap seconds are not counted, which ...

17. Date depreceted methods

18. Folder Date Created

19. Tracking Date even though the system date is changed.

Hi All, I am trying to protect my product by licensing it. Is there any possibility to track the date even though the system date has been changed? For example, if the trial period of the software has expired and the user changes the system date back and continues to use it. Is there any way to fix this?

20. Average date

It would be possible if I got String (not Date) as an input. But I don't have an original input (I can't change the code, that is parsing String to Date, I have to work with Date objects), so I don't know if the format string contained the time zone definition or not.

21. How to divide between two given Dates

I need to divide among two days . i have a start date as 25-06-2009 and end Date as 25-07-2009 . I need to divide in weeks between these dates such that my new dates will be like this (My Week Start Date is Saturday) Start-Date End-Date 27-06-2009 03-07-2009 04-04-2009 10-07-2009 11-07-2009 17-07-2009 18-07-2009 24-07-2009 Here my week end date should ...

22. new Date() returning different value then Date command on AIX Environment

I would suggest that you look at investigating the date command on your system first to see where it takes it's formatting options from. It could be that one is reading from the current user's settings while the other is reading from global system settings. You could also do a simple test by changing your locale and seeing if the outputs ...

23. Set Date object to 4:00 pm

24. How to send an Date as pass by value in java ?

You cannot pass a Date by value, because you cannot pass a Date--or any object--at all. Primitives are passed by value. References are passed by value. Objects are not passed at all--not by reference and not by value. (Note that passing a reference by value is NOT the same as passing an object by reference.) Now, if you can explain more ...

25. Doing a Monthly Check in JAVA based off of Date

A java.util.Date represents a moment in time. A java.util.Calendar is used to manipulate times and dates and do time/date calculations. You'll probably end up using its subclass, GregorianCalendar. A java.test.SimpleDateFormat can be used to parse and format Dates from/to Strings. You may also need to use a java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask to handle regularly performed execution, e.g., checking once a day to ...

26. Differnece between two dates

27. Relevant classes for working with Dates and Duration

I am looking for an implementation that allows me to parse duration strings in standard format (iso or xml) and also provides add operations with date classes. javax.xml.datatype.Duration seems to provide some operations I want (except for parsing). However, this is an interface. Where can I find a class that implements it? It would be nice if you recommend an implementation ...

28. java.util.Date strange behavior

29. Date

public class dateConverting { public static void main(String art[]) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); long cDate = 0; Date d = null; try { // d = sdf.parse("1951-07-22 07:10:20"); d = sdf.parse("1970-01-01 5:30:00"); // d = sdf.parse("2009-07-22 07:10:20"); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } cDate = d.getTime(); System.out.println("d.getTime() ----------[?? why ??]---------> " + d.getTime()); System.out.println("d.getMinutes() ----------[]---------> " + ...

30. Date not working

31. Date problem.

32. Previous date function

33. Date problem

34. Java Dates Problem

Hi, I've got a problem that i just can't seem to solve. I'm developing a java application that performs queries on an oracle database. I'm taking a date from the user in the format DD-MMM-YYYY e.g. 04-JAN-2009 from a jTextField. I need to preform some simple operations on the date object such as adding seven days etc. But i cant figure ...

35. Is it possible to detect change of date and/or resume from standby?

Hallo you all, in our current project we have a java remote application and a server application connected via GPRS. Both client and server must have a system time sinchronized with a tolerance of maximum 15 minutes. The problem has been solved simply making a datetime check during login: server sends it's current datetime to client and then client make the ...

36. date....?

hey guys. I'm completely new to java programming, and I just use the BufferedReader methods like readLine, and System.out.println n stuff. Now, I just need to know how to display the current date, and do the basic operations, for example calculate someone's age in years, months, days or whatever, given his date of birth. Can someone help me please? I've tried ...

37. Wrong JAVA date coming on IBM AIX

38. Specifying Date From Long With Different Epoch

Hi Guys, I've done a little research on google and cannot seem to find a solution to this, so i think i'm missing a trick here. When you use the Date constructor and pass in a long, java will treat the long as the number of milliseconds from the Epoch date which is the 1st of January 1970. Is there a ...

