date 3 « Date Time « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Check for Valid Date

I'm trying to check if adate entered is valid. I tried using DateFormat.parse. But when I enter 10/39/05 it accepts it and parses it into 11/08/05. DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); String historyDate = dateField.getText(); try { df.parse(historyDate); } catch (ParseException pe) { System.err.println("Invalid Date: " + dateField.getText()); return; } Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks, Lisa

2. Graphic by date

Welcome to the ranch. I am not sure about a website (is that what you mean?): anybody else know more than this? I would have thought on an ordinary GUI, that you can have a set of graphics in different files which you use, choosing different months for example: Something like this (just off the to of my head, so there ...

3. Date regularExpression problem

4. Tomorrows date

5. Date Problems

Reading between the lines, it sounds like your question is really "how do I output the date value in format xxx?" You may be confusing the date's value with its string representation, which are two different things. A Date (or practically any object, for that matter), can be represented as a string in an almost infinite number of ways. How you ...

6. Get Dates between the given dates.

Hi, i am trying to do someting like this: A user choose a initial and a final date. For example: Ini: 07/07/2004 Fin: 11/07/2004 Ok, what i need to do, is to get all dates between this two above. The answer needs to be... 08/07/2004 09/07/2004 10/07/2004 Is there a method that do this for me, i ve looking for but ...

7. Get Date from a long

8. Dates

9. problem with java.util.Date

10. Getting Previous Date

Why do you want to do this without Calendar ? Date has a constructor taking a long argument which is the number of milliseconds sinse 1.1.1970 (see javadoc). And if you have a Date X where you want to subtract 1 day, then its: oldDate in millis - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 make sure the multiplication does not ...

11. Date checking

Hi all, I have some issues please help me to solve these.I will get the 'from date' and 'to date' from the JSP page. I will get some dates from the datbase also .I have to find the dates that will come under the start date and end date from the JSP. Please help me....

12. issues with Date

13. Simple question about reloading Date Variable..

This is probably not advanced enough for this forum, but.. I'm trying to get a "clock" to work out in java (actually as a JSP, but for now, in Java). When I execute the following code, I get the same time over and over, but I (thought) am reloading the time value at every iteration of the loop... import java.text.*; import ...

14. Date vs GregorianCalender

Methods in Date been mostly deprecated. There is very little you are encouraged to do with it other than compare two Dates or display the Date in the default format. GregorianCalendar is useful if you are using it across the BC/AD transition. If you are using it for custom displays in contemporary times, use Calendar and SimpleDateFormat.

15. Constructing a Date from a long

16. comparision between two dates

I have two dates one is start date and the other one is end date. how to find which one is greater among the two dates? and if end date is less than start date i want to display one error message. please any one help regarding the date validations. thanks in advance

17. Setting the System date

18. Get specific search date

Hi, Can anyone help me with this problem ? I need to make a search for rows updated since beginning of this week, and this month. How would i create a date in java pointing to this weeks beginning(sunday 00:00). This way i can say in sql give med rows where last_update > beginning of this week, or this month, or ...

19. Dates

Look into the Java API. Take a look at the following classes: Calendar, GregorianCalendar & Date. You need to know that when doing date comparison, its not really just the day component, there's also the time component, if it is to be disregarded, you have to set the time component to be the same.

20. date problem

21. Reason for depecated methods java.util.Date

Well you can but ask them I suppose. I am repeating what is described in the JavaDocs for java.util.Date. However, given the limited funtionality provided by java.util.Date, I'm not sure why you would choose to use it for all but the most hasic date processing. [ January 16, 2007: Message edited by: Paul Sturrock ]

22. Date API

I am trying to learn how to work with Dates in Java 1.5/1.6 but I found some interesting anomalies when trying to subtract the current time from 0/0/00. try { //some initialization TimeZone timezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS z"); format.setTimeZone(timezone); //read start from string, end time is now Date start = format.parse("0000-00-00 00:00:00.000 GMT"); Date end = ...

