1. How to get the current time in GMT? stackoverflow.comPossible Duplicate:I want to get the current timestamp in GMT; ... |
2. Need to compare date time in GMT coderanch.comHi, I need to run a thread every 4 hours from GMT. This application can run from any Time zone (thats why GMT is preferred.) When the application starts i can do the processing and i need to set the sleep value of the thread. i am not able to to calculate the remaining milliseconds from the current time to the ... |
3. Need to specify the time as GMT while creating the date, JVM is on EST coderanch.comHi All, I need to convert a time to GMT and store it in DB. I am able to do this. I need to retreive this time from DB at a later time and show it in the required time zone. How do I specify that a date is GMT time zone while creating the date? As per my knowledge, it ... |
4. Converting dates to GMT coderanch.comI have some code that takes a date, converts it to a String, then parses it back as a GMT date. This back and forth conversion make me think there should be an easier way to do this. The toGMTString on the date object is depricated. Thanks for any ideas how I can shorten this code. Mike ---------------------------------- Date initial = ... |
5. Converting a date object from GMT to EST coderanch.comI have a couple of requirements 1. I have a Date object that represents the date and time in GMT. I need to be able to convert this into a date object that represents the equivalent EST time, Daylight savings need to be taken into account 2. I also need to convert a Date object representing the EST time into a ... |
6. How to dispaly the date and time with difference of time from GMT coderanch.com |
7. Problem on great datetime in GMT coderanch.com |
8. Date/Time conversion to GMT with DayLightSavings coderanch.comHello, Wondering what would be the best way to convert a server date/time to GMT timezone value taking into account the daylight savings time correction? Say, if I get a system date/time in the format of '01/01/2007 12:00:00 AM CST' like to convert it to '01/01/2007' 05:00:00 AM GMT considering there was a daylight savings correction done automatically. Thanks. Tariq |
9. Getting current GMT date as Date object coderanch.com |
10. How do I convert a GMT date to a local date coderanch.comThere are like 1,000 posts on this subject, but I've been reading various topics off and on all day and haven't figured out how to solve this problem I'm having. What I've got is a date being returned from an SDK that is actually in GMT, but the timezone says EDT. When I output the date it is showing 3 hours ... |
11. String GMT Date conversion to EST/EDT coderanch.comhi, I have date value in a String which looks like this '08/12/2008 6:47 PM EDT' Now the problem is although it is saying EDT but the acutal in GMT, so I am trying to change this String into GMT Date. then I try to convert it into EST/EDT time. I am using SimpledateFormat. I replace "EST" or "EDT" with "GMT" ... |
12. Timestamp in GMT and the difference coderanch.comI want to generate current timestamp in GMT and also find the difference between this current timestamp and the timestamp (GMT) I pick it up from database. Can somebody help me out on how can I generate the GMT timestamp and how am I going to find the difference between timestamps in minutes. Thanks. |
13. converting local date to gmt date or gmt hours coderanch.comThanks for your suggestions,the code i tried is as follows: //getting current time and date Date currentDate = new Date(); //printng current date System.out.println("IST DATE IS:"+currentDate); //getting date format DateFormat dateFormatter = DateFormat.getInstance(); //setting date format in GMT TimeZone dateFormatter.setTimeZone (TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); //passing current date as argument in format function String gmtS = dateFormatter.format(currentDate); //the GMT equivalent time in GMT is System.out.println("THE ... |
14. What is the Data Type for GMT Date and Time? coderanch.comStrictly speaking, there is no Java data type that includes "GMT Date and Time." Java has two classes, Date and Calendar, that can be used to program dates and times. You can find out more about them in the API. I'm curious where you got the expression "GMT Date and Time" and why it's enclosed in quotes. Is it a phrase ... |
15. converting string (GMT date) to date in US time. java-forums.orgI'm trying to convert a string (date in GMT time) to a date and then convert that date from GMT time to US time. Us time depends on facilites local timezone. The date string is parsed from XML message. I retrieve the GMToffset. String gmtFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"; gmtOffSet = "GMT-04:00"; String datein = "2010-10-12T20:01:18.000Z"; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(gmtformat); dateStringin = ... |
16. GMT - date and time. forums.oracle.com |
17. New java.util.Date constructs in GMT, computer is set to EST forums.oracle.comHello friends - Recently upgraded to Vista. Jdk 1.5.04. I know it's old, but I've got a system that is already running on that and a variety of things make it unlikely to change. Anyways, on my local machine, if I create a new java.util.Date, it creates four hours ahead of time; i.e., if it is noon where I am (EST), ... |
18. How can I convert a date to GMT time? forums.oracle.comEr, why aren't you storing your date in the database as a Date type? I think you're asking for trouble trying to store it as a String. If you must, DateFormat has a setTimeZone() method. getTime() returns a long, not an int. Read the javadoc to find out exactly what that value represents. |
19. How to creata a GMT Date forums.oracle.comI agree, it always seems unecessarily painful (I'd probably be willing to concede that it's the sun's fault and not java's though). C#/Net only allows dates in the local OS or GMT. If you want to deal with another timezone (parse or print) you need to use windows API calls (unmanaged code) to do it. And given a timestamp object instance ... |