1. Get integer value of the current year in Java stackoverflow.comI need to determine the current year in Java as an integer. I would like to be able to use this value as a counter that I can, for example, use ... |
2. Why was "new Date(int year, int month, int day)" deprecated? stackoverflow.comMy application I've recently inherited is FULL of deprecation warnings about the constructor:
Does anyone know or can point to a reason why ... |
3. How to get all dates of sundays in a particular year in Java stackoverflow.comam seriously looking for this code...am now to programing actually i want to make all dates with flag,which all are sunday in a particulr year.plz am eagarly waiting for ur response.... |
4. How do i get all Sunday dates in a particular year? stackoverflow.comExact duplicate: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/590385/how-to-get-all-dates-of-sundays-in-a-particular-year-in-java
5. Joda-time: First day in this year's ISO week 1 stackoverflow.comI would like to find out the date of the Monday in this year's ISO week 1 (For 2009 this would be Monday, Dec 29 2008). I'm sure that joda-time ... |
6. how to find out whether or not a date is 1 year before today's date in java stackoverflow.comIn java, how can I find out if a specific date is within 1 year of today's date. I have the following but not sure if this is the best ... |
7. JExcelAPI - writing date to Excel sheet ignores day, month and year stackoverflow.comI try to generate some Excel sheets in Java application using JExcelAPI (v. 2.6.3) and can't generate date cells properly. For example, for code:
8. How to parse four digit year only (with Joda Time)? stackoverflow.comIs there a way to force Joda time to parse dates only when they contain four digit years? For example:
9. Date Util in java that will explode date range in weeks,month,quarter,year stackoverflow.comI am looking for a java library that when given from and to date would return a list of dates in weeks,months,quarter or year which ever is most applicable. I ... |
10. How to set a BCE year using GregorianCalendar stackoverflow.comI have an assignment that converts dates from one calendar system to another. The documentation for GregorianCalendar seems to suggest that you can use dates with BCE years, but I have no ... |
11. how do I caculate the number of years difference between 2 dates in java? stackoverflow.comhow do I calculate the number of years difference between 2 calendars in java? |
12. Java - Before a certain month of every year stackoverflow.comHow could I code a method that will allow a number to be added to another number before a certain month of each year? Thanks, Chris. |
13. How can change my code to can user insert numbers of year and days? stackoverflow.comI make code to calculate the date of today and the date for two years ago before the day of today and also calculate day before 5 days. I want user insert ... |
14. Can I create a date object where the year is non applicable? stackoverflow.comI am trying to create a date object that doesn't have a year as that wouldn't be applicable (it represents a time of the year rather than a specific year). I would ... |
15. how to transfer a time which was zero at year of 0000(maybe) to java.util.Date stackoverflow.comI have a gps time in the database,and when I do some query,I have to use the java.util.Date,however I found that I do not know how to change the gps time ... |
16. How to calculate age in year and month between 2 dates in Java stackoverflow.comI am a newbie and appreciate if someone help me out. When I tried to calculate age using the below source , it does not give me the value of what ... |
17. How can I convert year and week to Java Date object? stackoverflow.comHow can I convert year and week to Java Date object? I'm using JodaTime, but standard Java classes using solution is fine too. |
18. How do i nullify date or day or year in a java date? stackoverflow.comI want to nullify the date or day or year in a java date object. How do it set it manually? |
19. How to strictly parse a date with only a year and a week number when the first day of this week is in the previous year? stackoverflow.comMy goal is to have a strict parsing (and forbid dates like '98/99' for example). However, the following code raises a
20. Joda time: Get max number of weeks for particular year stackoverflow.comHow do I get the maximum number of weeks for a particular year with Joda-Time? |
21. How do you parse 2-digit year date with time? stackoverflow.comSorry for bringing this up, but I don't see it. I have date+time in such format: dd-MM-yy HH:mmFor example 15-11-11 09:36(at the time of writing, it indicates date 5 days ... |
22. Date api for managing off days in an year? stackoverflow.comI want to know the available api's for date in java in which the following functionality is implemented. Calculating date from one date to N day skipping the mentioned off day(holidays). |
23. Capture month and year from user input date coderanch.comHi All, I am developing struts appication. I am displaying date in index.jsp as mm/dd/yyyy format. User can enter date in the same format. After Validation i am receiving date in mm/dd/yyyy from user. Now from mm/dd/yyyy i want to capture only month and year as i want to show data from mm/01/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy. Example if user input 10/12/2005 then i ... |
24. Converting Date into Day, Month, Year coderanch.comI have a text file that shows like this in every row Testing,Fri 12/15/06,Fri 12/15/06,0 hrs i will be using a delimiter to tokenized it by the symbol " , ". the problem now is the text files contain the day and date together as one attribute. how can i cut the day off and just read the date and split ... |
25. To find week of the year for any given date coderanch.com |
26. how to get date month year time coderanch.com |
27. Capture month and year from user input date coderanch.comHi All, I am developing struts appication. I am displaying date in index.jsp as mm/dd/yyyy format. User can enter date in the same format. After Validation i am receiving date in mm/dd/yyyy from user. Now from mm/dd/yyyy i want to capture only month and year as i want to show data from mm/01/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy. Example if user input 10/12/2005 then i ... |
28. How get Dates in a particular week Of year coderanch.com |
29. calculate todays date minus last one year in java coderanch.com |
30. Need to display prior and current fiscal years for from and thru date forums.oracle.com |
31. difference between dates with leap year forums.oracle.comgigapr wrote: still does not compile i don t understand why Um, well to begin you are now trying to return an in when the main() is static so that wont help at all...and check your numberOfDays calculation...not sure what the try catch are for haven't messed with them yet, but anyway, you have the pickUp sitting there, but you never ... |