23. Date issue

24. subtracting two dates

a counter Calendar object for startDate Calendar object for endDate a while loop: 1) checks if startDate DAY_OF_WEEK % 7 is > 1 (if true, counter++) 2) adds a day to startDate for the while condition you use startDate.before(endDate) or startDate.after(endDate) == false a few ways to do the while condition, depending on whether start/endDates are inclusive/exclusive etc at the end ...

25. replacement for date.getMonth()

Here is code to get the current month. Note that the month is zero-based. import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class TestGetMonth { public static void main(String[] args) { Calendar now = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); System.out.println("This month is: " + now.get(Calendar.MONTH)); } } Note that the date: 06/01/2007 is ambiguous since some English-speaking countries, such as Australia, use the format: DD/MM/YYYY and in the ...

26. date problem

27. Date comparision

Hi, in while loop on first iteration I got 2 dates in strings how to convert them into dates and compare with the dates of second iteration and find the minimum of startdate and enddate.that is startdate1 enddate1 and startdate2 and enddate2 find minimum of 2 startdate and max of end dates. for eg 1-12-2006 and 2-12-2006 3-12-2006 and 4-12-2006 I ...

28. Java Date fortmat

29. java.util.Date

Hi, I am getting the date in below format Mon Jul 23 00:00:00 EDT 2007 But I do not want to display in this format. But to display it something like 07/23/2007 I am using the simpleDateFormat class to format the date. But I am getting the parse exception that it can not parse the above date. Any pointers. Thanks, Trupti ...

30. date manipulation

Hi, I have date like 09/25/2007. I need to advance it by 7 dyas. So, it should be 10/02/2007. But I am getting 09/32/2007. Here is the code: import java.util.*; import java.text.*; public class month { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/DD/yyyy"); Date date = null; date = sdf.parse("09/25/2007"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(date); ...

31. Date Class Problems

My teacher has asked us to take the following class file, public class Date { private int month, day, year; // // Constructors // /* * Date() * default constructor: sets date to 1/1/2007 */ public Date() { month = 1; day = 1; year = 2007; } /* * Date(m, y, d) * constructor: set date to m/d/y * ...

32. Dispalying random dates

I want to display the dates between from date to todate...i.e.,if the from date is:2007/01/01 and todate is: 2007/03/01..I want the intermediate date 2007/02/01...I tried to display the dates...But Its not giving me the required(dates between from date and to date)....Its giving some random numbers.. package examples; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; ...

33. Question about the date API usage

34. Date issue

Hi All, I am facing an issue.All my dates in the application are coming as '?' character.So log4j's log's time is coming as '?".The system date for any java and sql operations are coming as '?".So, i am getting errors in the sql queries. Seems to be some problem with my server's date and time.I am using Sun One AS. I ...

35. why new date() prints date ?????

When you print an object, println() calls String.valueOf(theObject), which calls theObject.toString() if "theObject" is not null. Therefore, if a class overrides the toString() method to return something interesting, that's what you see when you print the object. The "memory address" (actually not, but that's another story) is what java.lang.Object.toString() returns, so it's what you get by default for a class that ...

36. Strange problem with respect to java.util.Date

Hi, I am having a problem with Date Objects. We have written an enterprise application for a web-based product. We get the person's birth date entered as (eg 07-17-1923). The object is stored in a date object and when it is written out (using sdf.format(date), where sdf is a SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd") and date is in the above MM-dd-yyyy format, the resultant value ...

37. On Date

38. get the date of next Monday

In Java, is there a way I can get the "date" value of NEXT Monday 9AM ? For example, if now is Tuesday I want next Monday's 9Am DATE, if now is Monday 9:05AM I still want next Monday's 9AM DATE; if now is 8:55AM MOnday, then it should give me today's 9AM. I don't see such API. Any help will ...

