1. Determine Whether Daylight Savings Time (DST) is Active in Java for a Specified Date stackoverflow.comI have a Java class that takes in the latitude/longitude of a location and returns the GMT offset when daylight savings time is on and off. I am looking for ... |
2. Get Daylight Saving Transition Dates For Time Zones in Java stackoverflow.comI'd like to know the simplest way, in Java, to get a list of dates in the future where daylight savings time will change. One rather inellegant way to do this would ... |
3. Current est time in java with daylight saving stackoverflow.comI stumbled upon this piece of code to get current time in EST with daylight saving. It seems to work fine, when checked on the internet by the time displayed in ... |
4. Joda Time problem with Daylight Saving change and date time parsing stackoverflow.comI have the following problem using Joda Time for parsing and producing date and time around Daylight Saving hours. Here is an example (please, note that March 30th 2008 is Daylight ... |
5. Pattern to parsing datetime with daylight savings time using Joda time stackoverflow.comHow to use joda time to parse a date time value like this "2011-03-01T01:00:00-07:00" Does anyone has any code sample to parse the above datetime pattern? |
6. Date and Daylight Savings Time coderanch.comHi The time I get from the Date method is 1 hour ahead of the time set on my sun box. I am asumming this might have something to do with daylight savings. Does anyone know how I might fix this? I would have imagined that java Date will pick up system time but this doesn't seem to be the case. ... |
7. How to display date in Daylight Savings coderanch.comI need to transfer the date in 'yyyymmdd hh.mm.ss' format to "Tue Jun 12 13:54:42 EDT 2007" format. I have the following code: private String formatTimeStamp(String timeStamp) { StringBuffer tempDate = new StringBuffer(); int year; int day; int month; int hour; int minute; int second; tempDate.append(timeStamp); year = Integer.parseInt(tempDate.substring(0, 4)); month = Integer.parseInt(tempDate.substring(4, 6)); day = Integer.parseInt(tempDate.substring(6, 8)); hour = Integer.parseInt(tempDate.substring(9, ... |
8. Date and Daylight Savings Time coderanch.com |
9. How to get java Date with Daylight savings coderanch.comHello, If i apply daylight savings and e.g selects PST then java new Date() returns wrong time and date. So how can i fix this issue and get date with applying daylight savings. E.g. System.out.println( new Date()); gives me 03:19 AM but current time is 04:19. Your help will be really appreciated. Thank You. Have a Nice Time. -Santosh |
10. difference between dates considering daylight savings forums.oracle.com |
11. java.util.Date and Daylight Savings forums.oracle.comMaybe I'm worrying too much on this, but I'm conscerned about how well java handles the platform changing over for Daylight Savings... I understand that it reflects UTC, but will this ignore the OS handling of daylight savings? More specifically, when running on Windows (specifcally server 2000), will I lose or gain an hour over daylight savings because of how it ... |