Convert 2 « Date Time « Java Data Type Q&A

1. converting string to date

2. string to date conversion

Hi Chiru , Thanks for your reply . I have used the same but i coudnt able to manage. Here is my code and output. public void insertIntoNote(Connection con,String creditWise,String noteDate,String notes){ Statement stmt = null; try{ // //String str_date="11-June-07"; System.out.println("date note :: "+noteDate); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm"); Date date = formatter.parse(noteDate); System.out.println("Date::" +date); out put is : line ...

3. Convert String to Date

4. Gregorian-Hijri Dates Converter JAVA

import java.util.Calendar; /** * Gregorian-Hijri Dates Converter * * * This Code is used to convert Gregorian dates to Hijri Dates * * */ public class DateHigri { static double gmod(double n,double m) { return ((n % m) + m) % m; } static double[] kuwaiticalendar(boolean adjust) { Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); int adj=0; if(adjust){ adj=0; }else{ adj=1; } if (adjust) ...

5. Convert String to Date Issue

Dear All, I am trying to convert the string to date by using the below logic. My actual requiremt is to get the date which five days before than today. Please suggest. Thanks advance. Calendar ca1 = Calendar.getInstance(); ca1.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); int iDay=ca1.get(Calendar.DATE); int iMonth=ca1.get(Calendar.MONTH); // In Current date Add 1 in month int iYear=ca1.get(Calendar.YEAR); String date=iDay+"-"+iMonth+"-"+iYear; System.out.println("date: "+date); SimpleDateFormat sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("dd-mm-yyyy"); ...

6. Date conversion returns wrong value

Long licenseExpireNumber ; Long currentTime; // is initialized somewhere in the code and is Unix time Long license_duration; // is initialized somewhere in the code licenseExpireNumber = Long.valueOf(currentTime + license_duration)/1000; System.out.println("licenseExpireNumber " + licenseExpireNumber); // returns 1305817327 license_expires = new Date(licenseExpireNumber); System.out.println("licenseExpires " + license_expires); //returns Fri Jan 16 04:43:37 EET 1970

7. Convert String to Java Date

8. Difficult trying to convert a String to a Date

I have this String "Fri Dec 04 00:00:00 GMT-05:00 2015" that i get from a web service and i need to parse it to a Date type in this format "YYYY/MM/DD". I'm having trouble trying to create the Date variable and i wish someone can help me to fin a way to make this convertion. I always have trouble dealing with ...

9. Convert time units (not Date conversion)

Hi! I have a time interval of, for example, 90632 secons, and I want to present this in the format: 1 day 1 hour 10 minutes and 32 seconds. Is there anything that can help me with this? I prefer to use a already existing framework, than to write the code from scratch for this. Thanks!

10. Converting a String to a Date

11. how we can convert string to date?

You first need to identify which format your date is in, using the chart on the page Fubarable provided. * Firstly, you have four numbers for the year (2009); that would be represented as four of the letter y. * Next, you have two digits for the month. You can see at the top of that chart that M is the ...

12. convert String date to Date

Hello, I am trying to convert this string formatted date "2010-09-06" to '06-SEP-10' so the oracle database can query from it. Could someone tell me how? I used this but it is not working: // where approvedDateFrom is passed in as "2010-09-06" public void setApprovedDateFrom(String approvedDateFrom) throws ParseException { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("DD-MMM-yy"); Date apprDate = df.parse(approvedDateFrom); this.approvedDateFrom = apprDate; ...

13. String to date conversion

14. Convert String to Date?

I don't use SQL, but I do know that SimpleDateFormat returns a java.util.Date object, which I believe can be turned into a java.sql.Date object by using the latter's constructor that takes a long parameter. Also, please understand that the java.util.Date object that you've created does not have a format. The String that you think is ugly is simply the toString representation ...

15. convert string to a date

So setEnrollmentDate accepts a String, not a Date object -- so then do that -- pass it the String, not a Date object. You can try to validate the input with a SimpleDateFormat object or, since it is a simple validation, use a simple regular expression. But don't use the Date retrieved from the SimpleDateFormat's parse in any of your method ...