39. Manupilating Date

Can java add, subtract dates from each other? Lets say I have the date "Monday January 1" can I do something like DATE x; x = Monday January 1 + 8 days ==> Monday x = Monday January 1 + 1 Month ==> it must return the name of the day(monday,tuesday...) is there any class that already does this?

40. Generating a Start and Finish Date

This is my date generation code: Date nd = new Date(); Calendar scal = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar fcal = Calendar.getInstance(); scal.setTime(nd); fcal.setTime(nd); scal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); fcal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, scal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE)); Date sDate = scal.getTime(); Date fDate = fcal.getTime(); AS400JDBCDataSource datasource = new AS400JDBCDataSource("gvas400"); datasource.setTranslateBinary(true); datasource.setUser(""); datasource.setPassword(""); try{ Connection connection = datasource.getConnection(); Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); int y; for(y=0;y<12;y++){ System.out.println(sDate + ", " + fDate); scal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); ...

41. how can i get previous date?

42. Date problem

Hello everyone, I am building a web page with functionality for user to upload (using the browse function) their pictures (jpeg format) into the application. Once the picture is uploaded, I display the picture in a thumbnail fashion along with date/time of when the picture was taken. I am reading the Jpeg's Exif data using Open source tool called "Metadata Extractor" ...

43. To check the input date is future date or not

I'm now trying to check an input date is valid or not:that is DOB, if the date is the future date,it cannot be DOb and so alert that the Date is invalid. if not....accept it. So......first..I have to change the incoming date form to my fixed date form.Then compare it. I know the concept ,but I just want to get tge ...

44. Iterating Through Dates

45. Dates in Java

Hi All, I'm having problems converting GMT date time to other timezone formats. Basically I can convert the date time but it doesnt take into effect the day light saving time. I'm doing something like this. //Convert the string to proper GMT DATE TIME String strDateTime = "20081022020310Z"; DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); Date gmtDate = (Date)formatter.parse (idmDateTime.substring(0,strDateTime.length()-1)); System.out.println("----------------- GMT"); ...

46. Date comparision problem

Hi, I am trying to compare two dates in my program, where the current date is being compared with the selected date by the user from the calender. The selected date should not be more than 90 days from the current date. The function which i have defined gives correct result if the condition contains less than 68 days comparison, means ...

47. problem with dates

hello , I am facing a problem when i am trying to get the difference between two dates which is been taken from datepicker. now i am selecting two different dates with different month.for example d1 dd/mm/yyyy = 12/09/2008 d2 dd/mm/yyyy = 2/10/2008 now i am getting this value in the text box through i am doing it like this ...

48. weird java dates!!!!

hiiii all, Greetings! I am facing a really weird problem with java Dates. it goes like this: We need to write a function to which we need to pass a and we want to get back the due date, which is the day that is after 3 working days if the input time is before 4 PM, and 4 days ...

49. Date Problem

what have you tried? Do you know how to find the last day of the month? Do you know how to find what day of the week a given date is? Do you know how to, given a date, back up one day? it seems to me if you can do these three things, your problem is solved. where EXACTLY are ...

50. Code to check whether a given date falls on weekend or holidays

Hi, Can anyone provide a code fragment which will accept a date and check if it falls on weekend or holidays. If it falls on weekend or holidays then I need to increment that date in order to check again if the new date( incremented) falls on holiday or weekend. Appriciate yoor help and quick responses.

51. Date -problem

If you are using the current date in your program, calendar.get (Calendar.MONTH) works if u have initialized calendar object.Else use the Date from the method which returns the date.In your other method to calculate the month,get the date object and first use String tokenizer and get the two digits of the month,then in your month method use comparisions for the digits ...

52. Depricated Date class

53. dates in java

54. Date(long date)

i need a unique string that i can assign to filenames. so, i'm trying to use the Date() class for this. *** code fragment *** Date what=new Date(); String thisMoment=String.valueOf(what); ***************** this returns: Wed Mar 14 16:44:44 PST 2001 how do i get the milisecond portion of this. more generally, i guess this becomes a question of how to read the ...