39. Define my own i18n number and date formats

My wish is to define my own number and date formats, so that every call to "DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(new Date())" will display the result in my own format. I'd like to create my properties file for override formats in my locale (it_IT) or create my variant locale (it_IT_mine), I've not found docs to do that, anybody can help me? Thank yuo very much. ...

41. Date

import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class DateDiff { public static void main(String[] av) { /** The date at the end of the last century */ Date d1 = new GregorianCalendar(2000, 11, 31, 23, 59).getTime(); /** Today's date */ Date today = new Date(); // Get msec from each, and subtract. long diff = today.getTime() - d1.getTime(); System.out.println("The 21st century (up to ...

42. date object with Z at the end

"Date and time formats are specified by date and time pattern strings. Within date and time pattern strings, unquoted letters from 'A' to 'Z' and from 'a' to 'z' are interpreted as pattern letters representing the components of a date or time string. Text can be quoted using single quotes (') to avoid interpretation. "''" represents a single quote. All other ...

43. Date(0) returns 19:00h !!!

44. Negative date

Some people actually got my point. I was just gathering clarifications about the poorly-documented javadoc of java.util.Date, no databases, no ****. I try to abstract myself from that. I was talking about simple long(which is in fact an integer) arithmetic, and any eventual implementation classes, anyway a timestamp is not an SQL timestamp, which is not administering MySQL rdbms, thats entirely ...

45. Date internationalization (i18n)

46. How to get Items using the date item was published

I know I have to use the after and before Date methods of from the DATE API, but I don't know how to do it. Date itemDate is what the item date returns, and if it returns 20 items from nov 1 - 20, 1 item per day, I want return something from nov 11 - nov 19, how do i ...

47. NullPointerException problem with dates

48. Java Date Issue

49. how can i get the date

thanks for ur example code can u explain me the following line for (LocalDate saturday : saturdays) wht should i change to get the latest date 1st and date format in dd-mm-yyyy thank u Edited by: sreenu.arumilli on Nov 3, 2008 9:48 PM Edited by: sreenu.arumilli on Nov 4, 2008 3:00 AM

50. Plz Help my Its very very Urgaent its my project submit on 14 no last date

SunForumsGuest29 Posts: 49,086 Registered: 10/22/10 Plz Help my Its very very Urgaent its my project submit on 14 no last date Posted: Nov 4, 2008 12:58 AM Reply **the project detail** 1. Overview "Home Grown Insurance" is a non-profit organisation that has been established to provide realistic insurance policies for customers. They require a simple console based application that ...

52. Checking whether the date is a month-end

} public void findWeekends() { // The while loop ensures that you are only checking dates in the specified year while (cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) == this.year) { // The switch checks the day of the week for Saturdays and Sundays switch (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)) { case Calendar.FRIDAY: //Before adding, check for the Month End. If it is a month-end, then do not add date to ...

53. How to use date ion where condition?

Hi, I need to use "11-10-08" in where condition. but I am getting error message " javax.servlet.ServletException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression." Here cdate is date field in date11 table. How to correct this error? <%@ page import= "java.sql.*"%> <%@ page import="java.util.Date"%> <% Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:bspipdb1"); PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement("Select * from date11 where ...

56. Java Date Issue

57. Ordering Date Sets

Date set: 1 Feb 13, 1989 Jan 2, 1992 Dec 21, 1992 Date set: 2 Feb 13, 1981 Jan 2, 1991 Dec 21, 1998 Date set: 3 DateException: Bad date format in 2/13/1980z. DateException: 12/32/1999 is not a valid date. DateException: 13/2/1999 is not a valid date. Date set: 4 Feb 13, 1989 Jan 2, ...

58. Date comparision

thank you in advance hi i want to fetch some Employee Records from table through my class called but i am not getting the accurate result please help me on this . for this i designed the database in microsoft Access in that i hava an table called Employee and in that there is one column as DOB. i declared ...