32. Getting year, month and date forums.oracle.com |
33. leap year without date objects forums.oracle.comFirst, never use the letter "l" as a variable name. It looks too much like then number 1. What exactly is the trouble? You'll probably want to use some combination of && and ||, but I guess you could just go with the nested if/elses. Can you explain the rule in English or pseudocode? |
34. how to Compare the given Date less than current Date by one year. forums.oracle.com |
35. Getting Start and End Date of Current Year? forums.oracle.com |
36. how to get the currrent month and year from a new date object forums.oracle.com[Read the flamin' manual you must. Hmm.|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTFM] ~~ Yoda. Well no actually, he didn't say that, but he should have. Cheers. Keith. PS: Don't say that to a 7 foot pissedOff wookie when he's got his head stuck in a smoking hyperdrive, and you're being chased by a S-class battle cruiser... Ask Yoda how he got to be so short. PPS: ... |
37. get month and date from day of year (2009) forums.oracle.comWell, you're half way there At the moment you're using the getDate() and getMonth() methods of the Date class which are what is called "deprecated". [Here|http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/misc/deprecation/deprecation.html] is some reading on what a deprecated method is. In this case it means you should be using the get() methods for the Calendar class instead. If you look at [the getDate() method of the ... |
38. Retrieve the dates in the list - day wise, month wise, year wise ??? forums.oracle.comHi, I'm having 1000's of dates in an array list. I've sorted the dates using Collections.sort(). Now i'm able to see the dates in the sorted order. I need to return the dates which falls under a day, under a month, under a year. Can anyone suggest me some simple way to achieve this? Thanks, Kathir |
39. I wnat the date formate. year with 4 digigt, month and date two digit. I do forums.oracle.comHi, This is my query : I wnat the date formate. year with 4 digigt, month and date two digit. I donot want to set the dateformate ie "dd/mm/yyyy". It will change timezone and locale base. Code Part : TimeZone timeZones = null; DateFormat dateFormating = null; boolean dateCheck = true; Date newDate = new Date); if(dateCheck) { dateFormating = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance( ... |
40. How to compare two dates that should not exceed morethan 3 years forums.oracle.com |
41. urgent:calculate Year to date value forums.oracle.comJava code: Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar working; working = (Calendar) now.clone(); if(optionSelected.equalsIgnoreCase(ApplicationConstants.LAST7DAYS)){ working.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, - (7)); }else if(optionSelected.equalsIgnoreCase(ApplicationConstants.LAST30DAYS)){ working.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, - (30)); }else if(optionSelected.equalsIgnoreCase(ApplicationConstants.Past90Days)){ working.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, - (90)); } date1=formatter.format(working.getTime()); date2=formatter.format(now.getTime()); if i select year to date option, i need to calculate date 1 and date 2 to pass to my method. I think. date1 has to be january 1{current year} and ... |
42. To get month portion & Year portion of a renewal date forums.oracle.com |
43. Alternative to Date(int year, int month, int date, int hrs, int min) forums.oracle.com |
44. Checking if a Date is valid within a certain number of years? forums.oracle.com} catch( ParseException pe) { valid = false; msg += "Please Enter a Birth Date of 16 years or older.\n"; } } That is the code I am using currently. But i am getting a "operator - cannot be applied to int,java.util.Date" error. I feel as though i am close but missing one thing. |
45. how to get date difference in terms of years,months and also days forums.oracle.comTool : Eclipse Framework : JSF & Springs JRE : jdk1.5.0_06 Iam using oracle 10G DB as back end.I have two date fields in a table. 1)premium_paying_start_date 2)premium_paying_end_date Iam getting these two dates from the database and storing these values within a entity.Now in the delegate layer, i have to get the premium_term i.e, the difference between the two dates(premium_paying_end_date-premium_paying_start_date). The ... |
46. date difference is not returing correct value due to leap year day ??? forums.oracle.comThe method you posted will work just fine if you change it to round your answer to the nearest integer instead of truncating it to the next lower integer. Otherwise it fails when the start of daylight saving time is between the start and end dates. (The day when daylight saving starts only has 23 hours, whereas your calculation assumes that ... |
47. Converting date into day of year forums.oracle.comSystem.out.println("Current Date: " + cal.getTime()); System.out.println("Day: " + day); System.out.println("Month: " + month); System.out.println("Year: " + year); System.out.println("Day of Week: " + dow); System.out.println("Day of Month: " + dom); System.out.println("Day of Year: " + doy); } } this if for a begining level java class, and I have no idea where to get started. Any help would be appreciated. |
48. To get first date and end date after entering any month and year forums.oracle.comHi, I need to to get first date and end date of a month and year in yyyyMMdd format. I am reading month and year from a properties file. But I don't know how to get the first date and End date in given format. The properties file gives me just text. But I don't know how to get the date ... |
49. getting date using week number and year forums.oracle.com |
50. get day month and year of a date forums.oracle.com |
51. string to DATETIME YEAR TO MINUTE conversion forums.oracle.com |
52. How to get year, month, day seperately from a Date type data? forums.oracle.com |
53. Date Parsing does not work for the year field. forums.oracle.comI am trying to parse a date string using the DateFormat class. Here's the code : DateFormat format = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM); format.setLenient(false); format.parse("200022/12/23 "); For Japanese locale , the pattern is "yyyy/mm/dd" The parsing succeeds even if the year is not in the pattern yyyy. Is this correct? Message was edited by: rohit_sardesai2007 |
54. Converting Date into Day, Month, Year forums.oracle.comi will be using a delimiter to tokenized it by the symbol " , ". the problem now is the text files contain the day and date together as one attribute. how can i cut the day off and just read the date and split the dates into month/day/year? so that i can generate the gantt chart using this values? can ... |