String « Date Time Format « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Parsing a String into Date with DateFormat not parsing correctly

I've been searching all over and just can't find a explanation or reason why this is happening but the parse(String) method of DateFormat just isn't parsing my String correctly. I'm trying to ...

2. Returning a date format from an unknown format of date string in java

Possible Duplicate:
Parse any date in Java
Suppose we have a string of date in a format (unknown to the user). Examples of acceptable dates that ...

3. generically parsing String to date

I'm communication with a web service and it the json response has dates in it. the problem is those dates are in different formats. is there a generic way to parse ...

4. Date(dateFormat.parse("string date").getTime()) Error

i have a string date 2020-01-14 00:00:00.0 when i convert this string date using new java.sql.Date(dateFormat.parse("2020-01-14 00:00:00.0").getTime()) this will result the date as 0019-07-13 i am not getting how it is converting the ...

5. How to transfer this string to dateformat

I tried to use SimpleDateFormat to do the work, but I don't know how to handle the T in the string "2008-08-01T15:47:00.557", can anyone help me with this?

6. Is is possible to allow multiple date format strings pass DateFormat.parse?

I'm trying to use DateFormat.parse to validate a date in the 20/12/08 format. I would like to allow users to input 20-12-08 or 20 12 08. The code currently looks like this: formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SMALL, US); It is currently throwing an exception if 10-12-08 is sent in where as 10/12/08 works just fine. Is there a alternate us locale that is ...

7. DateFormat.parse( String s ) != DateFormat.format( Date d )

But why doesn't it read in the timezone from the original string. It did, when it parsed it into a Date object, to produce the correct offset from epoch which the Date object represents (Date objects don't contain timezones, just an offset from epoch). I don't want to set the timezone, but the resultant string should simply be of the same ...