16. String to date conversion issue...

17. Related to date conversion

18. Date conversion

hi i have a Date in a String format like 08/07/2008 i e (dd/mm/yyyy) but i want to convert this String Date to a sql Date...but i used this code String stdt = "07/08/2008" java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = java.text.SimpleDateFormate("dd/mm/yyyy"); java.util.Date dt = sdf.parse(stdt); java.sql.Date sqdt = new java.sql.Date(dt.getTime()); still i am getting Wrong Date like Output 2008 - 01 - 07 please ...

19. HI..How to convert date to words

20. convert string to date

Hi, I pick date values from a table model and want to insert them in a csv file. the format of dates in the beginig is like : "2004-05-26 00:00:00" . I have to convert it to "26/05/2004" to have values correctly inserted in the file. I tried : String temp = Tmodel.getValueAt(i, j).toString(); Date d = String.valueOf(temp); or directly d ...

21. String to date conversion

22. I need to convert numbers into letters (dealing with dates),. 3 = March

This is the easiest part of the problem, and the only one I can't solve: Part 3: The student should be prompted to enter an integer for the month and then prompted to enter an integer for the day. (For example, entering "2" for the month and "14" for the day would represent February 14th.) I need to use switches or ...

23. Please help in converting double value to date..

Hi Friends, I have a double value which I am getting from reading the excel file using Apache POI Classes. For example: The date in the excel cell is 12/18/2008 and when reading the cell using the POI class it is returning 39800.0 instead of returning the original excel date 12/18/2008. Basically I need to convert back the double value 39800.0 ...

24. String to Date Conversion

stmt.setDate(1,begDate.valueOf(beg_date)); //stmt.setDate(1, beg_date); stmt.execute(sqlStr); int row = stmt.executeUpdate(); System.out.println(row + " row(s) affected"); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } return true; } } }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } but I am getting error again... [10/25/07 21:20:47:932 IST] 537ef228 SystemOut O DirectDBConnection Connection ...

25. Convert Date to String

26. Converting sting to date

27. How can I get System's Date and Convert it to a String?

Hello there ! I'm having a bit of a problem. Could anyone help me? I want to know how to get Today's Date in a String? Just the Date, and here's the trick.... in this precise Format: MM/dd/yyyy So for today my String should contain the value: "02/02/2007" Please help I am still a learner of the Java programming language. Thanks ...

28. Converting a String into a Date

I have a String that the servlet would take from a form and pass it a method in another class that would except I think you mean "accept". When i try using System.out.println() to print that date in a seperate method i get Thu Oct 11 00:00:00 EDT 2007 which is clearly not what I need (well maybe not to the ...

29. How to handle empty string conversion to date object?

Oh, so you're calling compareTo directly, rather than letting some other sort routine call it for you, which would be the more common case. Okay, then it's trivial, and still the same basic approach I described before. Before calling compareTo, check for null, and if one or both are null, return whatever value is appropriate for your case. For instance, if ...

30. Issue with converting string to date object

31. Date Conversion

timon_zed wrote: Yeah i tried using the rs.getDate("MyDate"); but it still gave me a compile error when trying to parse it to a Date object, saying it cannot find the method parse in the Date.text package. That makes it look like you've been typing random stuff into your text editor and hoping it will compile. First of all if you use ...

32. How do I convert this date to DDMMYYYY

33. Need a help regarding Converting to Date

Instances of java.util.Date contain only the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC. They do not contain a 'format'. Create an instance of java.text.SimpleDateFormat that can be used to parse the original string to a java.util.Date. Create a second instance of SimpleDateFormat that can be used to convert this Date to a String with the desired format. The Javadoc for SimpleDateFormat is ...

34. Converting dates

Thanks for your reply but yes I have to pass it in its original datatype and format since my function is a part of a bigger program. But inside the function I have to convert its format. just to make sure I am doing this right, correct me if I am wrong my function title is like this public static String ...

35. Problem with date convert ion

36. convert String to Date

37. Date convert

/** A calendar formatting object, used throughout. Note that * other forms of the Calendar constructor let you pass in * Locale, TimeZone, or both, or yy,mm,dd,[hh, mm [, ss]] * You can also set your own Daylight Saving rules, fiddle * the Gregorian cutover of 1582, and probably the phase of the moon! */

38. String to Date Conversion

How to convert the string with following pattern "Tue Mar 17 14:24:21 MDT 2009" to the Date format"dd-MMM-yy zone"? Please help... import java.util.*; import java.text.*; public class StringToDate { public static void main(String[] args) { try { String str_date="Tue Mar 17 14:24:21 MDT 2009"; DateFormat formatter ; Date date ; formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy"); date = (Date)formatter.parse(str_date); System.out.println("Date is " +date ...