59. Date Comparision

60. date formats

62. I miss java.util.Date

java.util.Date was great for me. It had really simple functions to get at all of the information in it and didn't require a lot of work to work with. Then it was mostly deprecated. I wouldn't mind using Calendar but why did they take away many of the very simple useful functions? I know I can use Calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) but i liked ...

63. Date with an extra Zero appended to the Seconds

Hello everyone, I'm new to Java and this might sound like a very silly question. In the database, I have a date field in which the date is stored in the following format: 8/25/2008 6:38:18 PM Hibernate is being used to retrieve data from the database and to populate the corresponding Java Object. The java property in the obkect that stores ...

64. Increase a date?

65. Date

I would like to design a program that will allow the users to input a date, but when they input a date which is earlier than the date today, it will prompt them an error. For example: the user input '18-06-2007', the program will say ' Date input is inappropriate' Is it possible? Thanks in advance.

66. How to check for null int/null Date

Heres the situation, there is an interface accepting an int value and a time/date that are not required(and are not set to anything automatically, i have no control over that part unfortunately), but I need to set up some sort of null/has value type of check to execute the setter when it does have a value, and ignore it when it ...

67. Date

Hello, I am extracting metadata of office files, when I extract it I get the Creation date, last modified date, last print date of those office files. But the dates which I am getting they are not accurate as they get changes on of my computers system date whether IST or EST. So I would like to know is there any ...

68. Problem relating to Dates.

nextCharge = (Calendar) startDate.clone(); dateToCharge = (Calendar) startDate.clone(); while(dateToCharge.before(now) && (nextCharge.before(endDate) || nextCharge.equals(endDate))) { dateToCharge = nextCharge; if(dateToCharge.equals(endDate)) { LogMsg.printDebug("dateToCharge matched endDate: " + " dateToCharge: " + DateUtils.dateToStr(dateToCharge.getTime()) + " endDate: " + DateUtils.dateToStr(endDate.getTime())); break; } //if dates are not equal LogMsg.printDebug("Found POSSIBLE: " + " dateToCharge: " + DateUtils.dateToStr(dateToCharge.getTime()) + " nextCharge: " + DateUtils.dateToStr(nextCharge.getTime())); ..

69. iso date

70. How to use Date as... date

Hi everyone, This is probably a silly question, but I need to work with dates as opposed to datetime. My application requires users to select dates, and I need to be able to test that any two dates occur on the same... date/ day. The Date() class won't work as it includes the time as well, so if I grab two ...

71. Date Manipulation

so,, when we talk about validating date,, we means to catch a ParseException form parsing a string to a date, when the string-type date given is not a valid date,, and as you might have known, parsing a string to date is done with a SimpleDateFormat-type object, which also specify the [string-type] date format to be parsed,, e.g "dd/m/yyyy"

72. jva returns compleate wrong date!

The getTime() call returns a java.util.Date object, which is independent of time zones. When you call toString(), it's just going to use your default time zone. Use something like SimpleDateFormat if you want to change how it is displayed. EDIT: I'm also surprised that you've spent two days on this and didn't realize that Date is independent of time zones...

73. date issue

This is because yy format is interpreted as a year within (currentTime - 80 years = 1928) and (currentTime + 20 years = 2028) window. Here is the relevant Javadoc from JDK doc For parsing with the abbreviated year pattern ("y" or "yy"), SimpleDateFormat must interpret the abbreviated year relative to some century. It does this by adjusting dates to be ...

74. displaying wrong result of date y?

Hi I have coded for date format to display day of the date,month and year. Date is user defined date. The result am getting was right but the month was +1 from wat i was given. How to display me a perfect date.Give me any suggestion. Code is given below. Output also given below. import java.lang.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.DateFormat; public ...

75. dates displaying

76. Date manipulation in XP and Vista

Oh I misunderstood the problem a little. The date shown is one day less in the Vista. I used the SQLite Database and when the data is fetched from the database and print the result, the date is displaying correctly in the XP but its one day less in the Vista. I checked the time zone too. but in both time ...

