1. Java date format to JavaScript date format stackoverflow.comI would like to be able to convert a Java date format string, e.g. dd/MM/yyyy (07/06/2009) to a JavaScript date format string, e.g. dd/mm/yy (07/06/2009). Has anyone done this before, or ... |
2. Java date format - including additional characters stackoverflow.comIs there an equivalent to php date() style formatting in Java? I mean, in php I can backslash-escape characters to have them treated literally. I.e. yyyy \y\e\a\r would become 2010 year. ... |
3. Help needed in formatting date in Java stackoverflow.comHi I have the following date as String format. Input
Output I want the string like
Can someone tell me how to do it ?
4. How to define the date format? stackoverflow.comI have the |
5. Format date in Java stackoverflow.comI have the following string:
I need to format it into a string like this:
How do I do it in Java?
6. Comparing 2 dates using following format yyyy:MM:dd hh:mm:ss stackoverflow.comI need to compare two dates along with time portion. I need to check it upto hh:mm:ss only. Can any one suggest any util i can use for it or any suggestion ... |
7. what is the date format of "22:40:29.668 EET Sun Jan 02 2011" in java? stackoverflow.comwhat is the date format of "22:40:29.668 EET Sun Jan 02 2011" in java. what i nedded is to know the format of this date ex. format of 12/12/2011 is dd/mm/yyyy. ... |
8. how can I format a date in java with "ff"? stackoverflow.comI'm trying to print a date with the following format:
I'm using SimpleDateFormatter .
It fails because it can't recognize "ff" .
Is there another formatter that can?
Or any other way to do it?
9. Java date format stackoverflow.comHave String str "May 23 2011 12:20:00", want to convert it to date such this:
It always gives me ParseException Unparsable date format: 'May 23 ... |
10. Why does DateFormat#format accept int parameter? stackoverflow.comI have this class:
11. What is the DateFormat.MEDIUM format's format? coderanch.comThanks Joanne, this is what I came up with : Date now = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = null; Locale[] localeList = DateFormat.getAvailableLocales(); for (int i = 0; i < localeList.length; i++) { Locale locale = localeList[i]; if (locale.getLanguage().equals("en")) { sdf = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale); String trim=" "; String t = locale.toString()+trim; System.out.print(t.substring(0,20)); t = sdf.toPattern()+trim; System.out.print(t.substring(0,20)); t = sdf.format(now)+trim; System.out.println(t.substring(0,20)); ... |
12. DateFormat.format unexpected side effect coderanch.comWhile using a SimpleDateFormat and a couple of GregorianCalendar objects in what I thought was a simple piece of code, I came across something that was quite unexpected. When I would call DateFormat.format, one of my Calendar objects would get updated to reflect the Date passed into the function. After a lot of unfruitful searching and testing I found that the ... |
13. DateFormat.format() hour minute separator forums.oracle.com |
14. How to format a short date as YYYY forums.oracle.comBut then I will have to hard-code the style in the source code as 'MM/dd/YYYY' or 'dd/MM/YYYY', which is not desirable. I need the formatted date to follow the users' preferences that they enter in their OS according to their taste dd/MM/YYYY or MM/dd/YYYY or whatever else they prefer. Right now, if I change my preferences in my OS and set ... |