39. Date and Time Conversion

The pattern isn't irrelevant at all. If you have a string that contains a representation of a date, and you want to parse that string to get a Date object, then you use a SimpleDateFormat, with the correct format, to do the parsing. But why are you retrieving the date as a string anyway, if it's a date in the db? ...

40. String not converting to date

Well, first I searched google for SimpleDateFormat and pattern I then found this: Next, I removed the '/' from the following two statments in your program so I dont have to worry weather or not the regular expression can handle '/' (no point trying to solve two problems at once). String s_date = "05 Feb 12:23 AM"; String pattern = ...

41. Date Conversion

42. Convert date

43. How to convert String to Date

Hello World, I have date in String "mm/dd/yy" format I want to conver it into String format "yyyy-mm-dd". I am doing this like String MY_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd"; Date d = new Date("05/18/05"); String expDate = new SimpleDateFormat(MY_DATE_FORMAT).format(d); System.out.println(expDate); Is there other good way to do this. Because the constructor of Date is depricated now. I have tried parse() method of DateFormat ...

44. How can I convert a String to a date

You've got a Date--d. If you want a Date, that's all you need. If you want a String representation of a Date formatted a certain way, then use d2 as a result of format(), as you are. I'm not totally sure what problem you're having, but at a guess, I'd say you're falling victim to the common misconception that Dates have ...

45. Converting string to util date

46. Date conversion

I have dateString 2008-07-15 16:45, and want to save it as Date in oracle table Here is what I try to do String dateString="2008-07-15 16:45"; java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"); java.util.Date date = sdf .parse(dateString); then do database operation XXX is PO Object ... XXX.setTestDate(date ); ... But the result in table is 15-July-08 How can I guarantee the TestDate ...

47. Re: Strange Date conversion

Strange question: I want to save Date to database table from string which is available by calling web service , then display it in other pages. Here is simple logic: Assume the received date in string is "2008-07-15 16:55" .... String dateString = "2008-07-15 16:55" SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); Date arrivingDate = sdf.parse(dateString.trim()); database update operation: ... xxx.setArrivalDate(arrivingDate); ... then ...

48. Converting String to Date

public Date getDateFromString(String format, String parseDate) { Date d; if(format!=null) { try { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format); d = sdf.parse(parseDate); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); d = null; } return d; } else { try { format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH mm ss"; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format); d = sdf.parse(parseDate); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); System.out.println("The Date was not of ...

49. Isssue in converting miliseconds to date

The problem is that if am trying to assign the value 1213096726598 to a long variable and pass that varible to calendar.setTimeInMillis() it does not work. if i pass System.currentTimeMillis() (Which returns the value 1213096726598 )to calendar.setTimeInMillis() then it works fine. I will get the time in the format of 1213096726598 as input i need to convert it to a date ...

50. converting date into string

51. Converting a Date Object to a Calander Object

String sh = dfh.format(startDate); int shInt = Integer.parseInt(sh); String eh = dfh.format(startDate); int ehInt = Integer.parseInt(eh); int ydif = eyInt - syInt; int mdif = emInt - smInt; int ddif = edInt - sdInt; int hdif = ehInt - shInt; int dif = ((ydif*365)+(mdif*30)+ddif)*24+hdif); System.out.println("Difference in hours : " + dif );

52. string to date conversion

Hi, i hav time as String time ="14:45:21" i want to convert this string into date i m using this SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); Date date = format.parse(time); so i m getting output like Thu Jan 01 14:45:21 PST 1970 i want output like in current date plz tell me where i m doing mistake why it is in 1970?????????and ...

53. date conversion?

54. Convert String ("2008-Mar-25 08:33:36") to Date 2008-Mar-25 08:33:36

I have a Date in String format. I need to convert it to Date in the same format. As in the subject the String is "2008-Mar-25 08:33:36" ; I need to convert it to a Date in the same format. Is there any way of doing it? I tried: DateFormat toSdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mmm-dd hh:mm:ss"); Date d = toSdf.parse("2008-Mar-25 08:33:36");// At ...