77. Output Date with the our

Hi, The code snippet for getting the current time and displaying in Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss import java.util.Calendar; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; public class DateUtils { public static final String DATE_FORMAT_NOW = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; public static String now() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_NOW); return sdf.format(cal.getTime()); } public static void main(String arg[]) { System.out.println("Now : " +; } } ...

78. not getting the correct date ....y?

hi my pblm is that i am adding some date to a databse..the code like this <%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.,java.text.SimpleDateFormat,java.util." %> <% SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-mm-yyyy"); String d1=request.getParameter("dob"); java.util.Date utilDob = dateFormat.parse(d1); out.println(utilDob); java.sql.Date sqlDob = new java.sql.Date(utilDob.getTime()); out.println(sqlDob); ... . . . . .. .. st.setDate(12,sqlDob); My error is that whatever date i entered i am getting it as ...

79. latest currency date to import into application

You can talk to a web service, however if you want to ensure this web service doesn't just disappear overnight and that the information you get back is accurate then you will likely have to pay for it. The price will vary depending on how many hits you are expecting to send per month.

80. How can i get the previous date?

81. creating an if clause using a date

82. Date [deprecation] --> what other method?

83. Build Number or Build Date, how to insert it automatically

Hello, I'm looking for any way I could automatically insert a Build Number or a Build Date at compile time or build time. I would like this inserted value to be ultimately available as a variable in the code. I'm using Netbeans 6.0. If anyone knows of a solution using an Ant script or any other method, please post an example. ...

84. how to store a date field

85. toget Date diffrence

i m being using(refering) these code in these code tht d1 i have to get from database but tht is like giving me error tht ..inconvertable type ............plz do a favour use ur own eg tht u are retrieving date u haved saved in database and then getting diffrence .....plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz output i want is 2 month 3 days or 63 days ...

86. Java Date Deprecated Functions

87. help with simple date formatter

88. java date help

Hi All, I am implementing a licence in java application.But there is an issue that how could i implement date logic in it.I have implemented all logic regarding network ,system..etc.But if i am sending encrypted date in licence file then it may be hacked by another one by change previous date in system.Please help me with logic which place should ...

89. TrimString - Date

I wonder if someone can help me ... I am modifying a booking calendar with date inputs for start and end stay. As you can tell from the programming below, the start and end boxes comes prefilled with the date February 27, 2008. Does anyone know what I can put in the string to make it show todays date. If I ...

90. Date Manipulation

91. DATE conversions

How about checking the API, it was there the last time I checked. BTW: when you check the API, I believe it will become obvious you don't want to use a date object to start off with, but from what is said you should be able to infer what object to use instead.

92. One last question for payroll - Manipulating Dates

String enddate1 = Integer.toString(calendar.MONTH); String enddate2 = Integer.toString(calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); String enddate3 = Integer.toString(calendar.YEAR); then at the end in the print section... System.out.println("Memo: employee #" + num + " for the period " + info + " through " + enddate1 + "/" + enddate2 + "/" + enddate3); But the enddates got returned as 2/5/1, which isn't accurate nor in proper format. ...

93. date to word

Are you saying you have an instance of a Java "Date" class and you wish to print its value as numbers, but to actual use the 'names' of those numbers? If that is the case first create a Java Calendar object from the Date object --- see the standard Java doc for this, in: java.util.Calendar Calendar will let you pick out ...

95. what is the output?--DATE

96. Date problem?

97. incorrect parsed date value

i encountered a date parsing issue. When i used xstream to convert a date value from xml to Date object, the value given was incorrect. So problem is reported to xstream project, yet the answer came back is that it's a JDK problem. ( The following codes will return an incorrect date on some machines (not all machines have this problem). ...

98. Some strage observation in Date operations.

That is where I had the confusion I thought that 0 will set the time to midnight but that was not the case should have also used AM_PM flag. So as per the previous reply i am using HOUR_OF_DAY which is in 24 HR format .. so no problem of handling AM/PM. Thanks, Vishwas

99. Issue with Date & negtive longs...

100. Date problem with jasper reports