55. Date Problem

56. Date class question

57. Date Calculations

58. dates

import java.util.*; public class AWeekAgo { public static void main( String[] args ) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date today = new Date(); cal.setTime( today ); cal.add( Calendar.DATE, -7 ); Date weekAgo = cal.getTime(); System.out.println( "Now: " + today ); System.out.println( "One week ago: " + weekAgo ); } }

59. constructing Date objects

60. dates

import java.text.*; import java.util.*; public class WhichDateBefore { public static void main( String[] args ) { Date start = null; // these Dates will be populated Date end = null; // with values from the strings SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "d/MM/yyyy" ); String now = "27/04/2001"; String then = "31/12/1999"; try { start = sdf.parse( then ); end = sdf.parse( ...

61. Date

62. java.util.Date

Hi, a couple of questions about Dates. The most pressing one is this : I have today's date, and I have it nicely formatted. Call it theDate. How can I use get at yesterday's date, without introducing a new variable, and without changing the value of theDate ? The less urgent problem is that I'm using these deprecated methods, getDate and ...

63. Constructing a Date object

64. java.util.Date

Hi, I have a text field, and my users will be typing a date in the format "dd-MM-yyyy" and I can check this. How can I construct a java.util.Date from this ? Will I have to extract each integer and calculate the appropriate number in milliseconds ? Has anyone done this ? I'm a bit wary of the whole Date thing ...

65. painful java.util.Date bug

66. how to get system date

67. how to get system date

68. How to Manipulate Dates?

69. Date problem

70. Date class - GeekWatch

Hi, Can somebody help me out with some examples how to use this class? I just don't get how I can calculate the milliseconds from 1970. I could not find an appropriate method to calculte that. I have an object to represent a Date object that is the first day of 1970 and I have one for just now as well. ...

71. trouble with date

Hi, I'm displaying information from a directory where things are dated. The program allows the user to view files from previous weeks. What I want to do is be able to display at the top of the page "News from the week of 'Monday, July 20th, 2001'", where 'Monday, July 20th, 2001' is genereated by the code. The problem is I'm ...

72. Date formatter

73. java.util.Date

74. 1.4 Release Date

75. just java 2 5th ed. release date?

76. Date Function

77. A kinder, gentler java.util.Date?

Hi, I'm wondering if there's a simpler way to return the current date and time from the system than what I'm doing right now. I'm really hoping there's something analogous to the "Date()" I was using when I was writing ASP. This is my code: <% Date fullDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); DateFormat dayToday = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG); DateFormat tmNow = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM); %> ... ...

78. Date class

I'm new to Java and trying to format dates both current date and dates since jan 1 1970. I have looked at the api documentation and it isn't very clear how I use the Date class. I'm trying to get seconds, minutes, days, etc since jan 1, 1970. And I also need to get the current date in the format mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss. ...

79. Quick Date Question

That's great! Thanks John. But what if I want to check if the requested date is 2 days later than today's date? Is there a method that I can simply add a number of days to the date which will automaically rollover to the next month? EX. If date=2/28/2002 and I want to add 2 days, will it automaically jump to ...

80. import;

81. class java.util.Date ......

The class Date represents a specific instant in time, with millisecond precision. Prior to JDK 1.1, the class Date had two additional functions. It allowed the interpretation of dates as year, month, day, hour, minute, and second values. It also allowed the formatting and parsing of date strings. Unfortunately, the API for these functions was not amenable to internationalization. As of ...

82. Subtract 2 Dates

Check out the following code: package Dates; import; /** * This class represents a specific day in time. * * @author Premanand C. * @version 1.0, 03/22/2002 */ public class Date extends Object implements Comparable, Serializable { /** * A constant holding the minimum year value. */ public static final int MIN_YEAR = 1901; /** * A constant holding the ...