55. Convert Time and Date

Hai buddys.... I am developing a attendance system to a company..... I used a card machine to get the attendance record for each employee and it provided me a .txt tile which contain some text fields... I read the file and stored the records to collection classes (HashMap and LinkedList) Now the issue is convert those record to real time data ...

56. date conversion

here i am getting the current date from Date object and i am passing this date object to SimpleDateFormatter.format() method, and i am getting the formatted date with string return type as "06-Mar-2008", i need this format with java.sql.Date object, i am able to conver this string into sql date object but the format its displaying is different. but i need ...

57. date conversion

58. How convert string into a Date object?

59. Convert a date to string

60. Date conversion problem

61. conversion GregorianCalendar to Date

62. convert double to Date

As I recall Excell dates are number of days since 1-1-1900, except that they mistakenly took 1900 to be a leap year, which it wasn't, making them 1 too low. Now java dates are based on the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970. So all you should need to do is to add one, multiply them by the number of milliseconds in ...

63. Converting String to Date

64. How to convert string to date

Hi All, the date format which is coming is of type below "2002-05-30T09:30:10-06:00" but this tyoe is not constant it may shange such as "2002-05-30Z09:30:10-04:00" or "2002-05-30" or "2002-05-30 09:30:10" so Can u pls help me ASAP ? here the pattern we have to decide is dynamic so pls do the needful. pls give me the code snippet

65. convert date into string

67. Convert String to Date ??

68. convert a string of date to date object

69. Convert String to Date

70. String to Date Conversion!!

The documentation for SimpleDateFormat states: "It allows for formatting (date -> text), parsing (text -> date), and normalization." I am guessing that normalization means what is happening here. In fact you are not getting a junk date, the parsing of the incorrect date supplied is converted back to a valid date. As an example, consider the date 32/12/2007, if you parse ...

71. String to Date Conversion!!

First, don't double post it's considered rude. Second, please do use code tags when you post code it makes it much easier to read. Third, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with your code. SimpleDateFormat doesn't do anything to validate that the information it was given is in fact a valid date. It blithely attempts (and rightly so) to convert whatever it's given ...

72. Convert FILETIME to

73. Convert given integer to date.

I am sorry for not being more specific.. basically this method returns the year from a given number. The base date is 01/01/1900. How would I go about developing another two different methods.. one that returns the day and the other that returns the month. What I want to do is separate year, month, and day from a given number/integer. Example: ...

74. Converting string to Date

75. convert long to date

76. converting String to date object

77. Date conversion program

78. Convert a string to a Date

I have a string object. String s = "2006-12-26 17:33:36" How can I create a date object from that string? I tried Date date = new Date(s); But that looks like a deprecated method. What is the best way ? Im using mysql db and their the type of the column is datetime. But I can store their if I can ...

79. convert String to date

Sort of. It's in the assumption that Date.toString() in any way cares about any date format. It doesn't. If you want a Date as a formatted String, use SimpleDateFormat.format(). So you might also want to consider storing a Date in your DB right away instead of a String. Dates are dates, not text. Furthermore, java.util.Date dab = new java.util.Date(); will lead ...

80. Date Conversion

Hi all I am sure that this is a quite simple task, and I am just not thinking of the right thing. I want to convert a string which will have the format of "dd-mmm-yyyy" into an sql date so that I can run it against a database. The only thing that has come to mind is to switch around the ...

81. date conversion

82. how to convert String date to Date object.

83. How do i convert string to date?

84. date conversion

85. how to convert string to date

86. convert from String to Date

88. Convert string to date

I want a string, which is a valid date, to be parsed. Unfortunately I can't figure out the right pattern to get the job done. That is my code sofar: String dateString = "**Sat May 22 00:00:00 CEST 1993**"; Date date = null; DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); try { date = df.parse(dateString); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ae) { System.out.println("Illegal argument: " + ...

89. string to date conversion fix

Hi, I dont've much of the experience with java, but i'm using it for quite a few days in my ETL tool. I'm facing a scenario where i've to split a string variable and store it to a Date variable My String data would be like this - "10/10/2011####09/10/2012" So My two date fields shoud have the values date1 = 10/10/2011 ...