83. Date

It doesn't seem like there is a built in function... does anyone have a simple way to compare two Date of type Date in order to see how many days apart they are? I was thinking, perhaps convert them to Juilen and do a subtraction to get the remainder between the two. But that might run into problems when dealing with ...

84. How to get past date ?

Thanks a lot. Yes, by using Calendar ( the second way ), I could print out the time I want ( 80 days ago, let's say ). If I want to know if a Date obj passed in is before this Calendar date, how to convert that Date obj to a Calendar obj so that I could use CalendarObj.before( passed_in_Date_to_CalendarObj ) ...

85. date

thanks tom, but anything wrong w/ that, and how can i modify as a method which only return a boolean? thanks package BMK.Tests; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; public class DateValidation { private String datestring= null; public DateValidation(String testStr) { boolean error = false; DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat( "MM-dd-yyyy" ); formatter.setLenient(false); Date date = null; if (testStr.length() != 0) { try ...

86. newbie needs to know how do get todays date

I am a total beginner, and I have to get today's date and todays DAY I need to grab a picture of the week. SO i have the case statement worked out: switch (day){ case GregorianCalendar.Sunday: sundate = dt; break; case GregorianCalendar.Monday: sundate = dt.add(GregorainCalendar.Date, -1); break; case GregorianCalendar.Tuesday: sundate = dt.add(GregorainCalendar.Date, -2); break; case GregorianCalendar.Wednesday: sundate = dt.add(GregorainCalendar.Date, -3); break; ...

87. Date question

88. Date functionality URGENT!!

Originally posted by girish rateshwar: Hi, Well as david suggested, using the calendar class in the util package. ----- calendar c1= new calendar(); Date d1= new Date(); And passing a parameter to the setTime() method--object of the date class. while using the get() function: c1.get((Calendar.Date)-1)<<---- Regards, [ December 19, 2002: Message edited by: girish rateshwar ]

89. date

90. Date in java

91. date

Hi Jackie, To get the desired date, you may either use the String Manipulation function or use the code below. Please note that the code below uses the SimpleDateFormat class. import java.sql.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; public class JRDateFormatting { public JRDateFormatting() { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { JRDateFormatting JRDateFormatting1 = new JRDateFormatting(); String sInitialDate = "2002/03/13"; // initial ...

92. Date method

93. one question about the Date Class!

Hiep, The Date constructor that takes a long 'Allocates a Date object and initializes it to represent the specified number of milliseconds since the standard base time known as "the epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.' So if you construct a date object with this constructor and if you want to get the same long printed you should be using ...

94. Where are the dates

Hello all: This board was highly recommended by a couple of folks in my beginning java class so I hope that I am not imposing on you with my questions. I did a search on the web for calendar projects (like a lot of us did) and I found this one. This code is suppose to print out a calendar for ...

95. Getting the correct date

96. Date object

I have some code that I'm using to try and format dates between US and Canada. When I use the code in a stand alone: import java.util.*; import java.text.*; public class DisplayDate { public static void main(String args[]) { Date currentDate = new Date(); String dateString = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(currentDate); String timeString = DateFormat.getTimeInstance().format(currentDate); System.out.println(dateString + " at " + timeString); } } ...

97. Question on Creation of a Date Object

98. java.util.Date

99. Holiday in date

here's one I was working on some time ago (I'm not from the US so I'm not entirely sure I have the parameters of the holidays correct) easter calculation is close, but is incorrect (this is when I stopped), you might be able to add a tweak or two, to get it right. import java.util.*; import java.text.*; class Holidays { public ...

100. Date function

Hi Vasu! You come from the fantastic world of Visual Basic, eh? Me too. I also have a difficult time with the date manipulation (and haven't quite gotten around to figuring it out), but I might be able to help with Trim(). I do not have exact syntax, but I think you should be able to use stringVariable.replace(' ',''). This should ...